The Winners and Losers list for week #20

Friday Feature on Deb’s World

Winners & Losers #20

Welcome to Week 20 of my Friday roundup. It’s always fun seeing which stories take my interest from one Friday to the next. Most of them make me smile, and the losers are in the minority. I’m more interested in the positives and anything that makes me smile is in that category. I’ve also learnt that life is much better when we’re kind to one another.

So, here are my Winners and Losers for another week.

Musings on a Monday quote 🙂

This quote is very personal as I used it in my post on Monday – Grief lives on and so do the memories, it really suited how I felt when I wrote this post.

I share a new quote each Monday on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. I’d love to have you join me. If you have a favourite quote just let me know and I’ll feature it.

#JournalinginJuly – Week 3

As you know, I’m participating in the Journaling in July challenge with Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 and Beyond. We are co-hosting a link up each Saturday for anyone who wants to participate by responding to Sue’s 31 daily journal writing prompts. There are quite a few bloggers participating and it’s fun seeing how everyone responds to the prompts in their own way.

This week was a big week of quite personal prompts – including my ancestry, best holiday (where I shared a life changing trip), my family, my home and what makes me laugh. Week 3 Journaling in July

Blog Journaling in July 3
Blog Journaling in July 3

You can read my introductory post about the July challenge here , my Week 1 post here and my Week 2 post here. If you’re keen, you can join in – the more the merrier. My weekly posts and a summary of the week’s daily prompts, are posted each Saturday. Check lout the rest of the month’s prompts – not long to go now!

Only in Australia v9!! –

This segment is proving to be so much fun each week! Today we have a beautiful cockatoo striking a cool pose.

This made me laugh when I saw it on Twitter 🙂

We have a great  prime minister in Australia at the moment. It’s a shame she leaves to return to New Zealand soon.

Reality TV shows

I’m not really a reality TV fan but….

This week has seen the end of an era with the Masterchef judges not returning next season. It’s been 11 years with them at the helm. Also this year the youngest ever contestant won the competition.

Although we haven’t watched the whole series we are currently staying with family who are keen fans so ended up watching the final episodes which were quite interesting.

Survivor Australia has also started and can be quite addictive watching the challenges and mind games being played out. But I don’t like the meanness and conniving that apparently is necessary to survive. Let’s just say I’d not be a very good contestant on this show! I did mention to my youngest daughter that we would make a good couple on The Amazing Race 🙂

Mum and my daughter

Just a week or so ago, my mother was in England visiting my eldest daughter. This is a lovely photo of mum taken by Melanie and shared on Instagram. It’s been great following mum’s travels over the past 2 months or so! She’s home now and already planning her next trip 🙂

Mum in Cheddar
Mum in Cheddar

Are you a fan of cloth nappies or disposables?

I remember being a young mother before disposable nappies were the all the rage or even available in the beginning. I washed, scrubbed, used grated sunlight soap in my twin-tub washer, even hosed them on the clothesline! Great memories 🙂 Since those dark ages, disposables have come into their own but it seems there’s now a movement to return to cloth nappies.

They’re much more user-friendly, much easier to fit, much easier to wash. You don’t have to do any sort of soaking or boiling to sterilise.


This article is very interesting: How cloth bummers are convincing mum and dads to ditch disposable nappies

It’s quite interesting seeing the tide changing and cloth nappies making a resurgence in a newer, more appealing format.

These Lion King ‘Circle of Life’ lyrics are all about social media

With all the talk about Instagram likes and social media hype lately, I came across this video which made me smile and cringe at the same time. What do you think?

The Art of Growing Up

Australian author and School Principal John Marsden has come under some fire this week with his new book and comments on toxic parenting – where parents seem to be ‘in love’ with their children rather than simply ‘loving’ their children.

He has hands on experience with parents and children and has noticed the change in mental health issues and anxiety levels. It’s an interesting topic and I will be reading the book to see more of his thinking. I might even do a book review once I’ve read it.

My posts this week in case you missed them:

If you’ve missed any of the earlier posts in my Friday Feature – you can find them all here: Winners and Losers

You are very welcome to join in each week by leaving a comment with your own winners and losers.

What was your favourite bit from my post this week? I’d love to know!

Thanks to all who read, comment or share my posts – your make me very happy when you do so!

Keep smiling and thanks for reading.

Deb 🙂

Visit Deb’s World’s Instagram for photo updates

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

24 Replies to “The Winners and Losers list for week #20”

  1. Oh gosh, cloth vs disposable! When my first baby was born I used cloth diapers which I soon found out wasn’t such a great idea especially when you’re on a camping trip! So, switched over to disposable and continued with them when second baby was born. Same thing with glass bottles that I had to sterilize. Switched over to the bottles with disposable liners.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Another great instalment. I love that cockatoo & as for that Virtual Life, that had me giggling. Have a great weekend…now to do my Journalling in July post for today!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Wonderful seeing a picture of your mom here, Deb. She is gorgeous!
    Thank you also for including the Virtual Life link. It did capture my attention throughout. Mostly I was wondering, “who has the time to make these — and why?” Regardless, of that sentiment – I did think it was quite well done!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for reading, watching and commenting Donna! I often wonder the same thing, how do people make these things and why??? Hoping to go viral I would say. Thanks also for the comment about mum, yes she is lovely and it was great to talk to her this morning as she’s now back on Aussie soil 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Love it! You always brighten my Friday morning Deb and wow you are up to #20. I love Jacinda Ardern and yes she could stay and be our PM. Cloth nappies I remember those – soaking, scrubbing especially after poonamies! We did investigate cloth nappies when Ethan was born but they were super expensive although I suppose disposables aren’t that cheap either. Have a fabulous week Deb and great having you as my ‘partner-in-journaling’ for #JournalinginJuly xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Sue, I am enjoying my Friday Feature and can’t believe it’s up to #20 already. It is funny about cloth nappies coming back after all this time. I have some bad memories of them 😦 See you for more #JournalinginJuly

      Liked by 1 person

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