My dam runneth over


We have had so much rain lately we now have water views on our property!  This dam never holds much water and even when it does fill up it doesn’t stay around for very long as the water just drains away. It’s a great sight to see!

Life has been a bit difficult lately as I’ve not been well; it’s been very wet, cold and miserable; there seems to be so much conflict everywhere; other family issues are affecting me and I just seem to have lost interest in many of the things I normally enjoy.

This post is to recognise that my dam runneth over. I realise that it’s OK to not be OK sometimes and I’m not responsible for everyone and everything that happens. I know I put too much pressure on myself.

So I’ll enjoy the water views while I have them.

Hope you are all doing well, I’ve missed being around.



12 Replies to “My dam runneth over”

    1. Thanks Ruth, it is hard to say these things out loud as you say. I’m trying to work through things and felt I had to be honest with myself first if I’m to move on. I’m sure I’ll regain balance, I’m working hard on it 😊. I really appreciate your comment and your understanding.

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  1. Definitely all right not to be ok all the time Deb. sometimes life just seems to be a big weight on the shoulders. Add not feeling well and that’s a full plate. Sending positive energy across the miles and hoping your days look brighter soon.

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  2. I popped over to ‘Deb’s World’ thinking I must’ve missed some posts….it is ok to not be ok but I hope that you are feeling better. Our dams are full here too, the gates are open because they are too full. Sometimes a little bit of capacity left unfilled is a good thing both in life and in dams. Here’s to wishing you some room to breathe lovely Debbie x

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    1. Thanks so much Annie, your thoughtfulness always means a lot to me. I’m slowly getting there but it’s not been much fun lately. I agree about the unfilled capacity and like that thought.
      I have enjoyed your Gold Coast pics immensely!! X

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    1. Thanks, I’m slowly starting to feel better and am getting back into things. I do try to be positive, so thanks for recognising this about me.
      I’m looking forward to meeting up with you in a few weeks time. Xx

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