Worth a Word Wednesday: the tracks of my life

 Wordless Wednesday – winter and the tracks of my life

Forest tracks on a winter's day in Tumbarumba
Forest tracks

No more ‘jealousy/wish you were here’ shots of beaches from me for the moment, I’m back home into full-on winter mode – it’s wet, grey, cold and just a tad miserable outside.

These tracks are throughout the forest at the rear of our property and over the years my husband has built up a system of walking and mountain bike tracks.  He enjoys the physical effort required, the mental and technical approach, deciding where to go next and if it will work.  He then enjoys the actual walking or mountain biking to test it all out.  I am now using them as running tracks. It’s a slower pace than on the forest roads but trail running makes a nice change and I’m not that fast a runner at the best of times! While I run I let the world go and let the forest cast its magic over me.

A local cycle group is currently building up the tracks for use by mountain bikers of all levels and my husband is in his element guiding, advising and building.

I think there’s a certain beauty in the forest in winter, a starkness and a stillness that is a welcome change to other areas of life. Would you agree?

Last week my blogging friend Suzanne at Global Housesitter x2 suggested I change the name of my Wordless Wednesday posts to Worth a Word Wednesday, as I rarely seem able to refrain from using some words in these posts, despite the title!!

What do you think of her suggestion?  Maybe I could start a new trend!!

Check out Suzanne’s latest post, RoadTrip Part 2, she’s currently housesitting in Turkey and sharing some of her and the Squire’s experiences, it’s always interesting to see what they’re up to!  Thanks again for the suggestion Suzanne!

I love it when people leave me a comment, so don’t be shy – comment away!

Debbie 🙂

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41 Replies to “Worth a Word Wednesday: the tracks of my life”

  1. I think it is an Aussie thing Debbie – we find it hard to be wordless LOL:) Whilst I live near the beach in Queensland I do love cold and wintery being able to curl up in front of a warm fire with a glass of red and a good book. I suppose we are never satisfied are we? I love your backyard though. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and photos with us at #overthemoon link party. I’ve shared on social media. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I know what you mean Kathleen, when I’m out there everyday I forget how beautiful it is until I take a photo and share it and gets lots of comments. Our everyday isn’t everyday to others! Thanks for visiting 😊


  2. I love trails in winter – especially if there is no snow. Once I have to start breaking trail with snowshoes I become less enamoured with it 😉

    Worth a Word Wednesday makes sense to me. A photo without context always feels naked.

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  3. I used to love doing some trail running because the pine needles on the trail made for a softer landing. I used to get a kick out of “reading” your Wordless Wednesdays because they weren’t…lol. My posts on Wednesday are called Wednesday Whoa’s. As a Wednesday child, it was my way of taking the Woe out of the Wednesday Child and turning it into Whoa!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love your Wednesday Whoa’s and the rationale behind it, made me laugh!! I’m not good at following rules so I think I’ll continue with my not so wordless Wednesdays from now on.
      I agree the pine needles make a softer landing and it’s a fun thing to do, twisting and turning following the tracks. Thanks for stopping by Jennifer.


  4. It reminds me of pictures of the forests in the US Deb – it’s amazing how diverse our country is – and I love what your husband has achieved and that it’s being developed even further with his blessing.

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    1. Thanks Leanne, it’s great fun to be involved. Today there was a group of boys using the trails as part of a school holiday event and they had a blast! makes it all worth it when you see their happy faces and muddy shoes.


  5. I think ‘Worth a Word’ Wednesday is a great suggestion, Deb! Your winter forest looks different than ours in Maine since we would need snow shoes or a snowmobile to walk through. Do you get any snow or is it just cold with rain?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s great to hear!! I am so lucky to have these tracks virtually in my backyard. Feel free to join in with a photo AND words on a Wednesday! Hope to stay in touch 🙂 and thanks for the follow.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Not at all! From my experience it’s a hard, slow climb to get a following going. I’ve decided not to worry so much about it anymore and just post when and what I feel like. I found a few good Facebook groups to join and they have helped gain new followers and interaction is the best way. Good luck with it all, I’m happy to help if needed.


    1. Great to hear I’m not alone!! I get into trouble all the time for using words on wordless Wednesday so I’m happy to stay with Worth a Word Wednesday. Feel free to join in!! The more the merrier.

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  6. Thank you, Debs, you are so lovely for mentioning my blog!! I tell you what we could do with a cooler day though try not to complain as the memories of our first northern winter are still vivid 🙂 I love the seasons, especially Autumn, not too hot and not too cold. Walking through the forest as we did in Northern France during our last winter was a real treat. Your blog posts wouldn’t be great if not for the words 🙂

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  7. such a lovely shot! So funny to think you are in winter when we are in the heat of summer. And not only is it in the mid 80s F here, we are heading on vacation tomorrow to a place were it is 112 F LOL! Craziness! Actually it is hubby’s annual work conference and at a beautiful resort and spa – but still……. HOTTTT! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lucky you Jodi, enjoy! I had my break last week with mum so I can’t complain too much. It is funny seeing everyone’s northern hemisphere shots of summer when we’re in winter down here but we get to post our sunny day pics when you’re in winter so it all works out in the end. I like the shot too and you can just see Mr H in the background doing a bit of track clearing. Have fun on your trip and take care 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad to know you feel it too Donna. It’s not as attention grabbing as spring, summer or autumn but it has a beauty all its own. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, I always appreciate your comments. 🙂 Have a great day.


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