Contemplation – Week 4

Hello blogging friends!

I’m participating in my friend’s blogging challenge Contemplationwhere we share our responses to a prompt from her Kikki K A Sentence a Day journal. It’s up to week 4 but I only managed to join in last week for the first time – week 3.

This week’s prompt is: Name one thing you should do more often.

I thought about this for a while (funny considering it’s a post about contemplation!) and came up with a few things that I should do more often – things like:

  • stretching more after a runcontemplation
  • be kinder to myself
  • believe in myself more
  • read and comment on more blogs
  • relax
  • laugh more
  • but the main thing I decided that I should do more often is to simply say NO.

I’m very busy with lots of things and can’t seem to say no if asked to do something else. I’m working on this issue and I think I’m getting better at it.  By writing it down I feel like I’m admitting it to myself and can take some steps to acknowledge and change my behaviour. Wish me luck!!

It’s always interesting to hear how others respond to these prompts, so feel free leave me a comment telling me what you should do more often.

Thanks to Desleyjane for the opportunity to join in.

Deb x


20 Replies to “Contemplation – Week 4”

  1. Good morning, Deb. I enjoyed your post–and your list. You have listed many things that are similar to a list I would post. Overall, I think I should worry less about things I cannot control. Nothing new there, but something we all need to be reminded about frequently. Anyway, thanks for getting me thinking on this cold and rainy morning. “-)

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  2. Hi Deb, I enjoyed this post, and agree with you on not being able to say “no” more often. For me, it’s usually my adult daughter constantly asking for help, a ride, etc. My way of saying no is to ignore her calls! After all, if it was a true emergency, she would text me or leave a voicemail. Personally, I feel that I need to read my bible more often. I’ve grown away from God and He should be my first priority, not all of these other mundane life events. Thanks for sharing your list with us and have a great day!

    Melissa 🙂

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  3. I should allow myself time just for me more often, without feeling guilty about it. It’s something lots of women struggle with, I think. All the best with saying no more often, I know it’s not easy.

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  4. Deb it looks like many of these could be on my list. I have learned to say no more often. That took years of personal work. I would also like ot be reading more books. Hard to be a writer if you aren’t doing enough reading. Best of luck with your goals!

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  5. Great idea Deb and good luck with learning to say no more often. It’s hard when we’re constantly trying to please others. I can relate to that. For me, I need to stop worrying so much. There’s so much uncertainty in my life at the moment within our family and I need to realise that I can’t ‘fix’ everything. That I have to go with the flow a bit instead of worrying so much.


  6. Dear Deb, What a great blog! I love your plan and what a great idea to collaborate and share your contemplations with like-minded people. I love a sense of community to help and support along on this blogging journey and life journey too if I’m honest. For me I think I should be braver, my life has been a mish-mash of me adapting and changing to fit around everyone; husband, children, mortgage repayment etc and as I get older I feel this is a pattern I need to move away from. I need to show that I’m the master of my own destiny and I’m far greater than the sum of my parts. I will be definitely be subscribing to your blog and following your journey and the fellow ‘contemplators’. Well done, and thank you for inspiring me today! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment. I’m glad to hear you like my blog and that I have inspired you today. I’m really enjoying the boot camp and seeing all the positive comments going around. Blogging has shown me what great community is out there and I have made some lovely friends and learnt so much from others. I’m sure you are brave now and that you are indeed the master of your own destiny. Best wishes!!

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