Happy 100…to me!

As this is my 100th post I thought it might be interesting to take a look at my blogging journey so far….blah, blah, blah…who really cares about my blogging journey…apart from maybe me?

So I will indulge myself with a trip down memory lane….I can just remember when I started blogging, back in May 2012.

I’m not a prolific blogger, I don’t plan things much, apart from my Friday 50 word wrap-ups and that’s more for me to look back on and remember what I’ve done each week 🙂

I like reading other peoples blogs more than my own and I’m not really into getting masses of followers. That said, I am aware of the stats and check them periodically. I know my most widely read posts but never work out how to replicate that popularity. I believe there is a support post somewhere on WordPress that tells me that but I never seem to have enough time to go looking for these sorts of things. I think I’m doing well enough with my followers who either read my posts…or not.

I’m into randomness and yes to those serious bloggers this is nearly a heretical statement. If I feel like blogging I will, if I take a good picture that I want to share I will, if I write something personal it’s just between you and me right?

I have enjoyed the creative process of writing and taking pictures on my phone and then sharing them with random people out there. I like participating in the weekly photo and writing challenges from time to time and am always very surprised when people look at them, like them and even take the time to comment on them. I have diiscovered that there is a whole other world out there of bloggers who are a mix of support crew, family, friends and who are just a bit like me!  We all blog for different reasons and create things in our own way.

I’ve written about and posted photos on many topics in my 99 posts to date: happy things, sad times, personal issues, my joy of rediscovering running, my passion for a rail trail in my town, cycling, my odd fashion sense, books I’ve read, sunsets, sunrises, cloud formations, flowers, spring, winter, autum, summer, walking, challenges, my Rotary involvement, youth exchange students, my travels and the list goes on. My proudest posts are still those about my daughters and my family.

My blog has always been about my world and I hope to continue sharing my world, whether or not anyone is reading!!  I try not to take myself too seriously (as shown by my photo in the princess tent), but sometimes life gets serious and I’m willing to tackle that when needed.

All in all I’m happy with my progress to date and would like to take this opportunity to wish myself a Happy 100 posts to Deb’s World 🎉🎉

It's official!!
It’s official!!

14 Replies to “Happy 100…to me!”

  1. Congrats on your 100th post! I like that you post about many different aspects of your life when you feel inspired to do so. It is always a pleasure to see what you are up to in your part of the world 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is a nice landmark. I’ve been blogging for over three years now, and done over 300 hundred posts, and I always mark these landmarks with a post as you have done. It is a nice feeling and I hope you get to celebrate it a lot. I’ve developed lots of observations on blogging, which I realise no one is interested in and , like you, I am surprised by the posts which work and those which go largely unnoticed. To mark the occasion I am going to start following you, and hope to get a greater sense of your writing and interest over the next 100 broadcasts 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for your comment and the follow Peter. It’s always good to find other bloggers who understand and can relate to our blogging selves. I have also been to your page, followed you back and I enjoyed reading a few of your recent posts. 🙂


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