Share Your World – February 6 2017

It’s time again for Cee’s Share Your World It’s a great way to join with other bloggers to share our worlds.

This week’s questions are:

Regarding your fridge, is it organized or a mess inside?

Usually a bit of a mess if I’m honest! It’s begging to be organised though. The outside of my fridge has a magnetic monthly calendar for December on it, which indicates I’m behind schedule!

Do you prefer your food separated or mixed together?

I’m happy to eat any food, mixed or separated, especially if someone else has cooked it for me!

Do you prefer reading coffee table books (picture), biographies, fiction, non-fiction, educational?

I usually love reading fiction but having said that the latest book I’ve just finished was non-fiction – The Girl who climbed Everest.  It was a great read about a young Australian girl, Alyssa Azar, who walked the Kokoda Track as an 8 year old and climbed Everest at 18, a determined young lady!

I love reading and have a page dedicated to listing all the books I read in a year.  I have been doing this since 2014/15. We also make picture books of all our travels once we’re home.  They are a mix of photo books and travel diaries and  are great coffee table books.  It’s a great way to showcase many of the photos from our adventures.

Close your eyes. Listen to your body. What part of your body is seeking attention? What is it telling you?

I have an ongoing calf issue and received a pair of skins socks today in the mail.  I immediately put them on – I think they make me look awesome!! 🙂 When I close my eyes I can feel my calf tightness and hope they help ease the pressure along with my foam roller exercises and stretches.  I think my calf is telling me that I should remember how old I am; to look after my muscles; not go too hard on my walks/runs; to take a rest day and stretch properly, otherwise it might decide to just pack it in.  I think I’ll listen to this amazing little muscle and do as it suggests.  I’ll also reward it by getting a  massage later this week.


Optional Bonus question:  What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up? 

Last week – I’m grateful for a week of amazing beaches, sunrises, bike rides and travels last week.  I shared some of my photos in my Weekly Photo Challenge Solitude post but in case you missed them here are some of my favourites.

The week ahead – I’m planning on enjoying a week at home, washing, cleaning, lunching with friends, having a massage, working with school groups on outdoor activities, participating in a community trek in the bush…life is very busy when you’re retired! I really am grateful for everything I have in my life!!

Thanks again for visiting my world.  Enjoy your week ahead everyone!

Deb 🙂


6 Replies to “Share Your World – February 6 2017”

    1. Thanks so much Sue. I love sharing our fabulous countryside and I’m glad to know you (and others) appreciate them. Hope your calf improves, I’m looking forward to my massage tomorrow. I look forward to seeing your summer shots when we’re in the depths of winter here. 😊😊

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Hi, Deb –

    Great questions and great answers. Here are mine:

    Regarding your fridge, is it organized or a mess inside?
    Clean. I do a full clean on garbage/recycling days. It’s an easy habit for me. Since it’s a regular thing, it never takes much time.

    Do you prefer your food separated or mixed?
    Definitely separated.

    Do you prefer reading coffee table books (picture), biographies, fiction, non-fiction, educational? I am absolutely a ‘word person,’ so all of the above (plus blogs) work for me!

    Close your eyes. Listen to your body. What part of your body is seeking attention? What is it telling you? I am awaiting a ‘root canal retreatment’ (insert horror here). Along with the tooth pain, I am beginning to experience TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder). If anyone out there has any advice (until my appointment takes place in two weeks time) I am all eyes!

    What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?
    I live on Vancouver Island where we typically get very little (if any) snow. Last week we had a HUGE DUMP on it. I was grateful for its beauty…and that happens only rarely! This week I am looking forward to our icy roads going back to normal (she says with fingers crossed).

    Enjoy your massage later this week!

    Liked by 1 person

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