Black and white photography challenge (take 2): Day 4

I have always liked dead trees. One of my earliest memories from when I was in primary school is a painting I did for my grandparents – it was a picture of a dead tree and they liked it so much they had it framed and hung it in their entrance hall so that everyone who came into their house couldn’t help but see my painting.  I was thrilled to bits and to this day whenever I see a dead tree I think of that story.

So today when I was out running and thinking and looking for inspiration for today’s black and white photo challenge, I saw this beautiful old tree (which I see every time I go running on that route), and today it resonated for some reason.  Maybe because of the light, the time of the day I was out or I just saw a beautiful dead tree and thought of my early painting story.

So I present my dead tree for today’s entry.  I hope you like it!

I seem to have a theme happening in this challenge if it’s not sunflowers, it’s trees…I’ll have to try and mix it up for my final day of the challenge tomorrow!


A beautiful dead tree standing tall
A beautiful dead tree standing tall


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Deb 🙂

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