Things are looking up – Weekly Photo Challenge

Hey you – look up!

I always enjoy visiting the city, the buildings seem to close in on us at times but it’s always lovely to see the bright blue sky. I like to think that I’m a positive person and love to look up with wonder at the world above me wherever I am.

When I’m in my normal habitat I often find myself looking up and taking shots of the treetops, the sky, the clouds….

These are just a few of my fave shots from when I’ve been out walking/running in the forest.  It’s good to stop sometimes and take the time to look up and around.  I always enjoy taking in my surroundings and feel lucky to live in such a beautiful place.

This post is in response to the weekly photo challenge prompt of Look Up.

This week is all about taking a moment to check out what’s going on above you.

I can honestly say that things are looking up!

Deb 🙂


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