Round and Round the Garden #SundayStills

Sunday Stills

This week’s theme for Terri’s Sunday Stills is Rounded and Terri’s post Feeling Well-Rounded can be found here.

In Terri’s words: This week, we are exploring things that have a round or elliptical shape (circular, cylindrical, or spherical). This is a common shape in nature and in human-made things. It is also common for me to feel a little more rounded after too much good food over the holiday weekend.

I know the feeling of being more rounded after too much good food!! Nice one Terri 🙂

Family Time

Three years ago, almost to the day, my mother relocated to a nearby town, an hours drive from my place, buying a house and moving not once, but twice, over a few months. The house is delightful and she is very happy living there.

kinda cute cottage
Mum’s cute little cottage

She loves gardening and so the huge yard was a joy to her until it started needing some more work than she could manage. My brother lives close by and regularly helps out with projects and when we visit there’s always a list of things to do. My sister and brother-in-law live about 5 hours drive away.

Mum’s double block is on a bit of a rise and my brother is currently working on a ramp at the back to make access easier for mum, among other jobs requiring his time and effort.

Did I mention Mum is now 85?

Between us all we managed to find a weekend we were all free and descended on mum and her list of jobs – inside and outside jobs. Computer help, Christmas shopping, Apple TV support, painting around the new windows she’s had put in and re-organising the linen closet so she can reach things more easily.

While we were all together we also had an early Christmas dinner, early birthday celebrations for me and acknowledging it’s been three years almost to the day that we helped move mum into her new house.

Family Working Bee

The weather forecast for the weekend mentioned storms and yes they were right! We managed to work around the storms, going inside when the rain got too heavy then when the sky cleared out we’d all go again. Even I got involved in the garden and I’m not that keen on gardening!

My sister managed to take some photos of us all while tending to the pork and glazed ham in the Weber bbqs, ready for dinner that night.

Round things

The Batlow Apple Pie was delicious with ice cream after our Christmas meal which was complete with bonbons and all the yummy salads and vegetables.

Round and round the garden
Like a teddy bear.
One step, two step,
Tickle you under there.

Nursery Rhyme

Unlike the nursery rhyme above there was no tickling but we did find some old letters and emails which made for hilarious reading and tickled our funny bones – our father was such a witty man who often didn’t pull any punches, and we laughed uproariously at the memories his words evoked.

We all did LOTS of steps over the weekend but it was well worth it to see how good the garden looked afterwards and how happy Mum was to have things under control again.

So that was my round and round the garden weekend fun! I’ve made the photos circles too to get the whole rounded feeling for this week’s theme 🙂

What about you?

What does rounded mean to you? You can leave me a comment below – let’s chat.

Deb 🙂

All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here.

Sunday Stills photo challenge

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

31 Replies to “Round and Round the Garden #SundayStills”

  1. I cannot imagine moving twice in the span of a few months. The last one about did me in! But, your mum’s cottage does look quite cozy! A big garden would be wonderful. I do miss planting lots and lots of things to see what will take and what won’t (lots won’t…I’ll let you know).

    Round for me is the shape of my stomach these days…so much rounder than I’d like! Round is also sitting round the table playing games and remembering.

    Such a wonderful post, Debbie!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Marsha, thanks for stopping by! When mum first moved down this way she had to rent a place until she found something to buy and then move again. She did well and is happy where she is but is impatient for things to get done at times – not happening fast enough! She loves gardening and it keeps her active. I laughed at your tummy description, I think we’re all a bit like that :). We also played board games ’round the table with my siblings over the weekend, I forgot to mention that!


    1. It actually was quite fun Janine and good to see the results almost immediately. My brother now has to get rid of all the tree waste as we didn’t have enough trailers to do that. Mum’s place is lovely! Thanks for your visit, it’s always much appreciated 🙂


  2. Your mom is grateful to have you ’round, I’m sure, Debbie! 🙂 I’m pleased to know at 85 she is doing so well and is a one-hour drive from you. My own dad is one hour’s drive from my brother in Arizona –so close, but not TOO close if you get my drift! Great images of your family and all the round things to see. Sheila’s garden sign is adorable! Great idea to frame the images in rounded format–now why didn’t I think of that?? Heartwarming post, my friend! Have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Terri, I’m glad my post fit the prompt! Yes mum was very happy with our efforts and we felt it was a great way to spend time together as a family, which doesn’t happen all that often. She loves her garden and it keeps her active most days which is a good thing. The rounded images came to me and then I had to remember how to do it! Thanks again for your weekly challenge it makes me get the week off to a good start when i can get a post done, usually at the last minute (and on a Monday our time). Have a great week ahead, before we know it, it will be December!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Deb – I loved how you all bogged in and got your mum’s place all spiffy again (not to mention all the other little ‘jobs’ on her list). My mum has just sold her house in the city and is moving down here to be closer to my brothers and me – I think we’ll be doing a few of those helping days for her in the years to come – fortunately she doesn’t have much garden (phew!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Leanne, it was a great way to spend time together and be useful! That’s good news about your mum moving down nearer to you 🙂 It’s good that we can keep an eye on things these days, rather than mum being over a 1000km away!


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