Weekly photo challenge: Changes (tulips)

I admit to having real trouble in trying to work out what to use for this week’s photo challenge with the theme of Change.  Lots of things have changed in my life over the years but how to capture these things??

The brief this week: …show us a change in progress. This can be done in one or multiple photos….Change is commonly defined as “to give a completely different form or appearance to; to transform.” This may be a drawn-out process that’s difficult to capture in a single photograph, or a quick transformation that’s depicted in a snapshot. Perhaps it’s the change of seasons. A caterpillar becoming a butterfly. A shift in the weather.

I give to you my tulip changes….

It just so happens that I was in Canberra for the weekend and we went to Floriade which was full of tulips in all their various stages of flower. I captured these shots of the gorgeous yellow tulips from the closed stage to fully opened and past their prime.  It was easy once I knew what I wanted to do, I just had to locate tulips in all their various stages and photograph them.

I loved it all – the colours, the Nightfest activites, the plantings, the huge scale of the gardens and the beautiful sunny day.  It all combined to make for a perfect weekend. So I decided to share my yellow tulip photos depicting the changes that they undergo.

Floriade is Australia’s biggest celebration of spring. It showcases one million flowers in bloom throughout Canberra’s Commonwealth Park and entry is free. The event welcomes more than 400,000 local, interstate and international visitors each year.

I must also add a little story here… we went into the gardens at night for the Nightfest activities and were waiting in the queue in the dark.  A volunteer was coming along letting the crowd know of what was happening up ahead and suddenly said ‘hello Debbie’ to me.  It took me a moment to recognise an old school friend, who I haven’t seen in many years! She had recognised me in the dark, in a queue, in a crowd of people in an city that wasn’t my natural habitat and I was gobsmacked!  Maybe it means that I haven’t changed much over the years too…but that’s probably just wishful thinking on my part!!

with tulips

Change comes to us all – it just depends on how we decide to treat it.

Deb 🙂

17 Replies to “Weekly photo challenge: Changes (tulips)”

  1. Lovely shots Deb. You’ve shown the changes beautifully. I am a little stuck on this one too. My life is changing as we speak with the massive move lurking around the corner but not sure how to photograph that!! That’s so cool that your friend found you! I love that!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was really hard one to do!! I can only imagine all the change you are going trough at the moment, but not things you can capture easily. Thanks, it was really weird having her find me like that!! Take care 🙂


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