What path are you on at the moment? Is it smooth, bumpy or non-existent?

What’s the path to enlightenment?

There are many paths to enlightenment. Be sure to take the one with a heart.

Lao Tzu

I have been on a few paths so far in my life – the growing up path, the motherhood path, the career path, and now I’m rocking the retired path.

I’ll be honest, some of these paths have been a bit bumpy – but I wouldn’t have it any other way!

I’m not sure if they’ve really given me any enlightenment but they have given me lots of joy. Riding gives me joy too.

A bumpy ride

Of all the paths you take in life, make sure some of them are dirt.

John Muir
Croatia path
Riding in Croatia

This ride was in Croatia and started off nice and easy but soon turned bad. Add in the fact that I was recovering from an emergency appendectomy and it became a bit messy! The Mathematician had to push both bikes up this massive hill while I stumbled behind. It all ended well I’m happy to say!

Paths with pictures

While away on holidays recently we enjoyed lots of bike riding on a variety of paths.

Shared pathways are a great way to get around and we did just that!

In the outer suburbs of Brisbane we discovered a shared pathway running alongside the railway. It was well signposted, an easy to ride surface and relatively flat.

An added bonus – the painted sound barriers along the way. These are just a few of the boards. Just a delight!

Beach path

Another favourite ride was along the Morton Bay Cycleway in the Redcliffe area from Scarborough to Clontarf, over the bridge and then to Sandgate and Shorncliffe. It was a shared path with fabulous beach views. Coming from Tumbarumba in the Snowy Mountains of NSW, the sparkling blue water and warm sunshine were an absolute delight to us.

Sharing is caring

Brisbane City bikes

CityCycle has 150 stations available across Brisbane’s city centre. We were in the city for the day and hired bikes for an hour or so. It was a fun easy way to get around the city and relatively cheap as well. Here’s me posing 🙂

You can also hire scooters but these looked a bit too dangerous to me!

City bike in Brisbane
City bike in Brisbane

Tumbarumba’s Rail Trail

I can’t write about riding on paths without mentioning the Tumbarumba to Rosewood Rail Trail which is currently being constructed. It’s only been in the pipeline since 2003!! We can’t wait to have riders of all ages and ability come to our little town to ride our rail trail – the first one on public land in NSW. The Mathematician and I are very involved and look forward to it opening in early 2020. It will be a shared path for bikes, mobility scooters, walkers, runners, prams, wheelchairs but not motorised motor bikes.

Sunday Stills

It’s #SundayStills time, with the theme of path.

Terri is back as the host this week but it’s been great having Hugh’s prompts, and his different interpretations, for the past two weeks.

Sunday Stills is a photography challenge with a weekly theme (similar to the now-defunct WPC). Each Sunday I post the weekly theme with images of my own interpretation. Any blogger is welcome to participate and interpret the challenge with their photos, poems, stories, music, etc!

Terri – Second Wind Leisure Perspectives

I’d love to know what you think of my interpretation this week. Last week’s theme was unusual and I shared my love of play. This week isn’t much different, I love riding too!

I always enjoy seeing what others come up with for these weekly prompts 🙂

Sunday Stills photo challenge

You can see all my Sunday Stills posts by clicking here

Have a great week ahead. We’re heading to Kingaroy next to ride on the South Burnett Rail Trail.

What path are you on?

Deb 🙂

Visit Deb’s World’s Instagram for photo updates

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

22 Replies to “What path are you on at the moment? Is it smooth, bumpy or non-existent?”

  1. Hi Deb, if our paths were always smooth and straight life could become a little boring! Brisbane has certainly come a long way with the bike ways and the City Bikes and so pleased you could enjoy your love of riding with such glorious weather. Love the artwork on the sound barriers there is a beautiful one near where I run at Kangaroo Point and it is the wall of an underpass which is covered in hibiscus so colourful! Keep enjoying wherever your path leads you. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes that’s so true Sue, they would be boring days indeed. I’ve seen some lovely sound barrier artworks, one had pictures of babies in various poses and they were all so sweet. I love hibiscus flowers too. We’ve just done another 20km ride and we set off a bit further north tomorrow. I must say I’m so happy our paths have crossed, you’re a great friend 🙂 xx


  2. Debbie, you’ve captured some great images on your paths! Bicycling is such a joy, love that shot of you in Brisbane on the rental. Looks like we had the same idea for using the John Muir quote…great minds and all that 😜 Thanks for your continued support and participation in Sunday Stills. I am happy to be back to almost normal!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks very much Terri, we love cycling together and enjoy being outside wherever possible. I love that John Muir quote too and yes great minds think alike. I was tempted to use many of the ones you used but settled on a few different ones 🙂 Glad to hear you’re recovering well.

      I had to use that shot of me on the rental bike, we had a great day out and I look very happy with myself 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Deb,
    Great post tying the paths in life analogy to the biking one. Dan and I used to ride frequently…we had a series of books that started, “Short bike trips in…” and they were all around 20 miles or so. Perfect for us. Then Dan started to have back issues, and we got the sailboat so our interests shifted. Life is like that!
    But we have vowed to recondition the bikes and bring them to FL this winter and get back into the habit a bit. FL is very level for the most part and makes for easier riding.
    Cool post and great pix of your rides.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Amanda! That area is just delightful and we’re really enjoying ourselves. It would be so lovely to live nearby and I’m slightly envious of you getting to see that view every day 🙂 . Feel free to re-post by all means.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. You’ve been on some wonderful paths over the years Deb. And isn’t it so true that even though some paths might be bumpy they all get us to where we need to be. Keep enjoying it all my friend. Great post and pics as usual. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I thought your feature picture was in Busselton to start with, it looks very similar. Reflecting on some of my mind re bumpy paths, there are some I could have done without, and some I probably could have found a less bumpy part on the track. But I am we’re i am because of the paths I’ve travelled down, and I like where I am.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Chris, we are where we are because of the paths we’ve taken. Glad to hear you like where you’re at.

      We’ve been so lucky with the weather here and the beach just keeps drawing us in! Although as I write we are in the middle of a big storm!
      Thanks for your comment 🙂


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