iPhriday – phoam roller phun

foam roller

It’s Phriday and time for a photo from my phone.

This morning started early – very early!  My gym class starts at 6am on Fridays, so I had to be up (and awake) early. This morning was Metafit – a 30 minute high intensity workout followed by 30 minutes of foam roller fun. Whoever named it ‘fun’ needs their head read!  You should hear the soundtrack of my moaning and groaning that accompanies me in these sessions. It was a great way to start the day and hopefully I won’t be too sore tomorrow!

My photo today is of my foam roller – renamed phoam roller – in view of the fact that today is Phriday! Its not the best or most interesting photo but really – who cares when it’s so much phun!!

Just for your interest the gym is a big shed and the doors at the end open to let the morning in. Here’s a photo I took a few months ago which shows the effect.


Lisa from GrayDaysandCoffee started iPhriday.  It’s all about sharing photos taken with a mobile phone, on a Friday. Everybody is welcome to join in. We are all phriends here.

You can see my previous iPhriday posts by clicking this link – iPhriday posts.

Enjoy your weekend Pholks!

Deb 🙂

7 Replies to “iPhriday – phoam roller phun”

    1. Not much chance of that Miriam as I’m off to Brisbane for the week to look after my baby bear who had surgery this week. A change of scenery and being with her will be good break though. Thanks!!

      Liked by 1 person

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