Life goes on in my little cocoon

How do I feel?

I woke up this morning with these words flitting around in my head, so I sat down to try to write them out.

We are living in strange times and the main problems are, we don’t know how long this will go on for or how bad it will get.

Photo by Pixabay on

As I sit in my backyard in the glorious autumnal sunshine, I have to remind myself from time to time, that life has changed.

I often think I’ve been dreaming and get a shock when I remember what’s going on out there. I know I am fortunate to live where I live but I worry endlessly about everyone, especially my family and friends, scattered across Australia and the rest of the world.

How do I feel in my little cocoon?

I feel like I’m in a cocoon
Awaiting to emerge
One day soon
As a beautiful butterfly.

I’m staying at home
Practising physical distancing
And writing a poem
While watching life from afar.

It seems surreal
Real life or a science fiction story
The whole thing unreal
But unfortunately, it’s all too true.

My cocoon feels safe
Familiar and comfortable
There’s not much I crave
Far away from the encroaching virus.

How can I just sit and read
Enjoying the autumnal sunshine
While out there a virus breeds
Threatening our very way of life?

I’m in two minds if I’m honest
Time spent with people
Is very much missed
But my cocoon is ever so comforting.

Will I emerge one day
Or will I enjoy this time
And decide to stay
Wrapped in my little cocoon?

© Debbie Harris - March 25 2020

I am indeed living in a cocoon.

One thing is certain, our lifestyle is changing rapidly.

And yet life goes on. It has to.

How are you feeling?

Do my words resonate with you at all, or is your experience completely different to mine?

It’s a strange time for everyone.

Leave me a message and I promise I’ll get back to you.

We’re all in this together.

Take care!

Deb xx

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Pandemic warning - keep your distance
Hello from a distance

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67 Replies to “Life goes on in my little cocoon”

  1. Nicely penned down! There are the challenging times, and nobody know where will it lead us to. Blessed are the we who are sitting inside our homes, on out comfy couches with a book to read, Netflix to watch or peacefully pen down, while the world outside continue to struggle badly. Life is unfair, and you can’t do anything about it. What you can do is make the most of the moments in hand. I am an Indian, amid the lockdown, soaring cases, and what not, the world seems to nearing doom. However, who knows what lies ahead. Like they say, everything happens for a reason, no matter how painful it gets. So, while you are alive and blessed to have a home and able to sit in comfy cocoon, ensure you spend the time wisely and well, for the butterfly awaits you. Stay safe 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great poem Deb! I can certainly relate to it & such a great way to describe what it’s like. I think, many of us around the world will reset our views about different things after we come out the other end of this terrible virus.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful words that capture the way so many of us are feeling. I am a homebody, an introvert but I enjoy being with family. It has been almost a month since I kissed by grands who live just over the mountain from me. I have everything I need and could ever want in my cocoon but the wonderful kisses and hugs of my family.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hi Deb, beautiful thoughts and writings. Yes, I feel like I’m living in a movie right now, it doesn’t seem real at times. While I love my home and am used to spending most of my time here, the lack of physical contact with family is the hardest. I look for ways to be thankful for what I have right now, and how I can provide encouragement to others. Stay safe and be well. Shared on SM. #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Candi, I agree it’s like we’re living through a book or a nightmare scary movie. It is a very hard time for many of us and you’re right trying to find things to be thankful for is a good idea. Take care and thanks for sharing.


  5. That is fabulous, Deb – what an amazing writer you are! I share your sentiments that everything is surreal, like a bad dream. But home safe today on a rainy day, working productively and staying touch with friends and family – life is still very good.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh thanks so much Toni, coming from you, a real writer, that means a lot! It’s raining here too and I’m stressed trying to get the ‘virtual’ opening of our rail trail sorted for tomorrow! It’s been a huge amount of work with all the changes happening around us. Take care of yourself too. You’ve managed to bring a smile to my face today so thank you xx

      Liked by 1 person

  6. That’s a lovely poem Deb and one I can very much relate to. It’s surreal times at the moment. I feel cocooned in my home but still very anxious because my two sons are still going out to work and home again each day. Hubby is working from home. My daughter is up in FNQ working. I can understand your concern for your children and extended family living far and wide. Take care and enjoy that cocoon. xo

    Liked by 1 person

  7. A lovely poem, Debbie. Writing down your thoughts ad feelings is one of many good ways to manage stress and anxiety. I’m adjusting well to my new “normal” and I’m prepared for the long haul. My city has cancelled all non-essential services and closed many facilities. All city-led events and festivals through June 30 are also cancelled. #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It really is strange, and I can empathize strongly with the mix of surreality and all-too-scary reality. And the not knowing how long this will go on, and how will the economy recover, and all that, and hoping it will all pass. #MLSTL

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  9. Your words definitely resonate with me. There’s definitely been more than one morning when as I start to awake it was on the tip of my tongue to relate the strange dream I had last night. Then in a split second I realise it wasn’t a dream after all, and this is now reality in the most surreal world we’ve ever known. We don’t know how long it will last, who will end up succumbing to the virus, who will catch it and survive it, whether the virus is one that will re-visit, how our fellow humans in poorer countries are faring, and how everyone’s world is going to be changed for evermore. What we do know though is that everyone’s world is absolutely going to be changed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Chris, I’m glad my words resonate with you. It’s such an unknown thing and we none of us know how we will cope. There is a lot on anxiety out there as a result and you’re right, everything world is going to change in some way or another. Take care!


    1. Thanks Donna! It was amazing how words come to you sometimes isn’t it? On another note I’ve just started watching Anne with an E set over your way and am loving it. I read all the books as a girl and with my middle name of Anne I always spell it as Anne with an E :). Great comfort-watching during these times. Take care x


  10. That is the perfect way to describe it Deb. Living in a cocoon. Yest as much as we are encased in our homes I also feel we are all so much closer in a common want for the world to be well again.Sending big hugs to you and best wishes as we adapt to our new way of living.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Clever and creative take on what is happening for you. I also think you have had so many months away and all over the world and now, even though Tumbarumba took a hit in the bushfires, you guys were OK. I think I would want to be cocooned for a while as well. Slowing down is hard. I am trying to rein my active self in…not going out anywhere or having a coffee out has really challenged me but this is the long game as I call it so I must learn to stop…and play. Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denyse, I had to get the words out of my head so just wrote them down! I am trying to make the most of my cocooning time but agree slowing down is hard at times. I can imagine you miss going out for your coffee time. Feel free to facetime me for a cuppa one day 🙂


  12. Lovely words Deb and so true at this incredibly difficult time for the whole world. Everyone’s life has completely changed here as it has in so many other places but hopefully if we all do as we are told then it will make a real difference to getting us all through this pandemic. Stay safe.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Beautiful poem, Deb! It does seem like we all are cocooning. If it wasn’t for the danger out there, it would feel very comfortable and home-y to me. We live outside a small town and can go for a walk or run on a bike path right behind our house – not too bad. Of course, I had gotten used to eating meals out fairly often. I miss that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Laurie! I agree about the dangers out there being the biggest dilemma. I’m like you, we live in a small town out of the main area, with paddocks, vineyards and a forest surrounding us, so I can get out without too much trouble or running into anyone else. We are coping with meals and our local restaurants are offering a takeaway/delivery service and it is nice to support them. Take care x

      Liked by 1 person

  14. I am loving seeing the stars again as lights are turned off and listening to bird song. However I know how fragile my cocoon is. A few years ago as a nurse I would have been on the front line not sitting on the sofa watching you tube videos. It makes me feel old and useless in a way I don’t normally feel.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can imagine it’s a different place at times Anne. I think all our cocoons are fragile but I think we are doing the right thing. As a nurse you would understand this better than many. Take care and by the way you are neither old or useless 🙂


  15. It is a strange time for all. The world is generally quieter, which is good. But the fear of having to go out, for me, looms. I still have to go into school on certain days and I want to do my bit, but it is terrifying, thinking of what I may bring back home…
    Stay safe 💜💜💜

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  16. Hi Deb – I’m loving my little cocoon – I feel like retirement has prepared me for living at home and being in my own little world. I’m so grateful for the internet, for all the mod cons, for plenty of food, for virtual contact with family etc etc.

    I do miss the physical interactions – seeing my mum and MIL and waving goodbye rather than hugging is hard. Missing out on visits from the kids and grandgirls is an absolute killer, but we have calls and videos to keep things chugging along.

    When I start worring about how long it will go on for, I pull myself up and choose to live in the “Now” and let tomorrow take care of itself. Things change rapidly and I’m just rolling with it and staying in my cocoon as much as possible (lucky I really like the guy I share it with!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I think you’re right Leanne, in some ways retirement has prepared us for these times. I am finding that I need a little more routine and structure these days, compared to normal but I’m coping OK so far.
      I also miss physical interactions and now might be the time we implement our promised facetime chats. I also miss visiting my family nearby. Take care xx


      1. Hi Deb – yes we really need to sort out a chat. I’ve had more virtual videos, photos and chats with my kids and grandgirls in the last month than I’ve had in the last year! It certainly helps offset not being able to see them IRL. Glad your daughter is doing better today – being at home with a new baby would definitely have extra challenges at this time.
        Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  17. I much prefer the word cocooned than isolated…The world has definitely changed who knows where it will end. Scary times…We are being advised to stay home unless it is a necessity to go out all shops except essential services are closed as are our borders…Pretty much the same worldwide…But I am scared for my family and willing them to stay safe and well like we all are…In this together with the world …Stay safe, Debs 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I like the word cocoon better than isolated. Yes conditions sound very similar to here. I am also concerned about my family especially Dottie in UK, with her prematurity and resultant lung issues. Thanks Carol, hope you and your family stay safe and well too.


  18. Best therapy out is to write down your feelings which you did rather well, Deb. A cocoon is a lovely concept, especially as winter approaches.
    It is very surreal and hard to believe it is happening. Very quiet around our neighbourhood, though it is still good to see a few walkers and cyclists out enjoying a bit of fresh air without endangering themselves or others.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree Suz, writing is always therapy to me. It is hard to believe what’s happening and it’s scary as well. Things are quiet here as well at the moment! We are enjoying the autumn sunshine and colours so that’s a positive!


  19. This is surreal! A plot device and not real life! I’m telling myself on repeat “one day at a time…,this will end one day soon!” We have 3 family members in the medical field so that’s concerning. I hope the gratitude for normalcy after this ends lasts for a very long time! I know there will be things I never take for granted again. Stay safe, well, and happy! Thanks for the discussion! It’s amazing that we can talk with people worldwide and share similar feelings and experiences. Are you on lockdown? We’re on lockdown in California ….euphemistically called “safer at home.” 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is surreal Carol and yes we’re locked down at home here too but it’s not been directed (yet) we’re just following advice to stay home except for the essentials. I also hope the gratitude for what we once took for granted comes back in droves. We are grieving for so much and I worry for everyone. Take care.

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  20. Just beautiful Deb and I love your creative poem. Surprisingly I am feeling more comfortable with life at the moment than I have been for quite some time. Perhaps it is because we are all in lock down, responsibilities of life have been lifted and I can relax and enjoy my time at home. Of course there is worry but I’m amazed that this worry hasn’t overtaken me as it would have in the past. I think by being their virtually for others through my Facebook Group and Blog, it is helping me because I’m doing what I think I’m called to do – help and support others. Stay healthy and take care my friend. xx

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    1. Thanks very much Sue, it’s hard to ignore the words when they wake you up like that! I’m so glad to hear you are feeling comfortable and managing well. You are doing a great job on the facebook page/group and we are lucky to have you with us. You help others so much with your attitude. xx


  21. You are such a positive person in our difficult times, hope you cocoone stays safe. My fathers nursing home is now in lockdown. Thanks to the staff who will continue to look after him and other residents, and will be more of a link now to their outside world. I’m lucky for my visit to him on Sunday. We all need to be kind to each other, take care

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    1. Thanks so much Leanne, it’s thanks to people like you who are keeping us feeling safe. I feel for you with your father in care and now in lockdown, it must be so hard for everyone. You’re so right we all need to be kind and take care of each other. Life is very different to how it was even a few weeks ago and we have so much ahead of us. Take care x


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