I admit to being confused

OK, I need some advice fellow bloggers….

I’m feeling confused!

In my recent dealings with lots of blogging groups, Facebook and on other social media platforms, I have read a variety of posts on the subject of, surprise, surprise…..blogging.

The Big Trout
I admit to feeling like a fish out of water!

Now I am not all that new to blogging, so I do have my own opinions and ideas.  I never push my ideas onto my readers preferring to talk generally and highlight the subjects I enjoy blogging about.  I make lots of mistakes and do lots of things wrong according to a recent post I read and I am feeling a bit disillusioned, confused and anxious about it all.

I have a few points I need help on:

  • I don’t seem to have a niche – apart from travel and lifestyle blogging.  Do I need a more defined niche in order to continue?
  • I am not trying to make any money out of blogging – is there any point in continuing?
  • My aim is to share information on travel destinations, lifestyle choices, life after being made redundant, adventures you can have as you age, books, observations on life…that sort of thing.  Is there any point?
  • I am worried my blog is too narcissistic – a recent post I read suggested bloggers should not blog about themselves.   Maybe I’m shallow but I certainly hope I don’t come across as narcissistic.  Your opinion is appreciated.
  • I enjoy interacting with others in similar positions to me – should I be doing more, offering advice perhaps or changing my modus-operandi?  Again is there any point?
  • I’m not trying to skyrocket my stats, just maintain a loyal group of similar minded bloggers  – am I unusual?  Should I even be here?
  • I don’t google what headlines to use, what keywords to use, I don’t have incentives to offer and OMG don’t get me started on making Pinterest graphics horizontal as opposed to vertical… WT#@&??
  • Some say you should tag your posts, others say not to.  Some swear by posting regularly some say it doesn’t matter, it’s the quality that counts…..blah blah blah!

My point is – this is my blog, it’s my part of the internet where I can share my world – yes MY WORLD!  If I make a connection with you as a fellow blogger I am a loyal blogging friend,  I rarely unfollow a blog once I start to follow and I reply to just about every comment that is left for me.

I enjoy comments, I enjoy reading blogs and I love learning about other people’s lives – the good and the bad stuff.

I may or may not share an opinion on a subject but it’s up to me to decide what I write about.  I’m not going to follow all these ‘rules’ of blogging just to fit in with other people’s ideas of what blogging should be about.  There are more than enough bloggers offering advice out there and so I am not going to join that particular niche market.

I admit to getting tired of reading all the blogs on how to improve your writing, your stats and what not to do to be successful and what you need to do to be a blogging superstar!  I know some of these can be helpful tips and I have used some over the years but at the moment I’m feeling a bit confused and overwhelmed by it all!

Maybe I should just stop reading these sorts of posts?

I blog because:

  • I enjoy writing and participating in writing and photo challenges
  • I enjoy sharing photos from my iPhone (not even a proper camera)
  • I enjoy meeting others in similar situations and reading experiences
  • I love to travel and talking about great places to visit

Being made redundant in one career is enough – am I a redundant blogger too?

I’m interested to hear what you think on this subject – am I alone in wanting to be a nondescript blogger?  Does this say more about me than anything else?

I admit to feeling confused about my blogging future and perhaps I am doubting my purpose.  I know others have struggled with these sorts of thoughts before and I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Suzie’s posts on the subject of blogging – in fact she helps me keep it all in perspective.  Maybe I’m just having one of ‘those’ days.

Any thoughts out there?



Midlife, Travel and Adventure - a blogger's journey
Midlife, Travel and Adventure

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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

124 Replies to “I admit to being confused”

  1. I think you’re blogging for all the right reasons – or at least the same reasons I do. For the satisfaction of writing something that someone else wants to read. To post pictures of beautiful places I’ve been privileged to see that someone else may enjoy. To share my cats and stories and whatever else strikes my fancy. And to interact with other bloggers who do the same! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m right there with you on all of those questions Debbie! I think we approach blogging in very similar ways (no plans to make money, no niche – but travel and lifestyle are areas I cover too, just writing about whatever I want to write about) and I feel a lot of the same confusion. I try to avoid blog posts that tell me how I should be doing it because I usually don’t share the same aims, and sometimes I feel like the suggestions go against my values in terms of what I want my blog to be. I go through phases of feeling like I really know what I’m doing, to not having a clue (like right now). But over nearly 5 years, I’ve never given up, and I think that’s what’s most important!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Hannah, I realised after writing this post earlier last year that I’m not alone in my blogging confusion and am so glad others, like you, can relate to it. I’ve since stopped reading, for the most part, these types of posts and the weight lifted from my shoulders. I blog for me, it’s my world after all! Keep on blogging is my only advice these days 🙂


  3. Oh wow. I blog just once a week, I have no ads or hopes of making any money, and only write about myself. I am such a loser! But I sure do like writing my blog posts. And I like it that (a few, not many, but choice!) people read what I write and enjoy it. So hey. Hang in there!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. May I just say, “Amen?” I blog for enjoyment and to share what I wish to share that I think even one person might find interesting or funny or clever. Or just to show a photo I like and write a piece to go with it. Each person can be free to blog whatever without feeling like we all need to produce the same product. Where’s the fun is that? For all blogs to be the same style. For all to simply make money and have a kazillian followers. I love seeing a good piece written by a new blogger who will appreciate my reading, liking, commenting, and especially my following. It might just make their day better. And so I do much what you do. Do my own thing. I hope to turn my own thing into a book before this year’s end. I don’t expect to sell a ton of books but I will be proud to know I finally did it. And if a few people outside my immediate people get a chuckle from it that is icing on the cake. So keep on doing your thing. Know you have me as a fan. Have a lovely day. Please excuse any typos. I’m lying in bed being lazy looking at my tiny print without glasses. I hope I’m not auto corrected and cursing up a storm. Ha.

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    1. Thanks so much for your comment Lisa! I’m so glad to hear about your book project, well done to you for being creative and doing your thing! I agree if we were all the same it would be a very boring blogging world. I’m thrilled to have you as a fan 😊👋 I’m lying in bed too but I’m about to go to sleep, so wishing you a happy Sunday ahead. You’ve certainly made me smile with your comments 😀

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  5. OH MY GOSH, I loved reading through both your post and all the comments here. I think Hugh sums it all up so nicely. Some blogs I read for information–like when I need to know what type of backpack to buy or the best wine to go with sea bass. Other blogs I read because it’s a way to get invited to someone’s house without having to dress up or worry if everyone can eat non-dairy whip topping in the dessert I made to share. In other words, blogging to me is a way to share a unique perspective on the world, to both enrich my own life, and perhaps those who stop by for a read. I love your blog because I can feel your warm heart in every post.

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  6. Debbie – this was the perfect post to read after your most recent post (#6 Tips on How NOT to make money or get a gazillion views in your first month of blogging). If the things you mention in this post are the wrong way to go about blogging – I’m doing it wrong too. But, after reading your most recent post (mentioned above), I know you’re enjoying your blogging, and so am I – so I guess we’re doing something right, correct? I really enjoy reading your blogs, and I think it’s easy to connect with your posts. Keep it up!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Erin. I deliberately decided to choose that throwback post as my latest one fitted in with it so well! I;m glad you read both and can see the enjoyment I get from blogging, just like you do! We really are doing something right if that’s the case, so keep going!! I appreciate your comment and kind words about my blog 🙂 All the best to you in your blogging journey, you’ve achieved a lot with being featured on Discover, huge congrats again for that 🙂


  7. I blog irregularly. That’s not good so I’m told.
    I blog to please myself, if I can entertain myself I hope others may like it – a bit.
    No one can tell you what to do.
    Rules were made to be broken 😀

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  8. Ha! You were getting a lot of bad information. The original purpose of a blog is to journal. You don’t need a specific niche. Tags are what get you seen in the WordPress Reader! 14 or less. Although it picks up the keywords in your title.

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  9. I complete agree with your reasons for blogging Debbie. I have no niche, no desire to make a living from blogging and nope I don’t get Pinterest either. I do it because I like writing & connecting with people. And that’s worth so much more than high stats. However, I do sometimes question my blogging & think that’s natural. It’s good to sometimes reevaluate what one does. Keep being you. I love your blog and I love your voice. You always come across so well x

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Aah good! Oh I also meant to say, I can’t stand those blog posts who tell people how to blog and what they’re doing wrong either. Blogging is such an individual thing. People should just do what works for them.

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  10. Debs, don’t change we all have our own reasons for blogging and if it makes us happy then why stop?..You are doing it for yourself and we all love your blogs…I have given up reading all these you must do this because it confuses the bejesus out of this old girl..only so much my grey mater can absorb and remember…Yes, I would like to make a little pocket money but at my own pace and as it comes …I can’t compete with big bloggers and from what I have heard it can be quite competitive for want of a better word and that’s not me… Stay true to yourself 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Deb……I love this post and for that you have got yourself follower! I have just started blogging again and this time aim to keep it up and I have all these questions. I’ve done so much searching for advice and the answers really took all the fun out of blogging. Then I found you and this post 🙌🙌 It’s like you’ve climbed into my mind and written the questions that have been occupying it for sometime. Thank you for making me feel less alone. I say keep doing what makes you feel happy – if I feel the same way as you I’m sure there’s other bloggers out there that are the same 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  12. From my perspective travel and lifestyle IS a niche. I write about everything down to my belly button lint. Literal navel gazing. Not seeking to earn money is a HUGE plus. It means you can ignore SEO, forget tagging, write whatever headline you want and write whenever and whatever you want. I think you already have the answers that you seek. You enjoy writing and clearly 85 comments and 52 likes show that people enjoy reading. That is if you care about stats. Which you don’t need to!!! You are in a great position in the blogging universe. Write on.


  13. I would say, quit reading those posts! Your blog is yours to write exactly the way you want to. When I started out, I tried to follow all the advice out there as well, and it was just too confusing. These days, I don’t bother. And I’m enjoying my blog so much more!

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  14. I’ve been asking myself the same questions lately. My 11-year-old daughter was even giving me advice on the subject and suggested I stick to one idea. But I can’t! I have to enjoy writing and if it becomes too prescribed, I lose interest and I’m sure I’m not the only one. I like to go against the flow and maybe that’s why I don’t have many followers at all but I think it’s important to be yourself. But, that’s just one opinion in an ocean of them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s very important to just be yourself and I think wiring this post and getting such great feedback, has reinforced this even more. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment 🙂 Enjoy your writing for what it gives you.

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  15. Thanks Sue, sorry for the late reply but your message was in the spam folder for some reason. I’m reassured to read your comment and the fact that you also struggle with these things makes me feel a bit better about it all. Your blog is great and you have such a positive story to tell, it really is helping people. We seem to get to that point sometimes, when being bombarded with advice and tips that we forget what we’re actually doing and why. You explain it very well and I’m so pleased to hear it from you. Thanks for your encouragement and support, I truly appreciate it.


  16. Oh Debbie I have felt the same way for two years! When I first started my blog I was enthusiastic and was going to make my mark. I actually spent money on blogging courses and learned what you should and shouldn’t do. It all became so confusing and I felt myself becoming more disheartened – I didn’t have the stats I should have, or I felt myself comparing my blog to others. I questioned why I was doing it. But each time I went to give it up I found I couldn’t because I do enjoy my blog. I have finally accepted that I am not in it for the money and so what if I get 1 pageview or 1,000 (never happened by the way LOL:) I think we worry to much or are bombarded with so much information on blogging that we lose sight of the big picture. I want to connect with my readers and be me and if only I like what I write then so be it!
    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyond.

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  17. Everyone has opinions and prescriptions for how things should be done. Rules. Formulas. If I had to think of something to describe your blog it would be a patchwork quilt. Different things that fit together and make something beautiful. I like your reasons for blogging, they sound perfect to me.

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  18. I really wouldn’t worry about it too much. If you enjoy creating a community and blogging just for fun then you should very well do that. I’ve learned to ride with the waves rather than control the tide in my life. What works for me doesn’t necessarily mean that it’ll work for you. The first three years of my blogging life was done for fun.

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  19. The number of times I’ve been told that my blog should be about one subject because that’s how it is, Deb. I came to blogging because I wanted to write about anything that I found interesting. As you know, my blog includes flash fiction, short stories, photography, music and I’ve even had the odd go at poetry. It’s your blog and nobody should tell you how it should be written or what you should publish on it. Go with what you came here to do in the first place. I’d never have believed when I first started to blog that I’d be offering help and advice to people about blogging. However, what works for me isn’t going to work for everyone and that’s what I am always telling myself even when it comes to the subject of a post I’m about to publish.

    From time to time, we all doubt ourselves and ask ourselves why we are doing what we are doing. I write, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to ever write an opera. Whereas, Fred writes, and he’s had several of his opera’s produced on stage. I don’t know Fred (he’s made up), but he’s a writer like me, and I guess what I am trying to say is that we may all have a similar interest, but it doesn’t mean we’re going to enjoy what each other writes and how they do it. What’s the saying? “Variety is the spice of life.”

    I enjoy your blog because it’s you. You’re unique and that’s why I come here every now and again to read your posts. Keep on being you and doing what you enjoy doing and you’ll continue to be a winner. 😀

    I hope I haven’t confused things, Deb. I, sometimes, have a habit of doing that.
    Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks again Hugh, don’t worry you haven’t confused me any further! I love the comment from a blogging friend who said my blog reminds her of a patchwork quilt – it all comes together in the end! I enjoy so many blogs from real people, including yours of course, and I agree variety is the spice of life. I’ve been humbled by the comments from bloggers who ask themselves similar questions, have doubts and wonder what the hell they’re doing – I’m feeling so much better about it all as a result. Your continued support is much appreciated 😊😊😊

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  20. Fantastic, somebody on the same wavelength as me. I’ve had similar questions. If you enjoy writing your blog, you should continue. Also, I love to read personal blogs because they are so much more authentic and frankly, interesting. Blogs were originally supposed to be personal logs about life. Great post. Ax

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Andrea! I do enjoy writing my blog, so I’ll stay doing it the way I like it 😊 I also love reading personal blogs and agree with you that they’re much more authentic. I’m always glad to hear others have similar questions about blogging and we all question ourselves at times don’t we? Keep going….

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