Blogging as entertainment

The Entertainer Blogger Award

entertainer blogger award

A special thanks to Lorelle at A Mindful Traveller  for nominating me for this award, along with many other entertaining and inspiring bloggers, might I add. I’m chuffed to be included in this line-up!

Lorelle, is a fellow Aussie traveller and blogger.  Her blog is a mix of travel, photos, recipes and she has so much to offer in her fantastic blog, I just love reading her posts. I always feel better after a visit.  May I suggest you pop over for a look, I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

To be honest I don’t usually do these posts but I’m in need of some light entertainment after a very hard few weeks and this fits the bill perfectly.


  • Thank the person who nominated you and add a link to their blog
  • Add the rules, so others can follow
  • Nominate people who you find fun, inspiring and entertaining!
  • Answer the same questions
  • Include the graphic in your post

Why did you start blogging in the first place?

I started blogging a few years ago as a creative outlet from my serious employment. I have always enjoyed writing, telling stories of travels and adventures, sharing photographs and snippets of my life so blogging was an ideal way of doing just that.  And surprisingly some people actually enjoyed reading my posts! As I became part of the blogging community I found something unexpected  – a sense of belonging and I loved it 🙂  I have had so much support over the years as I have navigated my way through midlife, redundancy, travels, weddings and everything in between. I enjoy it all immensely and I learn so much from other bloggers.

What is your favourite book?

A few of my favourites books are:

  • Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
  • A Man called Ove by Fredrik Backman
  • The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
  • All the light we cannot see by Anthony Doerr
  • The Passage (trilogy) by Justin Cronin

What do you dislike the most?

Confrontation – I’m a sucker for taking the diplomatic path wherever possible.

What is your favourite food?

I can’t say no to a good cup of tea – weak, black and a touch of sugar. Is tea even a food group??

What is your favourite pastime?

Travelling is a favourite pastime of mine. I also enjoy reading, blogging and keeping active.

My Nominees 

You! I have a vast list of favourite bloggers 🙂 and I nominate all of them for the Entertainer Blogger Award. You are all so entertaining and inspiring! Feel free to write a post and link back to my post if you’d like to accept this nomination.

Thank you for your ongoing support of my blog. You don’t know what it means to me.

Deb xx

You can also find Deb’s World here – let’s stay in touch!

22 Replies to “Blogging as entertainment”

  1. Well that was a fun and definitely an easy post for you to write Deb – and nice way to nominate others at the end. Glad to see you back on the blogging front and hammering away on your keyboard x

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Deb it was lovely for you and your blog to be recognised especially after the last month or so of very trying times for you and your family. I hate confrontation and usually walk away. I’ve not read any of the books you have suggested so more to add to my list. have a lovely weekend xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sue, I must admit it made me smile! I’m with you on the confrontation side of things too. Yes I really enjoyed these books and highly recommend them. Wishing you a great weekend too. Thanks for all your messages of support over the past few weeks I’ve really appreciated your care xx


  3. Hi, Debbie – I’ve enjoyed learning more about you here. “All the light we cannot see” is also one of my favourite books! We need to add that to our long list of things in common! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Lorelle, it was so unexpected to find all this community and the learning of new skillsthrough blogging.
      A Man Called Ove is a bit different but very quirky and made me laugh and cry and ‘feel’, so that’s why I think I enjoyed it. Enjoy your weekend too, I’m home again now so it’s nice to get sorted and have some quiet time.

      Liked by 1 person

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