Worth a Word Wednesday: Did someone say winter?

Beach on a Winter's day

 Wordless Wednesday - has now been renamed 'Worth a Word' Wednesday simply because I can't stick to the rules of NO WORDS 🙂 Another beach scene on a winter's day in the southern hemisphere!  A glorious day revisiting haunts of our past and enjoying time with family. This beach is called Currarong and is on the …

Worth a Word Wednesday: Blending in

Sheep in the paddock blending in with the colour of the grass

 Wordless Wednesday - now renamed Worth a Word Wednesday   These sheep have taken on the fashion advice of 'blending in'....they match their surroundings very well. One of the joys of living where I live is seeing the lambs start off as snowy white and gamboling all over the paddock, then growing older and losing their …