A mystery wrapped in an enigma – who me? 

Tell us something most people probably don’t know about you. 

Some people may know that I was awarded a Commendation for Brave Conduct from the Queen when I was a teenager, as it is listed on my About Me page.


When asked why I got the award,  I never quite know how to respond. I don’t think I was particularly brave, I just did what had to be done without really thinking about it. I also wasn’t the only one involved.

I don’t like talking about the accident, (on 11 May 1978 in Noumea, New Caledonia), that resulted in the award because I know that once I start talking, I’m back ‘there’, despite the many years that have passed since then. The mind is an amazing thing. The Commendation was actually presented to me on 8 October 1979  at an official award ceremony at Government House, Sydney, by Sir Roden Cutler (Governor of NSW) on behalf of the Queen.

The thing that people probably don’t know is that I also bought my wedding dress on the day of the award presentation.

My mother & I popped to the shops and without too much fuss I decided on a dress and that was that!  My fiancé was at the award ceremony as well, but neither of us can remember what he did while we went shopping. We were married in the following January and I can report that we are still happily married!

Written in response to the Daily Post prompt on 28 May 2015.

16 Replies to “A mystery wrapped in an enigma – who me? ”

    1. Thanks, it’s from just a few years ago! That’s what being an enigma is all about. I thought the most interesting point about this post would be buying my wedding dress on the same day as getting a bravery award but perhaps not!

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    1. Thanks Maggie. You are right, it is still fresh in my mind despite the passage of years. I think we all have stories in our lives that others don’t know about. Writing this post appealed to me as soon as I saw the prompt., maybe I needed to share it for some reason.

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