I hate edges – no seriously, I do!

On the edge

An edge, a precipice, a narrow ridge – these are all things I really don’t like. I hate being close to the edge, climbing over rocks, cliffs, drops, narrow paths that wind up and down over mountainous passes, suspension bridges, jumping over gaps – get the drift? Ask anyone who knows me and they will agree, I nearly freeze in these situations.

And yet I have pushed myself to walk in the Himalayas in Nepal, along the Kokoda Track’s jungle ridges in Papua New Guinea, abseiled over cliffs, cycled along scary tracks and skied down steep slopes in Italy.

So here is my photo for today’s Photography 101 Day 18 theme of Edge. It’s a picture of Cheddar Gorge in England which has some impressive edges. I can’t make myself get too close to the edge to take a photo so I took this looking back over towards the cliffs we had just walked around. I’m one of those people who tell complete strangers to move back if I think they are too close to the edge and I even feel myself leaning backwards when I see someone too close.  It’s weird I know but I can’t stop myself from doing it!

I love the natural lines created in these pictures and the sight of the rugged edges. I really do have an issue with edges, believe me!  Is there anyone else who feels the same as me??

Impressive cliffs
Impressive cliffs
Impressive edges
Impressive rocks with natural straight lines
There were many very scary bridges to cross
There were many very scary bridges to cross in Nepal but I conquered my fears

Debbie 🙂

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9 Replies to “I hate edges – no seriously, I do!”

  1. thank yo ufor this and don’t worry I added it in and i feel exactly the same as yo uas i suffer from vertigo, see i cant even type straight now i am reading this post the photographs are making me dizzy lol. Thank you so much and the pics are great btw, goodness knows how you took them hehe xx

    Liked by 1 person

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