The Fickleness of the Fluctuating Instagram World

Are you on Instagram?

If the answer is yes then you probably understand the fickleness, the fluctuations, the follow/unfollow and sometimes phoney world that it is.

But I still like it for some reason!

I have been on Instagram for quite some time (actually since August 2012) mainly to have fun, share photos and connect with people.  It’s a business account in the name of my blog Deb’s World (there’s two underscores between debs and world in case you’re wondering).

I am always surprised when people follow me but pleased at the same time, as long as it’s not a fake person somewhere in the world, following for nefarious reasons. 

I follow a lot of other people and enjoy interacting – that’s what social media is when all is said and done.  I rarely unfollow anyone unless their feed is full of over the top narcissistic shots or too rude for my sensitive soul.

I have been watching the number of my followers lately and noticed I was in the 990s.   It took a few weeks to hit 1000 due to the all the follow/unfollowing that goes on. No money has changed hands in gaining any of these followers (just in case you were wondering).

Yesterday was the big day!

I thought I’d celebrate while I had the numbers, because the cynical me knows they’ll probably change in a day or two 🙂

It’s only taken me 6 years to get to 1000 followers – not setting the world on fire here Debbie 🙂

1000 instagram followers

I don’t pretend to understand the Instagram world but can tell you that:

  • 76% of my followers are women, mostly within the age range of 25-34, despite the fact that I’m in my late 50s.
  • Most of my followers are from here in Australia with the USA and UK not far behind.
  • I haven’t really embraced the Instagram stories function but do use it from time to time.
  • I don’t tend to use many of the filters but stick to a more natural effect unless I’m going for an over the top look and trying to be a bit artistic.
  • To date I have posted 1379 times, usually once a day or every few days.
  • I rarely post something twice on the same day but I think I did yesterday!
  • I don’t often post selfies
  • Food doesn’t get a huge run
  • I don’t post pet photos
  • I like nature and travel shots
  • It can be a huge time waster!

A search on the word Instagram came up with this definition: Basically Instagram is a photo sharing app. And it is best at that among all other social media sites. It is known for its square image format, a virtual lack of a website and the filters it provides. People use it for many reasons.

So today I’m (surprisingly) still over 1000 and going strong.  For someone who has nothing to sell, no-one to influence, is a real down to earth person and enjoys the simple life, I’m still amazed by it all. I’ll take the accolades today but get back to work tomorrow 🙂

I have friends and family with pets who have more Instagram followers than I’ve had hot dinners – now that’s something that does surprise me!  It’s a strange old world out there at times.

Thank you 🙂

Anyway a huge thanks to all of you who do follow me, it’s much appreciated and I always enjoy seeing your shots too.  At the moment I’m enjoying participating in a daily challenge from a blogging friend with the hashtag #my25daycountdowntoahappychristmas

Every day a new prompt is opened from Sue’s advent calendar and we are invited to post a photo in response.  The idea is to take the stress out of Christmas.  It’s a fun way to share our thoughts and de-stress.

Any thoughts on Instagram? Are you a fan or not?

I always love hearing from you and try to answer all your comments 🙂

Deb xx

You can share this on Pinterest too!

1000 Instagram followers

Are you on Instagram? Check out Deb’s World here: Instagram for photo updates

You can also find Deb’s World here – let’s stay in touch!

You can contact me by clicking here

Deb's World

49 Replies to “The Fickleness of the Fluctuating Instagram World”

  1. I haven’t even worked out where I see how many followers I have… probably best I dont. I follow you. I like comments so I know I really was visited and not just a press in passing, it brings nothing to my blog so I am not sure if I like it or not. But I am there and am trying. Congratulations on your huge amount of followers you must be doing something right 😂😃😄

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m on Instagram & I’m with you Deb on many of your comments. Firstly there is something about Instagram that gets you hooked (or me at least). I think in many ways you are exposed to images, thoughts & people you otherwise wouldn’t. Certainly Instagram has influenced my thoughts about travel. I now want to visit beautiful destinations that repeatedly pop up in my feed. But the follow/ unfollow saga is so frustrating! I am now far choosier about who I follow these days. So, congrats Deb on reaching 1,000 followers. Well done

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Big congrats on hitting 1000 followers Deb, such good work. I am on Instagram but don’t post regularly enough so it’s almost half-hearted. Should get into it more really. Anyway, here’s to the next thousand.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Jonno, it’s taken so long but as you know it’s not really about the numbers but the interaction. I don’t post a lot but usually every few days or so. At the moment my advent calendar challenge is an everyday post which I’m enjoying. Keep at it, but only if you enjoy it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m not on IG – I waste too much time online as it is! So I stick with FB and Pinterest – both have changed a LOT since I started and have made it harder and harder to get followers. A few years ago you could get dozens a day – now I’m lucky to get one or two a week – and for every new few, I lose one or two (that was poetic!) So, I’ve stopped basing my self worth on numbers (most of the time!) and I’m just trying to enjoy the ride. 1,000 on IG is great though – and just icing on the cake if it’s a platform that you love using. I’m steering clear because I am too prone to comparison and FB gives me enough of that already! Congrats on your 1K xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Leanne. I must say that I’m not generally someone who watches the stats but the numbers were fluctuating so much I couldn’t help but notice them on this occasion. Then it became a bit of a game watching and waiting for the 1k mark. I know what you mean about Pinterest and Facebook, they have changed heaps. I no longer worry too much about the numbers there at all and definitely don’t base my self worth on them. Instagram is more light hearted for me and while I’m enjoying it, I’ll stick with it. Thanks for your thoughts and congrats, it means a lot to me. x

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations Deb! You have been using Instagram for such a long time and I always enjoy your creative photos. I’m fairly new to Instagram but have fallen in love with it as a social media platform. My goal for 2019 is to actually learn how to use it properly but at the moment I’m happy just sharing. I’m definitely still an amateur and the hashtags intrigued me and I think there is some theory behind them but again I’m just learning. Have a fabulous weekend and well done xx

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Congrats on 1000 followers Deb! I enjoy Instagram but not the Instagram politics, the stuff you describe, follow/unfollow, bots, accounts that have never come into contact with me before liking a photo within 0.01 second of it being up (more bots!). I actually prefer stories because they feel more personal to me and it circumvents some of that stuff.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Congrats, Debbie! I’m also one of your 1k, but I haven’t been paying much attention to IG lately. Hoping to get back into the swing of it soon. Thanks for the tip about the #my25daycountdowntoahappychristmas prompt – I might give it a go. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I joined Instagram last night to try and get more people following my blog… well done on 1000 followers.. I’m on 4 which are friends, I selected a business account but sure if that makes much of a difference… i was surprised that some of my friends have no photos but have followers…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes it can be a bit strange like that sometimes. I don’t pretend to understand it all but it can be fun and a social way to build up a following, although it doesn’t equate to followers on my blog very much. Good luck with it all, I’ll go find you now and follow. Thanks for the congrats, it’s taken a while to get there!


  9. Congrats on 1000 followers, Debbie! I use it as a personal account and share my pics from the blog. When I post to IG, it also posts to my Facebook profile, on which I get far more likes. I’ve thought about dropping IG because I’m tired of so many ads. I enjoy seeing fab photography but my own photos get more attention on FB.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Congratulations, Deb! These are awesome numbers. I have a small Instagram account (Retirement Reflections) which I seldom update. But I do like seeing the posts of friends and family. It is a great way to touch base and get a little glimmer of their worlds.

    Liked by 2 people

        1. I’m glad it did, and yes it is! My sense of humour may not be to everyone’s taste. I’m preparing an Advent post for later today, but that will concentrate on songs – I’m not sure the blog world would want to host some of those cartoons!

          Liked by 1 person

  11. It sure is a strange old world on Instagram but it’s fun. I’m a relative newbie on Insta but I do enjoy it, far more than FB. The follow/unfollow is fickle but I think we come to learn who’s genuine (mostly). Congrats on the 1000 followers Deb. Happy instagramming! 😏👋

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So strange at times Miriam!! Thanks for your thoughts and congrats, it’s been an interesting time but I do enjoy it for some reason 😊 It doesn’t impact on my blog much but that’s not a problem. I know what you mean about FB! Hope you’re going well.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m fine, thanks Deb. Like you, it doesn’t impact hugely on my blog although occasionally I’ll have a few hits from Insta. All fun and, dare I say, a bit of a time waster. 😊 xx

        Liked by 2 people

    1. That’s a great question!! Not a lot of views come from Instagram but I think it’s worth the effort in persevering. It’s more for fun than promoting but having said that, maybe I should do more with it. Thanks so much for being one of the 1000. Do you find Instagram is good for your blog?

      Liked by 2 people

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