Ageing Well in August # 1

August is all about ageing well and I like to think I’m ageing OK. How about you?

I found this photo from our engagement party in 1979, which is 40 years ago. I was only 18 at the time!

I shared it on Facebook with the caption below. I happen to think it sets the scene for the Ageing Well in August theme!

It’s interesting looking back at this photo from our engagement party 40 years ago and wondering for a moment if we’ve changed much.

Of course we’ve changed, it was 40 years ago and a lot has happened in those years!! It doesn’t mean we can’t still see ‘ourselves’ in the photo, it just means we’ve aged – and that is absolutely to be expected! We’re still us💕

Debbie 40 years on
Our engagement party 40 years ago
Our engagement party 40 years ago

Some nice people commented that we haven’t changed much at all, but I know we have and it’s to be expected! In some ways I would hope we’ve changed, as a lot has happened in those years – but just look at those plump cheeks and that healthy glow – ahhhh!

A month of tips to help us age and live well

I’ve joined Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 and Beyond for another month of prompts – this time to help us recognise how to age well and live well. There’s also a weekly linkup for those joining in, starting on Saturday 10 August. I’ll be sharing the week’s prompts in a wrap-up post each Saturday.

Ageing Well in August list of prompts
Ageing Well in August list of prompts

1. My thoughts on attitude as we age is covered in this great quote. It sums it up perfectly!

We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.

George Bernard Shaw
Playing in the park - Debbie
Playing in the park – Debbie

2. Keep moving – motion is lotion! This saying was a new one for me but when you think about it, it’s very true!

Movement improves all body functions, promoting improved physical and mental health by stimulating fluid exchanges, not only in the joints, but in all the inner organs such as the brain, heart, liver and kidneys.


3. Eat to nourish your body – Over a year ago I had some rocky blood test results after having a bad virus, so I decided to talk with a nutritionist and dietician and I have now modified my diet, cut down sugar and I’m happy to say I’m feeling really good. I also haven’t had an alcoholic drink in over a year, although to be fair, I was never a big drinker in the first place. Each to their own and asking for help is always a good idea!

4. Mind games – My husband and mother-in-law are great at doing mind games and puzzles. I tend to use my blog as a mind game – it certainly keeps me on my toes.

5. Be graceful in body and soul – I must admit I didn’t think I was very graceful, until I looked up the actual meaning of the word and also some synonyms – elegant, stylish, tasteful, dignified, discerning. I think I’m a work in progress on this one!

6. Stand tall – maintain good posture

This image says it much better than I can, and I’m happy to share it with you 🙂

pineapple quote
pineapple quote

7. Let it go – move on from regret

I am guilty of this. After being made redundant over 2 years ago, at age 56, I was stuck in a bad place. I was negative, I made myself sick, I was sad, I was miserable and only I could get myself out of it and move on. It was hard but now I see it as a blessing in disguise.

It just so happens that I’m meeting up with past work colleagues this weekend in Sydney and I won’t be the sad and sorry one there – I’m now the poster girl for living life and moving on from regret!!

8. Get connected with technology

Now this is one of my favourites! I’ve managed to learn so much about technology since starting to blog all those years ago. I’m not good on some technology but I tend to liken the learning that takes place as similar to learning a new language. The research shows that extending your brain capacity helps as you age. I’m proud of my mother and mother-in-law for embracing technology and maintaining contact with their children and grandchildren all over the world.

9. Take time to breathe – be mindful

Breathing is essential to life and taking time to be mindful is also important. So many people walk around with their heads down looking at screens and not experiencing life around them fully. Take a big breath and get outside is my advice!

10. Hang out with people of all ages

Living in a small town, it’s hard to go anywhere without a range of ages being present – as well as tending to know most people! We are lucky to mix with a range of ages and just recently we went to a birthday party for a one year old and the next weekend we were at a friend’s 60th! It’s great to hang out with all age groups.

How about you?

Do you have any thoughts on any of these tips? Do you feel like you’re ageing well?

I’ve enjoyed jotting down my thoughts for the prompts and maybe I’ve made you think about the various aspects of ageing. Let me know what you’re thinking by leaving me a comment. If you’ve written a post about Ageing Well in August, feel free to link up here with us.

See you next week 🙂

Deb xx

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68 Replies to “Ageing Well in August # 1”

  1. I think many of us are guilty of not drinking enough water! Don’t underestimate the power of a positive mental attitude! Thanks for the reminders, it’s good to be mindful of all of these when in pursuit of having the time of your life!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great tips. I had momentarily forgotten my word of the year is PEACE. And have been so caught up in life and the day to day, that I have forgotten to seek a few moments of peace. Which I think comes from being mindful. It is easy to go through days, weeks and months on auto-pilot.

    Congratulations on the news that you are to be a grandmother again in the coming new year. Me, too!! There isn’t a better gig on the planet. Praying Dottie is growing and making huge gains each day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Leslie, I love your word of the year Peace. We all need more of it in our lives.
      Thanks also for your good wishes about Dottie and my news of a new grand baby due next year. Congrats to you too. xx


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