Water is life – Week 32 of 52 week photo project

Welcome to my wrap-up post for Week 32 of our 52 Week Photo Project

The theme for Week 32: Water

Water – I must admit I went a bit teacher-y with my photo this week and even did some research on bluebottles to share with you all – they are really amazing creatures!  I chose this photo as I loved the colour, the frilly bits and the different perspective of the bluebottle.

A bluebottle is a pretty little sea creature with a painful sting in its tail (or tentacles). Bluebottles are fascinating creatures and despite appearing to be single animals they’re actually colonial organisms known as siphonophores. This was one of many found in the water, and washed up on the beach, on the NSW South Coast. One of them left its mark on a Finnish Exchange student’s ankle while she was learning to surf. Did you know a group of bluebottles is called an ‘armada’?

Up close with a bluebottle at the beach
Up close with a bluebottle

We had a fun day with the group of Rotary Exchange students as they were lucky enough to attend a two day surf camp with former world champion Pam Burridge.  The weather was glorious, the kids all enjoyed their surfing and we delighted in their delight.  The only thing to mar the day was one of the girls was stung on the ankle by a bluebottle which wrapped itself around her lower leg.  Ouch!

My sister still tells the dramatic story of how she was stung one day by a nasty bluebottle MANY years ago – and it’s as if she can still feel the pain today.

I featured a candid shot of the group in my Wordless Wednesday post this week. This was one of my choices for my water photo – I often have a few possibilities and use my daughters as my brains-trust, asking them for their opinion as to which one I should choose.

Let's go surfing with Rotary Youth Exchange students on NSW South Coast
Let’s go surfing!

I also liked this one of Green Island and daydream about it being a deserted island I can escape to one day…anyone want to join me? When the tide is out you can walk across the sand to it. I loved the play of the waves in this one and the contrast of the green of the island and the blue of the water and the sky.

A deserted island?
A deserted island?

Photos from the group

The photos from the group were all very different this week. I encourage you to follow the link above to check them out for yourself. Maybe leave a comment if one of the photos particularly takes your fancy.  Commenting/sharing is caring 🙂

Daniel captured a fantastic shot of water and light – so clever!

Grant’s photo was of a dry creek bed with water being just a distant memory.

Melanie’s photo was a lovely beach scene and she used a beautiful quote in light of the fact it was Valentines Day during the week. Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away – Sarah Kay.

Sharon outdid herself this week with the most amazing photo of water drops  – you have to see this one!

Tim’s photo showed a beautiful waterfall which reminded him of home in Tasmania.

You can read more about the story behind the project here: 52 week photography project  – but basically I have joined with 5 photographers, of varying experience, to take a photo every week for a year, one theme at a time. That’s 52 weeks of photos!

Water is the driving force of all nature – Leonardo da Vinci

With each photo we also submit some accompanying words, which can be just as interesting as the photo itself some weeks!

How did you like our interpretations this week? Let me know in a comment below, I always appreciate hearing your thoughts.

Next week’s theme is: A detail

Enjoy your week ahead and remember water is life.

Deb 🙂

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

13 Replies to “Water is life – Week 32 of 52 week photo project”

  1. I thought the picture of the blue bottle was cool. I hadn’t heard of or seen a picture of one until today. Then I saw your picture of the island and I was in love. I’ll join you there. It won’t be deserted anymore.

    Liked by 1 person

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