Do you think you could live without the colour green in your life?

Green is more than just a colour – just ask the Irish!

It’s 17 March today which means it’s St Patrick’s Day, a day when the world tends to celebrate anything remotely related to being Irish. So get ready for a sea of green with green beer, green faces, green hats, green shamrocks, green beards, green clothes, green everything! I must admit I’ve often wondered why.

StPatrick’s revellers thought wearing green made one invisible to leprechauns, fairy creatures who would pinch anyone they could see (anyone not wearing green). People began pinching those who didn’t wear green as a reminder that leprechauns would sneak up and pinch green-abstainers.

Google search

Come for a walk with the green shirted Kokoda trekkers

Going green is important! These students, and their leaders, are part of a group who are heading over to Papua New Guinea in a few weeks time to walk the famous Kokoda Track. They have been training for months as well as fundraising and maintaining their school work.

They participated in the annual Clean Up Australia Day last Sunday afternoon, as part of their training and to give back to the local community. Several groups went in different directions and picked up rubbish from the road side. I joined in and helped out too, it was amazing just how much we found to collect!

Green shirted trekkers picking up rubbish
Green shirted trekkers picking up rubbish

Come for a walk around the garden with me

As autumn approaches the colours of some of our trees are slowly changing from greens to reds. Stormy skies are still a common feature though, with an advancing storm as seen through the grapevines next door. Gum leaves are a distinct colour green and as they aren’t deciduous, they manage to hang onto their greenery all year.

A green car?

We were lucky to have a whole stream of 1 and 2 cylinder vintage cars go past as we were cycling on a rail trail in rural Victoria recently. This is just one of the amazing cars and it just happens to be green!! I may have been able to cycle faster than some of them but what a lovely sight they made as they putted along, and everyone was friendly as I waved at them they waved back 🙂

Green vintage car
Green vintage car

Sunflowers always make me smile 🙂

Sunflowers - green and gold
Sunflowers – green and gold

I’m definitely with Vincent on this one!

I find comfort in contemplating the sunflowers.

Vincent Van Gogh

Terri’s theme for Sunday Stills this week is Something Green. I have enjoyed taking you for a wander and going ‘green’ this week, without a leprechaun in sight. In answer to my question in the title – Do you think you could live without the colour green in your life? – that’s a definite NO from me. How about you?

All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here – photos are all mine!

Have a great week ahead and enjoy some colour in your life, especially green, on St Patrick’s Day 🙂


Sunday Stills photo challenge


More green!!

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18 Replies to “Do you think you could live without the colour green in your life?”

  1. I wore green today, fluke but it is St Pat’s day … no snakes in ere ! It is also the day that my daughters first baby was born. I am green with envy as I would love to snuggle another infant. But I get to be the best; Grandma to George 8lb 3oz of st Patrick’s day gorgeousness. Another duckling to add to my clutch. With besotted happiness I agree I am a rarity I am Grandma Duck!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The clean up day is a fabulous idea. We have one here in Calgary which we always seem to be out of town for. However we do our best to pick up trash whever we are. Here we live without green for half of the year. As the temperatures start to rise the anticipation of green grass is heightening. Always such a wonderful feeling to see that rebirth.

    Liked by 1 person

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