Weekly Photo Challenge: Grid on grid action

Grid 1

I’m featuring photos of grid on grid action for this week’s Daily Post’s photo challenge  as the theme is…you guessed it … Grid. I must admit that I’ve gone a bit literal with this one!

The sun is shining outside and my solar panels are working overtime as the sun worshippers they are.

There are grids within the grid the closer you look and then, on top of that, they are connected to the grid!

grid 2

As Michele W says…this week, let’s take the humble grid out of the shadows, and make it the star.

grid 3

…… let’s give them some time in the sun!

I have to say that my grids would be useless without the sun!

Enjoy your weekend!

Deb 🙂

16 Replies to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Grid on grid action”

    1. It’s a great setup where we harness the sun’s power, which goes into the main grid and we get paid for what we produce. We then use electricity as normal in our house but our bills are much less because we’ve contributed some of the power. Win win!

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    1. We use them to make electricity from the sun which then goes into the main grid. We get paid for what we’ve contributed. The setup costs were quite high but we haven’t paid an electricity bill since we put them in a few years ago. It’s great! One day I want them to be able to power the house. ☀️

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