Fashionable Florals #SundayStills

Fashion is not generally my forte!

I had a fashion ‘meltdown’ earlier this week which resulted in a much needed purge and reorganisation of my cupboards.

I felt much better afterwards but the feeling of my fashion failure/wardrobe malfunction has stayed with me. So I’m using this post to cheer myself up 🙂

I’m not usually one to post about fashion, I leave that to those more qualified than me, but I am always keen to present myself in a stylish way – given what I have to work with!

My mother is a stylish woman and takes pride in her appearance, she’s turning 84 next month but you wouldn’t know it to look at her! My grandmother was the same, always stylish and elegant with beautiful nails (I didn’t take after her in that department).

Aus day award with mum
Australia Day award with mum (I’m the one in the floral dress)

Florals in Fashion – Debbie style!

I decided to share some of my floral styles, as I realised I have quite a few floral pieces in my wardrobe! These photos range across the years but they still make me smile.

As you might have noticed I enjoy wearing colours – bright and at times a bit bold! I wasn’t aware I had quite so many floral prints though, until I started looking.

In my view, life’s too short to wear clothes that don’t make you smile!

The fashion dilemma I had this week involved me trying on an outfit from my wardrobe, a simple pair of jeans with a top but it was all horrendous. I was joining friends for a casual lunch and didn’t want to go out feeling like a blimp!

I felt frumpy, dowdy, restricted, cut-in-half, and dull, and my expression reflected what I was feeling when I looked in the mirror. So after a few changes of clothing I went to one of my favourite easy to wear dresses – it’s a white with blue spot t-shirt style dress, teamed with a lightweight orange cardigan and white sneakers. The weather was typically autumnal, warm in the sunshine but a bit fresh otherwise.

This combination immediately made me smile.

It was fresh, not restrictive in the least, gave me a pop of colour and allowed my still tanned legs to stay out in the open. We tend to have a long cold winter here and the longer I can stay out of jeans and boots the better.

I had been requested to take a photo with Donna’s Travelling book of Inner Peace, so once I was home from lunch, I took this selfie to send to Donna.

Debbie with the travelling book of Inner Peace
Debbie with the travelling book of Inner Peace

Name Day for Deborah

It’s also my name day today 🙂

According to Anna, our lovely Hungarian Rotary Exchange Student from a few years ago, the 24 April is the Name Day for Deborah. As my birthday is close to Christmas I’m claiming this day as my very own special mid-year day 🙂

Anna explained that Name days are like a second birthday in Hungary. A woman is typically given flowers and made a fuss of on her name day by friends and family and a suitable greeting is boldog névnapot kívánok (neked)!

I wish all the Deborahs a happy name-day 🎉 and I’m sending you virtual flowers!

Sunday Stills Photo Challenge

Terri hosts Sunday Stills photo challenge every week and the prompt this week is Fabulous Florals. I decided to take my post in a different direction to what most will probably share – photos of flowers, so I hope you have enjoyed my take!

You can read Terri’s post here when she publishes it – Seasonal Florals (she’s in a different time zone to me and Australia is ahead of the rest of the world)!

Here’s a big bunch of flowers for you if you managed to read through my post without making vomiting noises at my self indulgence!

birthday flowers
Buch of beautiful flowers for you

Have a great week ahead.

Deb x

Joining Denyse for #lifesstories linkup

All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here – I’ve been doing these for quite some time now!

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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

.Copyright © 2022 – All rights reserved

49 Replies to “Fashionable Florals #SundayStills”

  1. Ah Deb, you’ve made me wonder why I stopped my outfits of the day….because now I guess, I thought I had used it to help see my progress healing after cancer. Now perhaps I need to do it more as a moving into the 70s with flair and colour! You’ve made me think…always a good thing…. Thank you for sharing your blog post with the community at Denyse Whelan Blogs. The link up, each fortnight, called Life’s Stories, continues with bloggers such as you linking up and connecting! The next time to do so is Monday 9 May. Warmest wishes, Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Denyse, I really enjoyed your Outfit of the day posts and admired your reasons for doing so. You do have flair! I enjoyed sharing my bright dresses with you and others.

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    1. Thanks Mireille, I love wearing dresses that have a pop of colour and am happy if I can make people smile by doing so! Good on you for doing that too 🙂


  2. It sounds like you’re rather into fashion from the sound of it – just not following trends, but your own style! That’s a good thing to do and I love how you choose all these bold colours! It makes me happy to see these photos. Have a good day and thanks for the flower bouquet!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Susanne, I definitely don’t follow trends! I don’t just wear florals but I really was a bit surprised when I went looking for photos of just how many examples I had!


  3. I totally get the feeling frumpy and down by clothing. Ugh. I’ve had a lot of those times and yes something you like is often the ticket. I lack enough clothes to mix it up much but I’ve got lots of bright colours. I just bought myself that little book you are holding! Bernie

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So fun Deb! Your final chosen outfit sounds perfect. I am all about comfort. Your colorful collage is so pretty. I feel like I tend to stick with neutral colors. I have one particular dress that has become my traveling dress because it’s so comfy. Love your floral photo as well. That book looks good too. Right now it’s only 1.99 on Kindle. I might get it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Kirstin for your lovely comments. I often get compliments when out and about from strangers on what I’m wearing and am always surprised when it happens. Travelling clothes are great to have and they need to be comfy!


    1. Thanks Joanne, I know florals aren’t for everyone and funnily enough I don’t feel that they age me as I often assume florals are for ‘old’ women!


    1. Thanks very much Cathy! Nothing wrong with solids and I do wear them from time to time but feel better when in brighter tones. It all depends on how I’m feeling on the day.


  5. Great images – you look fab and I love the colours you are wearing.
    I am on a new chemo for the breast cancer in my brain and my hair is falling out everywhere! I have invested in lots of wigs but still wish I did not have to cut it off. Enjoy yourself and appreciate all that you have. You really do look good! Much better than me anyway! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I love all the bod colors you’re wearing in the photos. I looked at my own closet and it’s all solids, and muted colors. I’m thinking I’m going to have to boost my color palette now that Im beach living!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love the paint dress – it’s gorgeous and very cheerful. Interestingly, as I go to the Biennale, i feel very frumpy compared to the art crowd! (And that’s me in my groovy inner west gear!) Sometimes I think it’s just our mood rather than the actual reality. #LifeStories

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Debbie, you wear florals well! Your dresses are lively and colorful and should beat the “frumpy blues” any day. I believe we all should have a signature style and you rock this, so abide in it and enjoy. I’ve always been “sporty-casual” so florals on my clothes take a back seat. I suspect being a redhead has influenced my choices 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I would have thought sporty casual would be my style and maybe it was when i was younger Terri but I seem to have taken up the mantle of bright and colourful more as I have aged! Thanks for the floral inspiration for Sunday Stills.

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  9. I never knew we had a special day! I shall have to tell everyone so they can spoil me today 😉
    Bright colours really suit you and I’m pleased you found something you felt happy with in time to meet up with your friends. I’m having a bit of wardrobe boredom over here too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Deb, tell all the other Deborahs that we have a special name day and everyone should spoil you. Thanks for understanding the fashion dilemma, it’s real!


  10. Hi Deb – when I see a floral dress at the shops it always makes me think of you. Nothing beats a lovely pop of colour and there’s nothing worse than feeling frumpy. Glad you found your perfect Autumn ensemble. And by the way, your mum looks amazing for 84!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Donna for the name day congrats, I love a celebration! I’m happy in my bright florals and will now add that to my signature style – I didn’t know I had one!


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