Wonderlusting around the world

My blogging buddy Miriam has compiled this list of places around the world to visit featuring posts from fellow travel bloggers. I’m thrilled to have my recent New Zealand cycling trip included in her post. Have a read and maybe add some of these places to your list of ‘must see’ travel destinations!

Out an' About

I need another lifetime to travel to all the places I want to see. To experience even a fraction of the wonders in the world.

Though I’ve traveled widely I’ve yet to see even half of my own country (hopefully that will be rectified next year) yet still the allure of overseas cultures and countries is strong.

Recently I was asked by fellow adventurer from A Wandering Memory what my top destinations I’d love to visit are. So here they are, together with the bloggers who inspire and bring these places alive for me.

Sit back, grab a cuppa and prepare to be transported around the world.

oldplaidcamper-sunny-enoughPhoto Courtesy OldPlaidCamper

1. Rocky Mountain High

Call me Heidi reincarnated but since I was a little girl I’ve loved the mountains. The spectacular vistas of Canada have always held enormous appeal particularly  when I read the adventures of my Canadian bloggers.


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