Travel Loving Parents

My very clever and talented daughter from the Wandering Darlings wrote this lovely post about us, her Travel Loving Parents, so naturally I just had to share it with you. Spoiler alert – it’s touching, heartfelt and moving.

I’m proud of all three of our daughters and believe that taking them travelling when they were young really helped shape them, and taught us many lessons at the same time.

But believe me it wasn’t always easy!

Hosting Rotary Exchange Students from all over the world has been a real joy and something we’re still very much involved in today.

Yes we do love travelling and we know we are fortunate to do what we do. Life is full of opportunities and sometimes you just have to grab them and go!

If you enjoy reading Melanie’s post, please feel free to leave a comment.

I can tell you that I enjoyed reading it very much – as I’m sure you can imagine 🙂

A cute shot with Melanie before she headed back to UK
A cute shot with Melanie before she headed back to UK

Thanks 🙂

Deb x

the wandering darlings

My parents have recently retired which, when they are still in their very early 60s/late 50s is really bloody early. I had like 5 mins worrying about what they would do with this new found freedom of the daily grind then I realised they are going to be even busier now than ever before.

You see my parents don’t sit still.

They get involved, they travel, they give back to the community, they find new places, they see different sides to places they already know, they challenge themselves.

I spoke to them last weekend and mum reeled off a list of everything they have planned till Christmas and every month they have something exciting planned in. New places, new experiences and new adventures and that on top of everything they have already done this year I just don’t know how they ever had time to work before.

Being the offspring…

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