What’s on the list of Winners and Losers for this week #23

Friday Feature on Deb’s World

Winners & Losers #23

Welcome to Week 23 of my Friday roundup. It’s always fun seeing which stories take my interest from one Friday to the next. While ever others find my posts interesting I’ll continue on, or at least until I don’t enjoy doing it any longer! I must say I love the interaction and engagement – so thanks for your feedback each week.

So, here are my other Winners and Losers for another week.

Musings on a Monday quote 🙂

This quote was a part of my first Ageing Well in August post – and makes complete sense to me!

motion is lotion quote
motion is lotion quote

I share a new quote each Monday on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. I’d love to have you join me. If you have a favourite quote just let me know and I’ll feature it.


Back in 1998, I was addicted to the ABC TV show Seachange, and it became a family tradition that we would all sit and watch it together on a Sunday night. My teenage daughters loved it too, as it had something for everyone. It was quirky, fun, different and addictive!

Fast forward 20 years and the show has been remade, but on a different channel. Some of the original cast members are in the remake and despite not wanting to ruin the original I made myself watch it. My daughters weren’t keen to watch it, preferring to keep their love for the original intact!

This is a Guardian review of the first episode: Seachange review – reboot of much loved 90s series is frothy but fails to fizz

Seachange was special and strange. A corporate lawyer, Laura Gibson (Sigrid Thornton’s cartoonishly baffled, high-strung creation), leaves Melbourne in meltdown for a low-stress job as the local magistrate in the coastal hamlet of Pearl Bay. Every week, two million viewers tuned in to the Bay’s lovable cast of small-town weirdos, Laura’s slightly hapless children Rupert and Miranda, her new loves (first David Wenham’s Diver Dan, then William McInnes’ Max, a grumpy journo) and the show’s goofy real-estate villain, Bob Jelly (the actor John Howard). And before the night of 10 May 1998 there was nothing like Seachange.


Were you are fan? Are you watching the remake? I’d love to know your thoughts.

Only in Australia!!

This segment is one of my favourites each week! Today we have a great video of a mob of kangaroos hopping through the snow in our recent cold snap! I also posted some snow photos in my Wordless Wednesday post this week.

The Importance of the Ordinary

I found this post about the importance of teaching children about the ordinary and thought I’d share it with you.

The premise of the post is that if we teach our children to constantly strive for the extraordinary, we may fail to teach them the importance and the power of the everyday world around them…

The Importance of the Ordinary

Here’s a short snippet:

Teach them to be still sometimes and to sit with their own thoughts. 
Teach them to express themselves however they feel they need to.
Teach them to love their own quirks, shortcomings and talents.
Teach them to feel and to hurt and to heal.
Teach them the beauty in a flower, the wonder of a view and the wisdom of the tides.
Teach them something every minute of every day.
Nothing is too ordinary

Donna Ashton – source

Penguin love

This story captured the attention of many last week – Little penguins in need of more rehabilitation jumpers in case of oil spill

When a little penguin is exposed to oil, it will stick to its feathers and the birds will try to preen and clean the oil off.
In doing so, they can swallow the substance and that can be fatal.
“So little penguin jumpers act as a rehabilitation tool. They are temporarily placed on the penguin and it stops them cleaning it off,” Ms Barker said.
When they are rescued off the beach, they come here to the Phillip Island Wildlife Clinic where experts will put on a little-penguin jumper.

This is an approved penguin jumper – many received were unable to be used

Apparently some jumpers which have been knitted were not able to be used due to their design, size, or embellishments which were unsafe – you can find Penguin rehabilitation jumper designs and patterns here: penguinfoundation.org.au.

It just so happens I saw this sign on the footpath in Manly, Sydney last weekend. These are different penguins though 🙂

Penguin sign
Penguin sign

My biggest loser this week is SPAM

Spam – those rotten little messages that thankfully get caught before they make their way onto my blog. But I have to check every day or so just in case it catches a real message that isn’t spam, which I then release from spam jail. I am eternally grateful for the filters on my blog which catch them quick smart 🙂

And to finish the week – another quote from Red Tractor Designs

My recent posts in case you missed them:

If you’ve missed any of the earlier posts in my Friday Feature – you can find them all here: Winners and Losers

You are very welcome to join in each week by leaving a comment with your own winners and losers.

What was your favourite bit from my post this week? I’d love to know!

Thanks to all who read, comment or share my posts – your make me very happy when you do so!

Keep smiling and thanks for reading.

Deb 🙂

Pin winners and losers 23

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30 Replies to “What’s on the list of Winners and Losers for this week #23”

  1. Hi Deb I was a Seachange fan and I always think Laura and Diver Dan made a great couple. I’ve seen the trailers for the new one but didn’t watch it. Like your daughters I want to keep the original unspoilt in my mind LOL:) Maybe you can keep us up to date each week in your Winners and Losers post??? I heard about the penguins and I love knitting so perhaps that could be a project for me (in my spare time of course). Thanks for another W&L post full of fun and quirky snippets of information that I will definitely need at some point in the future – maybe when I go on Who Wants to be a Millionaire. In a serious note, I love The Importance of Ordinary and will be giving a copy to my daughter although she and her husband follow this method of raising their sons. Have a great week, Deb and look forward to next week’s W&L. xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue, yes Laura and Diver Dan were great together! I miss the original but am quite happy so far. The penguin knitting is such a good idea isn’t it, I just wish I could knit! Thanks very much for your continued support.


  2. Hi, Deb – This post really resonated with me, especially ‘Motion is Lotion (or the Magic Potion). For the last 10 months, my husband has been plagued with whole body inflammation, arthritis and muscle pain. During our 24 day, 400 km hike this past June, the inflammation significantly subsided. Coincidence? Probably not!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isn’t that interesting Donna? I don’t think it was just a coincidence!! I’m so glad you can relate to my thoughts, it’s been fun writing to each day’s prompts and I’m finding that I’m sorting things out in my mind as I do so. Thanks so much for your comment, I always love hearing from you 🙂


  3. I especially liked two things, First, the power of the ordinary spoke to me. What could me more heroic, any yet in a sense, ordinary, of the parent who works hard each day so that his/her child can have a better life?

    I also am a big fan of the “Things Money Can’t Buy” Poster. This is the kind of thing I would have had hanging in my classroom if I were still teaching.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I especially liked two things, First, the power of the ordinary spoke to me. What could me more heroic, any yet in a sense, ordinary, of the parent who works hard each day so that his/her child can have a better life?

    I also am a big fan of the “Things Money Can’t Buy” Poster. This is the kind of thing I would have had hanging in my classroom if I were still teaching.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I think the kangaroos are hopping all round Facebook, at least leaping about would stop their feet getting cold.
    I have knitted a jumper for penguins; I was just feeling the urge to take up knitting again when I saw a poster in a charity shop ‘Can you knit a jumper for a penguin, patterns inside’. I thought it was a joke… but the next week when I turned up at the new knitting group and they said ‘What are you knitting?’ I could say ‘A penguin jumper.’

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Those kangaroos made it onto the BBC news here – they look like they are having a lot of fun, would they ever have seen snow before? I love little penguins and the thought of knitting one of them a jumper really appeals! So cute.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Deb, I’m not surprised the kangaroos made it onto your news. They’ve probably seen snow before but it really was a widespread cold snap and not all that common. Yes the penguins are super cute in their cosy jumpers – a great cause isn’t it?


  7. I always love your Winners and Losers posts!!
    This week, my win is I finished the major edits!!!
    The loser… I’m so exhausted by it all, I need to rest before school starts!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Penguins are one of my favourite animals. So seeing them in tiny jumpers is just cuteness overload! Seriously though, it’s good that people are trying to help them with this idea. A great selection of stories!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sue, I saw you shared the video during the week and I just had to use it too! We sure do live in an amazing place and aren’t those penguin jumpers just the cutest? It nearly makes me want to knit a jumper for them. Thanks so much for stopping by 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Janis – aren’t they amazing creatures! I’m wishing I could knit too, those penguin jumpers are so cute!! I actually had to look up why Spam is called spam and it is in relation tot he meat spam, who would have thought??? Thanks for stopping by and I’m really glad to have your comment 🙂 Enjoy the weekend ahead.


  9. I love those kangaroos in the snow & the little penguin jumpers – way too much cuteness in one pic, but an important message. I loved your quote this week and as for Seachange? I’m yet to watch the second episode & the jury, as it were, is still out. I’m trying hard not to compare it to my memory of the original (things often look better in hindsight & years) but I think it’s lacking the freshness and sparkle it needs. Having said that, I’ll keep watching…


    1. Hi Jo, yes the kangaroos in the snow and penguins in jumpers make such great images. Yes the quote was a new one for me too but it does make complete sense!! I really enjoyed episode 2 of Seachange this week and I know what you mean about missing that special something, but I’ll keep watching too. We can compare notes each week 🙂 Have a great weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

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