Winners and losers #15 – time flies when you’re having this much fun!

Friday Feature on Deb’s World

Winners & Losers #15

Welcome to Week 15 of my Friday roundup. It’s fun sharing some of the good, the bad and the ugly ‘stuff’ I’ve taken note of during the week. I really enjoy sharing this collection of bits and pieces with you all, and I love getting your responses – thanks so much to everyone who reads, comments and shares.

You are very welcome to join me in this quest each week by leaving me a comment with your own winners and losers. If you’re a blogger, you can also leave me a link to your favourite post from the week and I’ll be happy to share.

Musings on a Monday quote 🙂

This week’s quote fits in well with my interview on Denyse’s Women of Courage series last week. Denyse is a courageous woman in her own right and is inviting others to answer her questions to include in her series. It’s fascinating reading the various stories and I’m thrilled to have been invited. You can read the post here:

Women of Courage Series – Debbie Harris

This week’s quote was also aimed at my youngest daughter who had a job interview on Monday and I wanted her to be brave even though she was feeling a bit anxious, not to mention a bit unwell.

Did you know I share a new quote each Monday on Instagram? Are you following me on Instagram? You can click here to join in the fun!

Only in Australia v4!! 😮

First we had politicians called Scomo and Albo, then koalas in a cuddle-train, kangaroos keeping warm were featured last week and this week it’s an amazing photo of an Australian icon -a platypus. Do you know I haven’t seen a platypus in the wild?

Isn’t this just the best photo??

I love reading so I totally relate to this one 📚

A great travel idea 🛄

I love spending time with all my daughters, as well as my mother, – so this post struck a chord with me:

5 Good Reasons why you should travel with your mom at least once a year

A trip with your mother will help you appreciate her more as her amazing qualities surface and become clearer to you.

Back in 2011, I was celebrating my special year-long birthday (as you do) and invited my parents, who were in their 70s, to join us on a barge and bike tour from Paris to Bruges. We ended up having a great time travelling together. Last year we took our eldest daughter to Iceland with us for a week and loved every minute of our time together. We’ve had our youngest daughter’s destination wedding in Fiji which included a few days either side, and had great fun as a family. And I’ve been lucky to spend lots of quality time with our middle daughter (and granddaughter), as they live the closest to us. So you can see that family, and spending time together whenever we can, is very important to me.

Sunset from the barge
Sunset from the barge

A winning post by Sam 🥇

At the recent Annual Bloggers Bash Awards my friend Sam from Loving the Fifty Something won the bloggers post category with a thrilling read – If you only had Five minutes, what would you save. The competition was limited to 375 words and had to be on the theme of Five as the Bloggers Bash turned FIVE this year. Huge congrats to Sam, her post was the unanimous winner with all the judges.

I entered a post in the competition too – Five Fab Favourite Places

The Winners of the 2019 Annual Bloggers Bash Awards 🏆

I was thrilled to be nominated in the Best Lifestyle Blog category at this year’s awards.

Nominated in Best Lifestyle Blog category of the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards

Here’s the post from the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards committee with the nominations and winners in each category – Winners of the 2019 Annual Bloggers Bash Awards

Although I didn’t win, I am chuffed to have even been nominated and thank everyone for their votes and support. I would like to congratulate all the worthy winners, I’m so pleased to call many of them my friends.

Bloggers Bash in 2018 😁

In 2018 I came third in the Hidden Gem category and was excited to be at the awards in London, all the way from Australia! It was so good meeting bloggers who I’d been following for years and putting faces to names. Unfortunately I couldn’t make this year’s awards but I was very excited to see who had taken out the main awards. I’m thrilled that so many of my blogging buddies were in the winner’s circle 🙂

Thanks to @Duncanw68 for this lovely photo of me at the 2018 Annual Bloggers Bash Awards in London
Thanks to @Duncanw68 for this lovely photo in 2018

Missing Belgian backpacker ☹️

Sad news about a Belgian teenager who has been missing for approx. three weeks in Byron Bay, Northern NSW. As the mother of children who went away overseas for a year after finishing high school, my heart goes out to the families whenever I hear this sort of news. They expected their son to enjoy a year away before returning home to university but it’s looking dire as there has been no news at all despite intense searching.

In case you’ve missed this news so far here’s an update:

Matildas – Women ‘s World Cup 😀 ⚽️ 🇦🇺

This was very exciting news for us Aussies!!!

Sam Kerr has gone ballistic at the Women’s World Cup, netting four goals in a 4-1 win over Jamaica to see Australia progress to the knock-out stages.

The victory in scenic Grenoble saw Australia qualify second in Group C behind Italy, after Brazil defeated the Italians 1-0 in the other game of the night.

The Matildas had a chance to top the group on goal difference and land an easier draw, but a goal from Jamaica’s Havana Solaun in the second half complicated that task, and ultimately made it unachievable.

Australia will now play Norway in Nice on Sunday for a spot in the quarter-finals.



We’ve been enjoying Harrow on ABC TV and it’s filmed in Brisbane, so we’ve been taking note of some of the city scapes and imagining the filming taking place. Are you a Harrow fan too?

Happiness is….

And then there’s this….

The best sound in the world ❤️

When you’re a mother and one of your daughters lives on the other side of the world and is pregnant, then the best sound in the world is hearing the baby’s heartbeat. Our eldest daughter is expecting her first baby later this year. She sent this short soundbite which made me smile through happy tears. She gave me permission to use it in my weekly winners and losers post as it is a massive winner to all of us. I’m sure you can appreciate how special this 16 seconds of sound is to me!

Away from home

We’re still away from home and it is very hard to stay up to date with my blogging schedule, reading and visiting other blogs. Life gets in the way!!

And oh my it’s a good life at times 🙂

We have been enjoying riding our bikes on various shared paths and rail trails – in the city, next to the beach and in the bush. So far we’ve clocked up over 250km and in perfect weather.

Here are two shots from a section we rode the other day from Blackbutt to Benarkin, on the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail. It was a fun ride through gorgeous bush on a gravel track. Some of the dips where the bridges used to be are quite interesting 🙂

My posts this week:

If you’ve missed any of the earlier posts in my Friday Feature – you can find them all here: Winners and Losers

What made your winners/losers list this week? Let me know if you have any suggestions for me on books, Netflix, movies, podcasts – anything!

Any thoughts on these winners or losers? I think it’s been another bumper week!!

Keep smiling and thanks for reading.

Deb 🙂

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32 Replies to “Winners and losers #15 – time flies when you’re having this much fun!”

  1. So good to catch up with you, Deb. You sound busy, but really happy. Loved hearing that baby’s heartbeat. Congratulations on the grandbaby to be. I’ve also been really busy transitioning to the Republic of Georgia. Hope to be back blogging soon.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You have been a busy blogger for someone who is traveling, Debbie! A great post with lots to read the muse over! Gotta love the Aussie critters, always fun for me to see! Thanks for being so faithful to Sunday Stills, too! Enjoy the rest of your travels! Read and shared from #MLSTL

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Lydia, I agree bummer about the Matildas but they did very well regardless! Iceland was amazing but I’ve just read a report that says it is in danger of suffering from over tourism.


  3. Hi Deb, I haven’t heard much about a platypus in a long time. Possibly at an aquarium? I am intrigued about Sam’s post and I will visit and read. The Baby’s heartbeat brought tears to my eyes. I get it:). Great photos, again!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I’ve never seen a pltypus in the wild either – even though I lived in Bombala for a few years and apparently they’re well known to be in the river there. I’m absolutely a Harrow fan & was thrilled to see some scenes in Mooloolaba’s Underwater World the other week – the jellyfish tanks. I’ve been loving your Instagram pics from your cycling adventures.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Yes we’re all so busy all the time and it’s hard to believe that we were wives, mothers and breadwinners all rolled into one only a few years ago. That’s very special news about your new grandbaby. Our is due any day now and we’re getting so excited. Great effort with the bike riding.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hi Deb – another great post – I’m surprised you can keep up the momentum while you’re off having such a great holiday! I’ve never seen a platypus in the wild (not even sure if I’ve seen one in the zoo either) and I loved your grandbaby’s heartbeat – very special to be included and a lovely gesture from your daughter. xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Leanne, thanks for the ongoing support. I’m managing to keep up the momentum at the moment but I’m not doing too much reading or commenting of others except my favourites of course 🙂 – something has to give! Yes the heartbeat was a lovely surprise and I’m so happy she let me share it. I always ask before I share these private moments or photos and you just never know the answer unless you ask do you? Hope you’re going well 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Deb – just popping back (every time I write popping it starts as pooping for some reason – I obviously have deep subliminal issues!) any way – I’m back for #MLSTL and thanks for joining us as always xx and I’ve shared on my SM 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Haha Leanne, obviously deep subliminal issues I’d say 🙂 I get that when I type great shot and it always turns out as great shit, I’m now paranoid and check it a million times before pressing the button 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Wow Deb those week’s fly by don’t they? I always enjoy Friday mornings with a cuppa and reading your Winners and Losers posts. My favourite has to be hearing your grandbaby’s heartbeat. It is so difficult when your children are on the other side of the world especially at this special time. Glad you are still enjoying your travels and enjoy your weekend. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. They sure do fly by Sue! I’m so happy to hear my Friday post is anticipated by you each week, it makes me smile to hear that! Really enjoyed our time in Noosa these past few days, even went swimming!! Yes the heartbeat was very special xx


  8. Deb, you sound so happy and why wouldn’t you be with all the wonderful things happening around you. I loved hearing the sound of that wondrous heartbeat, how absolutely exciting for you all. Thanks again for sharing your week. You’re right, life is good! Have a fabulous weekend my friend. xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes Miriam, it’s surprising how getting away into some warmth can impact on us, mentally as well as physically. I even went swimming in the ocean today here in Noosa!! I’m not keen about going home but it has to happen eventually! The heartbeat was just beautiful to hear and I’m so glad I could share it with you. Take care and enjoy the week ahead xx

      Liked by 1 person

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