Finding Peace for Sunday Stills

Peace – what does it mean to you?

Meaning: freedom from disturbance; tranquillity.

Being on the opposite side of the world to where home is, especially at this time of the year, has made me reflective.

The days are short here with the sun rising at just after 8am and setting at 4pm. The short days have had an impact on us but we are slowly getting used to them. The sunsets have made me stop for a moment and appreciate the beauty around me.

I’ve been amazed at the sunrises we’ve witnessed from our cottage in rural Somerset and they’ve given me a peaceful start to the day.

Then there are tranquil views like this.

Views over the Somerset countryside
Views over the Somerset countryside

Peace can be found in lots of things and at the moment I can honestly say I’m at peace with my life and my approaching 59th birthday, meaning my last year in my 50s is coming up.

Jumping in puddles as I approach my last year in the 50s
Jumping in puddles as I approach my last year in the 50s

My husband took this shot of me as we walked around the Avalon marshes and I think it sums me up perfectly! There were puddles and I had my boots on, so why wouldn’t I jump in every puddle along the way? I’m planning to head into my last year of being in my 50s by jumping and splashing every way I can!

I’m lucky, I’m loved and I’m happy. I’m feeling the peace. I’m going to jump and splash my way through my last year of being in my 50s whenever I can!

It’s funny that Terri wrote about turning 60 and feeling peaceful for her Sunday Stills post, and it’s through connecting with bloggers like Terri that I am learning so much about what life can hold for us, if we just let it. No matter what our age!

But sadly not everyone is at peace, either due to political unrest, illness, family issues or just the day to day of life. Back home in Australia there are bushfires burning out of control all over the place, smoke is covering everything and that’s on top of some areas that are already in severe drought. It’s not even the height of summer yet and already it’s an awful situation. I feel for everyone suffering. They are not feeling the peace at all!

Finally feeling at peace with a forced redundancy

Three years ago, at this time of the year, I was facing my redundancy head on, (we were officially finished up on 23 December) and I most definitely wasn’t at peace.

Things have changed and in some ways I am now grateful for the redundancy and what it has meant for my family. Back then, I never thought I would ever say those words!!

I have been able to be with my parents more as my father slowly passed away. I was able to be with my mother, and then my mother-in-law as my father-in-law suddenly passed away. It meant I was able to be with my daughter as she gave birth to my first grandchild and needed help afterwards, and then I have been able to fly across the world to be with my eldest daughter as she gave birth to Dottie very early at 25 weeks. It also means I can go north to be with my youngest daughter when she is due to give birth next year.

I am no longer constrained by work, filing leave applications, sorting out who will cover my job, always feeling guilty for not being able to do what had to be done.

I am now able to make time for the things that matter, travelling with the Mathematician to experience new places and revel in the freedom an, yes the peace, that this time has brought me.

Wells Cathedral winter tableau
Wells Cathedral winter tableau

We visited Wells Cathedral last week and a school Christmas Carol service was about to start. Despite not being very religious, we took a seat and we were instantly blown away at the sound of the young voices of the school choir soaring throughout the historic building. It was goosebumpy and a peace settled over me for a few minutes, until we rejoined the world outside where people were begging on the streets.

Wells Cathedral
Wells Cathedral

What does peace mean to you?

I’m sharing my thoughts on peace this week as it’s the theme for Terri’s Sunday Stills and I’d love to hear your thoughts. Let me know by leaving a comment if you’d like to.

Wishing you a peaceful week ahead. It’s not an easy time with bushfires in Australia and political issues like the UK election coming up, but we all deserve to have some moments of peace in the day. Take it when you can.

This advice from the Dalai Lama is particularly apt at the moment:

Do not let the behaviour of others destroy your inner peace.

Dalai Lama

Deb xx

All my Sunday Stills posts can be found here

Sunday Stills photo challenge
Sunday Still weekly photo challenge

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36 Replies to “Finding Peace for Sunday Stills”

  1. Very good read. Makes you wonder if we will ever have peace globally. For all mankind. Psalm 37:9-11 tells us it will happen. I know you said you weren’t religious. And that’s not a bad thing. I believe in having a relationship with our creator and getting to know him. What he wants for us. 🙂 revelation 21:3-4 . No more suffering will come about. I hope you’ll maybe enjoy learning more. It’s all free of charge.

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  2. Lovely read Deb. I am so enjoying your photos and updates. Yes, the time of your redundancy and how it happened will always come up as a memory but, as you have already found will ease. I am like that with how it was for me to leave Sydney, my life as an educator and being a Grandma who was close to the grandkids. That is becoming a softer memory for me, and it’s been a lot to do with my cancer diagnosis and having to get my act together for recovery and more. Musings from you are always appreciated. Denyse #mlstl

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    1. Oh thanks so much Denyse. You have so much to contemplate and contend with, I really think you’re amazing!! I’m enjoying our travels and can’t post very often so Facebook and instagram are quite handy to share the odd snap or two.


  3. Debbie, what an uplifting post! I’m glad you are experiencing peace in those wonderful ways–being able to spend time with loved ones. I also like to spread peace, trying to be kind to everyone, not responding in anger to people who are less than kind, giving them the benefit of the doubt. #SeniSal

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  4. That picture of you stomping through the puddle is great. I love that you still have that little girl in you that wants to play! Don’t lose her, she is part of who you are. I think you need to frame that picture and put it on a wall!

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  5. What a lovely post Deb. I’ve been following along on Instagram and loving your English travels. I love Somerset – it’s funny that when I was in Devon recently we were much closer in England for a while than we are in Australia. I would have loved to do more sightseeing and come and see you. Peace came dripping slow in Westward Ho. I’m learning to find peace now I’m home. I hope you continue to enjoy the lovely soft light of England and the cosy evenings. #Pinned

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  6. Such a lovely post to read Deb and gorgeous photos. What beautiful landscapes and views over there! I can’t get over how short the days are though. It’s quite the opposite here – early sunrise and late sunset make for quite long days! The smoke haze everywhere is very sad. Sydney was particularly bad yesterday. It’s very upsetting. I’m so glad you’re at peace with your redundancy etc now. It’s fabulous to be free of leave applications and work/life guilt isn’t it? Enjoy the last year of your 50’s and I love that photo of you that your husband took!! xo

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  7. Hi Deb – I’m loving all your serene photos and that cottage you’re staying in seems like the perfect fit for you (you may not want to come home!) I know exactly what you mean about finding that place in your heart where something bad has become a blessing – when we’re thrust into a situation that’s not of our choosing, we can live with resentment or we can grasp the silver lining with both hands – the latter is what we’re both doing and I think it’s brought some joy into our lives that we’d have missed if we were still hammering away in our jobs. Enjoy the freedom you have now xxx
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM ☺️

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  8. You do sound at peace Deb. It’s a great way to be, and with all that’s going on in the world, many would envy you. Your photos are stunning. I’ve been pondering my WOTY for a while and nothing has been coming to. Each word I think of doesn’t seem quite right. But Deb as I read your post the perfect word for 2020 for me just popped into my head. So big thanks for that. Btw my word isn’t peace. #MLSTL Will share

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  9. Wonderful words of wisdom and inspiration. I’m just a few years ahead of you but dealing with many of the same experiences in life, death, birth, change! You words give me a sense of peace and hope as I struggle with the passing of a loved one, the joy of an impending marriage, and the miracle of new life. The road in life takes those unexpected curves but then it’s suddenly meandering and shaded? The thing I notice is I never want to turn around? Thanks for the wonderful post!


  10. Deb – your words are full of peaceful inspiration. My husband is your age, and he was removed from the redundant workforce over 20 years ago. I’m not there yet, but just hit the middle mark of the 50s. I so enjoy hearing how others navigate this time of life and where they find inspiration. I’m so happy you stopped by my blog to say Hi and that I found my way back here to see what you’re up to. Your photos all resonated peace to me. My thoughts go out to all of you and the challenges you’re facing. xx

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    1. Thanks so much for your comment Shelley, it’s so good to connect with others and hearing how they cope with similar situations. I’m also interested in how others find inspiration. I enjoyed writing this post and it really was a very quick off the cuff one so I’m pleased to hear you enjoyed it 🙂

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    1. Thanks Donna, lots of Dottie cuddles are happening at the moment and I’m VERY happy to add another one on your behalf 🙂 The weather today is wet, cold and decidedly miserable but I’m not complaining 🙂 Enjoy your break and special time with family in the coming weeks. I love our mutual appreciation society and look forward to more fun in 2020 🙂


  11. Peace was my word of the year. As it was last year, too. But I ‘grew’ some this year, when I realized that peace is often fleeting. I need to enjoy moments or hours of peace and not expect to have completely peaceful days, months or years. Life just doesn’t allow for that.

    Your photographs are so lovely. Have enjoyed the beautiful sunrises you have shared. Love the winter tableau. Good for you to splash in the puddles.

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  12. Its funny how life evolves. 3 years ago you were at a loss. Now your able to be with family when they need you which would have been so hard if still working. At the time when things change we often are so caught up in that moment of despair that we don’t see “the light for the trees” . What a difference in weather to there to here. Although Im not sure Melbourne has received the memo that its summer…we had a brief touch of warmth yesterday and wake up to cooler and wet weather this morning. I throughly enjoy your blog and give Dottie a hug and kiss from me xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes that’s true Bree, what a difference a few years make to our thinking. I was very much caught up in the grief and despair of it all but now I can see the benefits. I didn’t want to hear that there would be benefits three years ago, I was too miserable! Thanks for your kind words about my blog and your good wishes for Dottie. It’s such a nice feeling to be able to cuddle her and support my daughter at this time. I’m feeling awful about the situation back at home and wish I could send you some of wet cold weather. Take care xx

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      1. gosh I totally understand. I put off finishing work as I thought I wouldn’t have enough money. Eventually my dr told me I had to and signed all the paperwork for the disability pension. I was losing money from taking time off work. I had no sick leave. It was costing me to travel to work. I left and got the pension straight away. After a few months of despair I realized that I was better off. I didn’t have to have time off from work. No visiting a gp to get a drs certificate. I had more money. I hope NSW and Qld get some rain soon, the fires are devastating loss of so much native animals. xx

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  13. Beautiful and peaceful post indeed! As you’ve indicated, peace is an inner journey before it flows outward into our reality. I absolutely refuse nowadays, to get caught up in someone’s turmoil!



  14. Beautiful Deb and there is something special about being in the Northern Hemisphere for Christmas isn’t there? I’ve not had much peace of the last few months – self imposed stress with life events. However, I’m getting on top of things, have put parts of my life on hold, such as the blog and I’m feeling much more relaxed and at peace. Sometimes we just have to prioritise what is important and let other things go in order to find peace. Your photos have certainly brought joy to me so thank you. Have a great week. xx

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    1. Yes Sue, it’s a beautiful time of the year to be here and I’m actually glad we’re not at home with the heat and fires. I wish you some peace my friend, you so thoroughly deserve it and I was so happy to see your post this morning. Take care of yourself xx


  15. I love Wells Cathedral, we had a winter break there last time and stayed in a hotel across the green – our room and the hotel were quite weird, but all part of the fun. It must have looked lovely at this time of year.

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    1. It’s a magical place to visit at any time of the year isn’t it? It was especially beautiful to visit at this time of the year, as our countryside at home deals with smoke, fires and excessive heat. So glad to hear of your ‘fun’ stay in Wells 🙂


  16. This is such a wonderful post for many reasons, Debbie, and I am glad to see you back on your blog. At this stage of our lives, we have earned our peaceful moments and you are so blessed to be able to travel to be with your family members in need. I’ve heard from another blogger about the horrible fires and drought in Australia and I pray for a speedy outcome of a change in weather. I wish you peace as you contemplate which puddles to jump in and thank you for sharing your life with us today!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Terri! It was a spur of the moment decision to post and I’m so glad I did. One of those posts written without too much thinking involved but straight from the heart. I am feeling awful hearing the stories of smoke, fires and excessive heat back at home. Thanks again for the inspiration and for the opportunity to join you each week.

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