Mundane Monday Challenge – 2 favourites

Two of my favourite things are reading and drinking tea and here they both are!


I like the simple crispness of this photo. It’s an otherwise very ordinary photo but it appeals to me!

Mundane Monday Challenge is hosted by PhoTrablogger on a Monday (funny that!).  There are always interesting links to other Mundane Monday posts to have a look at at his weekly post.

It’s…a challenge created to find beauty in almost everything.

The challenge is simple : find beauty in everyday mundane things, capture the beauty and upload the photographs.

Hope your Mundane Monday has been kind to you.

Deb 🙂

PS. I’ve just updated my ‘Bookspage where I list everything I read during the year.  I’ve broken it into books I read in 2014/15 and started a new page for 2016.  Do you record these sorts of things too?

12 Replies to “Mundane Monday Challenge – 2 favourites”

    1. Thanks for the reply and the link Andrew. I like how you’ve got the covers of the books displayed. Are they just from the the internet somewhere? It is hard work keeping up to date but worth it when I have time to do it – like now as I’m on holidays 🙂
      I also note you use Blurb to make travel books. My husband and i do the same thing after each trip away and it’s a great record.


  1. I don’t record them, but I think I would feel happy if, at the end of the year I saw a list of my reading. Sub in coffee, and we’re soul sistas. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. My hubby doesn’t either…he’s a diet soda guy. I do like tea as well, though. My friend Mel got me “Downton Abbey Christmas Tea” for Christmas. It’s yummy!

        Liked by 1 person

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