Time to get out of this wet winter funk – stop wallowing! #TreeSquare!

Tree Square – Day #24

Right, stop wallowing – my inner voice yells at me!

You know it’s winter, it rains, it’s cold and you can’t get out much; it’s miserable, foggy, frosty, snowy and sometimes all within the one day – she continues loudly.

Your sunroom didn’t get squashed by the falling tree so stop feeling miserable!

So today, as we are inching closer and closer to spring, I am sharing some of my favourite magnolia tree shots.

It’s the bestest tree in my garden and I have to make the most of it as it comes and goes so quickly during September. I find myself watching it daily as it starts to bud and then brilliantly comes alive as everything starts waking up from their winter hibernation.

Keep calm, it’s winter!

Let’s start with some unfurling buds –

And finish with some flowers!

My tree is now huge and I would claim it as my greatest garden accomplishment, but I don’t do anything to help it along except take copious photos throughout its various stages of growth.

I’m definitely not responsible for it’s fabulousness!

Becky’s square theme for July is Trees – it’s a monthly challenge where she posts a square photo of a tree (in some form) every day and she invites us all to join in, either daily or spasmodically as the whim takes us! It’s great seeing everyone’s posts from around the world.

The message for the day, to myself, is to stop wallowing! There’s a lot going on in the world at the moment, but I have to say sharing these beauties has made me feel a bit better – oh and a walk in the forest in the rain, helped too!

I’m joining Denyse for #lifethisweek where the prompt is Share your Snaps.

Are you a magnolia fan too?

Deb 🙂

All my #TreeSquare posts can be found here

PS: A brief apology (#sorrynotsorry) to some readers who may get tired of my extra posts and my photos of trees – but it’s a warm wintry welcome to my world! I have a lot of trees around my place so this is something I’m enjoying!

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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

43 Replies to “Time to get out of this wet winter funk – stop wallowing! #TreeSquare!”

  1. Oh Deb, here’s a big hug from me..and I do give good hugs. I am so sorry things are so crappy right now. Sad is OK. Just know, like all things, this will change but to acknowledge your grief about missing things you look forward to is OK. In fact, it probably encourages others to be a bit more vulnerable. The photos are beautiful.

    Thank you for being part of this week’s Life This Week link up. I enjoy seeing the posts linked by the community of friendly bloggers every Monday …and you are one of those. Next week’s optional prompt is Question. I hope to see you then. Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the hug Denyse, I needed it! I am understanding of all that’s going on and my disappointment is just a moment in time, but yes it is OK to express our sadness and show that we are all vulnerable. I enjoy being a part of your linkup each week!


  2. Beautiful photos – and I do love a magnolia. Glad to see your glass house survived and you’re surviving the cold. We escaped for a whole month to Qld which is an excellent winter plan. Planning on doing the same next year. Now I’ve got to make sense of these cold days we’ve landed back in.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Chris. Yes last year we were up north with our daughter at this time of the year but as she had plans to visit us in August we didn’t go up this year, now she can’t come down due to Covid and I’m very sad. The weather hasn’t helped!


  3. What gorgeous pics and such stunning colours! The world is so weird right now but it’s a good reminder than Mother Nature constantly delivers. Hope you have a blooming wonderful week!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What beautiful buds! We have had a really rainy summer here and I have been having to tell myself the same things. It’s hard for me to stay cheery when I don’t see the sun regularly.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I do love magnolias – we only seem to have the white ones in WA. They’re a bit like huge frangipanis – where you get the white ones and your get the pink ones. Yours is lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Leanne, they are like my gauge for the end of winter and the start of spring and I really need to see some spring soon, we’ve had so much rain it’s not funny!


  6. Our posts have a similar theme Deb. I’m sure it’s been colder where you are so good on you for getting yourself out of your funk. I love your magnolia. I had a large old one in my last garden which was also stunning. I did nothing at all to help it along so I’d say they probably thrive on neglect.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes it’s been very cold Jen but it’s the relentless low cloud, grey days and rain that’s doing my head in. Also my daughter and her family can’t come down from Brisbane as planned and I’m really sad about it. My magnolia photos make me smile.


  7. It’s all about staying positive and keeping busy isn’t it. I remind myself daily and it stops the wallowing. I love magnolias but the soil here is not so good for growing them

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve been a bit low for a number of reasons Alison but the coming spring growth will help renew me I’m sure. It’s all about staying positive as you say.


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