How to pretend it’s a starry, starry night for #SundayStills

What to do?

Question: What do you do when you want to join in Terri’s SundayStills, but the prompt is celestial and you want to use photos of the night sky but you don’t have anything decent to use? Answer: You make some of your own!

I have a few photo editing apps with a selection of fun filters available. I often play around with them to see what I can do with photos, and today I thought I’d share some of my recent shots for Sunday Stills.

Recently I found the app had a filter called Interstellar, so I applied it to a few photos to see how they looked – I’m pretty happy with the results!

And hey presto, I’ve managed to add in some night sky to otherwise ordinary day photos.

Here are some of my creations – is it cheating or being creative do you think?

I know it’s not quite the ‘done thing’ but it was a bit of fun on a cold grey winter’s day and shows what’s possible with little to no effort! It’s not something I do all the time, but it is different isn’t it?

I’m sure Terri and others joining in, will have far more original and awesome photos for ‘celestial’, so make sure you visit Terri to see what everyone else has shared this week. I also understand that celestial can be anything to with the sky, but I specifically wanted to use shots of the night sky, so I created some!

My own starry, starry night photo

My one true starry, starry night photo was taken when my 2 year old granddaughter was visiting at Easter this year – she was amazed with the bright stars above us and kept saying ‘wow’. We loved seeing the joy of the stars through her eyes.

Milky Way- star light star bright
Milky Way- star light star bright

I’d love to hear what you think of my ‘created’ photos, are they a form of cheating or is it what a lot of people do these days and pass them off as their own work? At least I’m honest in my approach!

Next week’s prompt for Sunday Stills is the colour Pink.

Thanks for stopping by!

Debbie 🙂

Sharing for Natalie’s #weekendcoffeeshare

All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here

Sunday Stills photo challenge
Sunday Still weekly photo challenge

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2021 – All rights reserved

55 Replies to “How to pretend it’s a starry, starry night for #SundayStills”

  1. Those are some very nice photos, Deb! Cheating? Not sure, if she doesn’t have any defined rules, then you’re fine with doing them like this! It’s more about doing something creative, as I see it. And these are some really nice filters!
    I often struggle with the thought “Are heavily photoshopped images photography or another type of art?” because then I’d have to define “what is photography” and it’s not up to me to decide – I can only make that definition for myself and my own photography. For my own photos, I use the ordinary editing for some contrast, vibrance and more that you normally need if you shoot in RAW but sometimes it’s fun to experiment with filters and effects in Photoshop, or more heavy editing in Lightroom.
    I think if you do your own editing on your photos, it’s still your work! For certain images I might rather call them pieces of art than photographs but it’s still your work if you’ve taken the picture and done the modifications.

    A question – where do you find the themes for Sunday stills? I’ve wanted to join but never see where the themes are until it’s too late (or maybe it goes on all week?).

    Liked by 1 person

  2. technology is such a huge part of every corner of our lives that we would be frustrated if we tried to deny it or avoid using it. Instead, I think it makes the most sense to just recognize it and enjoy it, the same way a loose fabric curtain changes the early morning light in a room as compared to a candle or neon bulb or an array of LEDs filtered through a light blue glass filter all change the mood of the same room. They are all technology from different eras and each has its value so why not use technology in our creative arts and just sit back and enjoy the dreamy results.

    Can your program take a photo of a bottle and put a captured galaxy into it? And wouldn’t that be fun to own. . . ?

    Tell you what. You make that photo and I’ll try to write the story for it. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your created night scenes, Deb especially after seeing them in daylight to compare. That is really awesome! Is it a program you are using? Your real shot is very good, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Deb! I love your photos and the creative approach to this Sunday Stills prompt. In my opinion, as long as you are honest about how you created your photos, it’s not cheating. We have seen some beautiful starry nights recently, but I can’t seem to do them justice with my camera.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Christie for your comments on my photos for #SundayStills. I always try to be honest and I know what you mean sometimes the camera just doesn’t do the starry nights justice!


  5. I think you’ve taken a creative page out of Donna’s book, Debbie! Your filters are amazing and quite perfect for the theme celestial. Are these photoshop filters? Very creative as usual, and the original photos started out looking great. Now I want filters like that! Your star image with the milky way is truly awesome, too. All so nicely done.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Terri, Donna is a very creative and I’m so glad to be included in her sphere! They are Photoshop filters on the PS Camera app I have on my phone, not sure where I got it from though (maybe as part of the package). They were perfect for this theme. Thanks for the fabulous prompt and lovely comment 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. As someone else said so many photos are intensely edited. I use a hashtag on Instagram that is #nofilters #noneneeded as I want to show real life. But being upfront like you were is the way to do it. I wasn’t going to join this week as I didn’t have any great moon photos but you sparked my interest by saying it’s about the sky. I do have a great photo of the northern lights.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Debbie — I am as I can see them from many windows in my house and our patio is a stellar spot to watch from. If I want totally unobstructed yard lights I can just walk down into the hollow. Oh yeah I a lucky!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I like them, Deb, they are so cool. Funny thing, this week for my granddaughter’s art lesson (she is here everyday for online learning) they looked at Van Goh’s Starry Night and did their own pictures (she is in kindergarten) so this is neat. I am going to show her this tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I thought they were really cool! You be surprised at how many photos on Instagram and such are highly edited. Almost all my photos are unedited except for some cropping. But I wouldn’t feel bad about editing! It’s the thing to do now a days.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I think these edits are fun, and they’d only be ‘cheating’ if you pretended they were genuine night shots 🙂 I enjoy messing around with photos like this so I’m curious what app you used?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Now I want a starry filter – it looks really real Deb – and better than the original (or maybe it’s because it’s so out of the ‘normal’ that it looks better?) Anyway I think you did a very clever job with the prompt x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh thank you Leanne!! That’s made me smile :). I really had fun with it and I’m glad you think it looks real, I was surprised at how well the filter worked on the photos I chose. I really love the one of Grant on his bike!


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