We’re all going on a summer holiday – in Cornwall!

A week in Cornwall

When we had our trip to the UK organised, our daughter decided to book a week away in Cornwall for us all.

It was to be a ‘first’ week-long holiday for her little family, time away with us, a break for her from work/family commitments and a chance for all of us to explore a different area without the need for rushing about.

She booked a three bedroom/two bathroom static caravan (more like a cabin) at a popular tourist park in St Minver in Northern Cornwall and it’s been perfect for all of us! We’ve had great weather, we’ve been busy doing different activities and we’re all having a fabulous time. Dottie is loving the ‘holidays’, the beach, time playing with her mum and dad, and doing things with Granny and G.

This is a favourite photo from Polzeath Beach taken at about 7pm. The sun’s rays were beautiful over the water and the action shot of Dottie playing in the surf with dad is pure joy!

Action shot of Dottie with her dad
Action shot of Dottie with her dad at Polzeath Beach

And the week isn’t over yet!

So far we’ve:

  • Been to Rock and walked along the beach looking across the water at Padstow.
  • Enjoyed all that the Royal Cornwall Show has to offer.
  • Paddled in the water at beautiful Polzeath beach followed by a delicious pizza watching the sunset.
  • Had a fabulous day out at The Eden Project.
  • Walked around the picturesque village of Padstow as the sun was setting, after having dinner in a very old pub.
  • Spent a sunny day on the beach at Newquay, paddling, building sandcastles and eating ice creams.
  • Visited the beautiful village of Boscastle which we ‘found’ over 30 years ago when we were over here on our year-long Teacher Exchange. It is a lovely little place full of history and natural beauty, like many of the villages along the Cornish coast.
  • Played in the campground’s playground, soft play area and Dottie has practised riding her scooter.
  • Had an atmospheric day at Port Isaac (known for being the village in the Doc Martin TV series). I say atmospheric because the fog didn’t lift until about 4pm and the views were different to previous visits. Despite being midweek it was still busy!
  • Caught the ferry from Rock to Padstow and back – Dottie got upset when we had to leave the little ferry, she wanted to stay on board.
  • We’ve eaten too much food, had delicious pub meals and refreshing drinks and cream teas.
  • Taken heaps of photos, laughed at things Dottie says, shopped in cute little places and wandered aimlessly at times.

Still to do – hire some bikes and a bike trailer for Dottie and ride the Camel Trail, wander around some of the other little Cornish villages and buy some gifts.

Some thoughts along the way

I’ve been trying to document our trip on my Facebook page and these are little snippets I’ve shared along the way with relevant photos.

Cornwall for the win! First they put on a cracking Royal Show, then we find some beaches with surf, white sand plus gorgeous scenery, a chilled out pizza place overlooking the beach and we’re only into day 2 of our week away! So much fun and many laughs along the way.

The Eden Project in Cornwall never disappoints! What great vision by those who made it all happen out of a bare china clay pit back in the late 1990s. Always makes me think of a futuristic world when I’m in the biomes. Such an inspiring and interesting place which we all enjoyed – great for all ages. It was good to see the Kangaroo Paws flowering in the Western Australian section of the Mediterranean Biome, we felt right at home (despite having never been to WA – yet!). A lovely day finished off perfectly with dinner at Padstow.

It’s funny I wrote almost the exact same words in this post from 2018!

Thanks for your visit, I’d be interested to know if you’ve been to this part of the world.

I’m really enjoying our holiday and seeing things through the eyes of a 3.5 year old is so much fun!

on the ferry from Padstow to Rock
Family photo on the ferry from Padstow to Rock

Creating memories 🙂

Deb xx

I’m joining Denyse for her Wednesday’s Words and Pics – another fun linkup.

Denyse's Wednesday word and pics contributor
Wednesday Word and Pics contributor

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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

33 Replies to “We’re all going on a summer holiday – in Cornwall!”

    1. She really does bubble away Leslie and is such a fun little girl, but she also has a caring side and isn’t precocious at all. You’re right the smiles say it all.


  1. SO MUCH JOY here…and a million memories being made…loved this..and the re-read of the older post. I think you and G make the most of life and what it has to offer…and my congrats to you both for doing this. Sounds so good what you have all been experiencing together. Great weather !! So good to see your post this week for Wednesday’s Words and Pics Link Up on Denyse Whelan Blogs. I look forward to you joining us next week too! Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denyse, I nearly didn’t get this written but felt I wanted to document our trip for future memories to look back on. We do try to make the most of what we have and enjoy doing so. We know we’re fortunate to be in the position we are and that we can do it but we also make the most of every moment. The weather and company have been fabulous!!


  2. What a great thing to do – a holiday within a holiday! I come from Devon but my knowledge of Cornwall is mostly limited to Looe/Polperro, where one of my best friends lives, and a family holiday in Hayle. I’ve never been to the Eden Project and would love to explore in that area. Hopefully we will walk the SW Coast Path at some stage!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes that’s a good way of looking at it Gail, a holiday within a holiday! This area is lovely and so many beautiful towns. We went for a bike ride on a great trail today!


    1. Oh that’s sweet of you to say Miriam, thank you! We really are enjoying our special time away and we’re making the most of every moment – like you do on your travels 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love all the photos! I thought, for a bit, you were actually riding sheep! I haven’t been to Cornwall (and am really not exactly sure where it is). I am really and truly hoping we make it to the UK this fall. If so, perhaps Cornwall will be on the agenda! I’m so glad you’re having such glorious weather and have all the sights to see with little Dottie!


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Marsha, Cornwall is in the south of the UK mainly along the coast and is particularly pretty. I hope you can visit at some stage too! It’s been a fabulous time with our family.


  4. Hi Deb – I’ve loved seeing your summery photos popping up in my FB feed and the joy of being with family (esp Dottie) just shines through (like that English sun!) Glad it’s proving to be a wonderful time away for you and Grant and I bet they’re loving having you there.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Leanne, it’s a fabulous time for all of us and very intense as it doesn’t happen very often that we can spend time with them! We’re all loving the sunshine and activities we get to do. This week in Cornwall has been extra special!


  5. Gorgeous photo’s and memories in the making Deb! Cornwall looks so pretty. So unusual with it’s little houses on the rocky outcrops/island etc. Dottie is so like you, as is your daughter! So lovely to see all of your happy, smiling faces having a lovely time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a beautiful place Min, and we’re enjoying our week long mini holiday as you can tell from our smiles! We are all a bit alike aren’t we??


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