The Joys in June #WBOYC


It’s time for our monthly What’s Been on Your Calendar #WBOYC linkup, I’m also trying to include my Word of the Year (thrive) in these posts. I really don’t know where the year has gone!

Hello Winter

Hello June and Hello Winter

June has been all about travel, birthdays, family and celebrations.

We celebrated the winter solstice in mid-June and now the days start to get longer, although the weather will get colder before it gets warmer! Many locals head north in June/July to get away from the cold and we’ve joined the exodus. Our little town has views of the snow-capped mountains and often gets snow falls.

Joys in June

We started the month with a weekend away visiting my sister Sharon and her husband Tim at their home in country Victoria. It was great to get away, visit new eateries, small villages and go to the monthly markets.

I continued with my regular strength training sessions, bike rides, step classes, Pilates and daily walks – I enjoy the community and connections just as much as the exercise!

On Monday 3 June we finally cancelled our plans to go to New Caledonia which was to be the next week and tasked our travel agent with finding us a new destination for the same dates! She came up with a week on Norfolk island including accommodation, car hire and a complimentary orientation tour of the island. By the end of the week it was all sorted and we had plans in place. I was a bit stressed by it all let me tell you – think coldsores, breakouts on my face and high anxiety levels. The local paper asked me for my story and it took up a whole page!

newspaper article in the tumbarumba times
Newspaper article in the local Tumbarumba Times

As I said in my recent What’s Been on Your Bookshelf post:

It was a whirlwind lead up as we were meant to be going to New Caledonia as a kind of ‘cleansing’ due to my ill-fated trip from almost 5 decades ago! When riots and civil unrest broke out in New Caledonia we watched on thinking it would be settled by the time our trip came around, but no it wasn’t, and the travel alerts were telling us to ‘reconsider our need to travel’.

We rarely go somewhere without doing some research beforehand, but that’s just what we did last week. We checked the weather, a bit misleading but we got the idea it would be warmer than our winter temperatures at home which barely saw us reach double digits. We relished the sound of 20 degrees, even if some rain and wind were forecast!!

I’m trying to write a post about our time on Norfolk Island but I keep getting distracted! I’ll get it done at some stage so stay tuned. I did relax and enjoyed myself immensely as this photo shows 🙂

Deb on Norfolk Island
Deb relaxing on Norfolk Island

June had my youngest daughter turning 36 and my mother’s 86th birthday. We will celebrate my daughter’s birthday a bit late as we’re up here visiting her in Brisbane now. My sister and brother-in-law came up for Mum’s birthday and we all enjoyed a lovely lunch and spending time together.

This is my beautiful mother on her 86th birthday – photo taken by my sister Sharon.

Mum on her birthday
Mum on her birthday

It was World Gin Day on 8 June and we just happened to be invited out to the local Ladbroken Gin Distillery for a gathering, so I made sure I enjoyed a warming Hot Toddy. It was delicious and gave me the idea of serving them at my Rotary Changeover dinner later in the month.

Hot toddy time
Hot toddy time

Before I went away I decided to take a social media and blogging break for the week and my friends laughed at me, saying I couldn’t do it! So that galvanised me into making sure I could do it and I did. It was very hard because I really wanted to share the beautiful scenery and history but I just had to stop and enjoy the moment instead. The best part was that the island doesn’t have phone reception (unless you buy local access) so we had limited reception and wifi was only available in our accommodation. It certainly made my social media break a lot easier and I didn’t miss it much at all!

After returning from our week away we stayed over with our daughter’s family in Canberra before heading home, it was lovely to see our grandchildren and catch up on all their news plus the cuddles!

Once home it was all action stations as we had four, (yes 4), days at home before we were heading off to Queensland to see our daughter and help out with our grandson.

Debbie and Jo in Tumbarumba
Debbie and Jo in Tumbarumba

I had my Rotary Changeover to set up and prepare for on Monday night; Jo and her daughter Sarah were in Tumbarumba for a few days so I had to see them; and I had to wash and repack my bags for three weeks away up north! We left early Tuesday morning after my Changeover dinner.

Let me explain the Changeover – I’ve been the President of our Rotary Club all year and my term ended with me passing on the role to a new President on Monday night. We had a celebratory dinner with 50 people, I gave a speech looking back at what we achieved with the club during my year, we gave out a special award to a deserving local who had no idea he was getting it, and Bix our Finnish exchange student gave a presentation on her year in Tumbarumba. We inducted the new Board for 24/25 and we all had a great night. Luckily for me I had chosen the best MC ever, my friend Vanessa, and she not only kept me calm but she hosted the whole event like the professional she is! It was a big year for me and I enjoyed it but I was also glad to hand over to the new team. I stay on the Board as the Immediate Past President so I’m not leaving them in the lurch!

We arrived in Brisbane at lunchtime on Wednesday after a huge two days of driving with minimal breaks, listening to audiobooks along the way and sharing the driving as we do. Not much exercise got done in that time which is just as well as I have a sore knee/leg.

This coming Sunday, 30 June, we have tickets to see a production of the Very Hungry Caterpillar in Brisbane which will be fun for all of us I’m sure. We’re planning to take the train into the city so Patrick (aged 4) will love that! We’re here for a few weeks and I’m hoping to meet up with blogging friends Sue and maybe Min if we can manage it.

Other than that it will be lovely to spend time with my daughter and her family, enjoy the warmer weather – 24 degrees in winter is unheard of back home where we’re lucky to get to double figures on a good day! We have our bikes with us so will do some rides, go to the beach and do lots of fun things with Patrick – he’s grown up so much since I last saw him just a few months ago!!

Thriving in June

I think we can agree that June was a fun-filled, action packed month and despite some angst I managed to thrive in lots of ways. I was organised and had lots of help from key people, friends and family and managed to fit everything in. It wasn’t a slow month by any means!

I could easily have folded at various times during the month but I rallied and that tells me I’m thriving, I’m being honest, I’m accepting that some days/months are harder than others and I’m making the most of each and every day! I’m doing my best to THRIVE!

Thrive WOTY2024

Blogging in June

It was a relatively quiet month on the blog due in part to my social media break and being busy in other areas.

Including this post, I wrote 5 posts in June.

I try to join Gail’s Wow on Wednesday linkup, Sue and Marsha’s Weekend Traffic Jam, Min’s Wednesday’s Words and Whimsy, Terri’s Sunday Stills and Natalie’s Weekend Coffee Share. But it’s been a bit hard lately to fit everything in!!

What’s Been on Your Calendar plus Word of the Year

We’ve set this linkup for the last Friday of the month and the linkup button is below – copy your post’s URL and add it in. We love reading about what you’ve been doing. It’s great fun, so we hope you can join us.

Hosts for WBOYC
Hosts for WBOYC

My stunning co-hosts can be found here:
Donna – Retirement Reflections
Jo – And Anyways…
Sue – Women Living Well After 50

Please note the two dates – the first one is for Northern Hemisphere bloggers (where Donna lives) it’s the last Thursday of the month and the second date is for the last Friday of the month for us Southern Hemisphere bloggers. The link up will stay open for 48 hours.

Dates for the rest of 2024:

  • July 25/26
  • Aug 29/30
  • Sept 26/27
  • Oct 31/Nov 1
  • Nov 28/29
  • Dec 26/27

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter…

Phew that was a month!

Wishing you well for the month ahead, thanks for reading and hope you’ll join us by sharing what was on your calendar in June.

Debbie signature

Recent posts in case you missed them:

Also joining Natalie the Explorer for her #weekendcoffeeshare linkup

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

34 Replies to “The Joys in June #WBOYC”

    1. Thanks Janis, it was so good to catch up with Jo in Tumbarumba. I’ve met up with her in Qld before but having visitors on my town is always a thrill.
      Yes I do take breaks and give myself time to breathe, thanks for checking!


  1. I LOVE following you ladies in AUS and NZ and trying to get my head around the geography, and the opposite time of year. Your fitness routine is inspiring as well – it’s all about consistency, isn’t it?!?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes consistency is crucial but we all need breaks every now and again. Australia is a huge country and I love seeing what’s happening on the other side of the world too.


  2. Deb, you make my head spin with all you do. Even your blogging break was productive. The geography of your country boggles my mind, and while I try to picture the proximity of you to Sue, Leanne and Jo I assume it takes a lot of effort to connect in RL. Glad you and Jo had some time together. I’m sure the conversation was lively!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is a huge country Suzanne and as an example today in my town it’s a range of 1-9 Celsius and here in Queensland over a 1000km away it’s 13-27 degrees both in winter!
      Leanne is right over the other side of the country and I’ve not been to Western Australia yet!
      Jo and I had a great few chats while she was in town, always fun.


  3. Whilst I missed seeing you on SM, I understood your decision to stop for a bit.

    Congratulations on your year as President. It’s a big deal and took quite a bit of your time too. I know your support will be appreciated in your past president role.

    And now I see you up in Qld and for all the best reasons, warmth and family. P is growing up!!

    I love the word JOY, and I think I need to encapsulate it more.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denyse, it was a big year as President and I’m glad I managed to get a lot done with help of our members. It’s lovely being up here today is a top of 27!! We’re off to see the Very Hungry Caterpillar show at the theatre with Patrick. Lots of fun times and JOY is a word we all need to have more of in our lives.


  4. Another busy month! Just as we are finally seeing a bit of summer, you’re ready to embrace winter. Fancy being such a media celebrity in the papers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Deb, a good month but also a bit busy! We’re in Queensland and the temp is up to 27 Celsius today – and that’s winter for them!!
      I’m a celebrity 😂😂


  5. What a busy but fabulous month, Deb and you continue to thrive. Your Mum looks so fit and well which is great, isn’t it? I love the photo of you and Jo such big smiles and just what Jo needed at the moment. I’m sure you will have mixed feelings about the Changeover from President but you work so hard it will be nice for you to help rather than lead for a change. Enjoy your time up here in Qld and hope to catch up for sure. Patrick will really enjoy the train ride and of course the VHC. Have a great time! x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sue, it’s been a bit of a whirlwind lately but I had a good month fitting lots in (as you do). Mum is doing well and is off to UK later in the year.
      It was so good to see Jo and to finally meet Sarah, we loved catching up as we always do. I can’t wait to see you while up here.
      You’ve said it perfectly I’ll be happy to help in Rotary, rather than lead, this year. Thanks for all your support!


  6. What a busy and productive month. Congratulations on the Changeover and becoming President. Well done with maintaining your fitness routine. Glad you’ve been having a few breaks to escape the weather.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Gail, it’s all about balance and sometimes it’s hard to find that balance but I’m getting better at it! It’s so warm up here in Queensland 27 degrees today and it’s winter!!


  7. It sounds to me that June was definitely a month of Thriving for you Deb. Looking forward to your post about your break at Norfolk Island. I enjoyed your FB posts. Enjoy your time with family and friends in Brisbane, and the warmer weather of course. Congratulations on a year well done with Rotary. Time now to spend more time on you.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You have certainly had a very hectic month – I really don’t know how you keep up with yourself!
    I hope you get a little of bit of rest and relaxation in the Queensland sun although with an active Grandson that might be difficult! Enjoy your family time

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Deb – I missed you on socia”l media while you took your break. Good that you had such an enjoyable time away on your alternative holiday, and I love how you shone so brightly in your colourful dress for the Rotary handover – it was very “Debbie” and made me smile. Enjoy sunny Qld and being with the family.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi, Debbie – You are an incredible model of ‘Thriving’ despite what life throws your way. Your continued focus on the positive is truly inspirational.

    And I knew that you would be successful with your blogging break. I’m so glad that you took that time for yourself – so well-deserved! ❤

    I greatly look forward to catching up with you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I always forget just how large Australia is! I think of it as a little bit bigger version of the US, but it’s so much larger! I’m glad you had a good time on Norfolk Island. You really packed a lot into your month! Your mom looks wonderful…how fun for everyone to be there to celebrate her! I will link up my monthly post once it goes live.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. What a fabulous month you had. It is possible to travel last minute as you just proved! I have friends that need every last detail booked 6+ months in advance but if you can just let go and trust then good trips can happen! I am so glad you took a break. I knew you could do it. Love the write up in the paper but more than that I love that you and Jo got to meet up! Take care and enjoy your northern winter break. Bernie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Woohoo – front page of the Tumba Times! I haven’t seen the paper so will make sure someone gets it for me 🙂 It really was great to see you in town xx


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