Partners in crime

These lovely people are just some of my partners in crime!


I have worked with many of these good people for well over 10 years, (I’m the one on the far left of the photo).

I have been in this workplace for over 20 years and their Manager for all of this time.  In all these years I can honestly say that we have never had harsh words, we have become a family, we are all friends and we all lead very different lives.  

We all have in common our desire to teach in this unique and challenging setting and find the rewards come easily. We have developed a unique way of coping with the things we see and try to never let it get to us.  

At the moment this is very difficult as we have been told that we are no longer required and most staff across the state will be offered other positions in the department (but not as teachers) or offered a redundancy within a few months.

You may not have read my earlier posts about the decision of the State Government to outsource, privatise, get rid of us – call it what you will – and replace us with private providers.  The teaching positions will be replaced with 2 clerical roles and staff will be encouraged to apply for these lesser paid and non teaching roles despite their years of Education provision and expertise.

Education beats crime  – this is my most recent post on the subject which you might like to read

So when I saw the prompt of Partners, I knew immediately that I would use this photo of my caring, experienced and amazing colleagues.  We may only have a few short months left together in our workplace, hence why we are protesting!

In response to the weekly photo challenge prompt of Partners.

Whether two of a kind or ten, give us subjects that are in sync with one another — show us partnerships.

Deb 🙂

PS. We are also of the generation that smile whenever a camera is in front of us regardless of the fact that we are supposed to be looking angry and in protest mode!

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17 Replies to “Partners in crime”

  1. Hi Deb, Good on you and your colleagues. What is your federal seat? Was the decision state or federal ? I hope both members know that you will carrying on and ramping up the heat after the election. The idea that the admin positions replace the teachers is ludicrous. Keep on keeping on.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Tom, times are very uncertain at the moment aren’t they? I think this was planned ages ago and is a foregone conclusion as most of the public don’t care about this issue enough to tell the politicians. The whole thing is upsetting but I’m still young enough to enjoy an early retirement and am trying to look for the positives. Otherwise I just get eaten up with anxiety about it all.

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      1. If it’s going to happen, then, Deb, just go with the flow and keep an eye out for other possibilities that will come along and grab them. It’s easy to say, but there’s no point worrying about it in that case. But, it hasn’t happened yet… so you never know… keep smiling! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Good luck with the whole process Deb, must be such a difficult time (BTW, I can’t believe we both have the same title for our post … much different content but still, great minds think alike!) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! It’s always there in the back of my mind and this photo was taken just last week and we all talked about being partners in crime due to our workplace 🙂 I just saw your post pop up and thought the same thing, we are obviously great minds. I’ve been sitting on this post for a few days as I’ve not been well (again) and haven’t been up to doing anything much. So funny they both came out at the same time. I’m on my way to read yours now.

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      1. That’s what I thought too, when I saw yours. Mine is a completely different take on it but I guess that’s the beauty of these photo challenges. Hope you’re feeling better soon Deb. xo

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