When the granddaughter you were expecting turns into a grandson!

Globetrotting Granny update

You might remember I wrote this post recently – Why involving Grandma in your pregnancy is a good idea – where I was spruiking the news that my three daughters were producing three granddaughters – two have been born already and one is due in March 2020.

Well I’m here to say that things change!

After being told she was having a girl a few months ago, with the advice not to go and paint the nursery pink, a recent scan showed with the aid of a second opinion, that my daughter Eliza, was in fact having a boy!

There goes my 3 from 3 boast!!! Our family likes to keep things interesting, that’s for sure 🙂

rabbit amigurumi doll
Photo by Kristina Paukshtite on Pexels.com

Her husband is one of three boys and Eliza is one of three girls so it was anyone’s guess as to what they would have.

As I always expect a girl-baby, because that’s all I’ve ever known, to say I was gobsmacked by this news would be an understatement. I honestly thought my daughter was winding me up when she sent the message through. She assured me she wasn’t and they both seemed quite surprised and taken aback!! But happy too!

We’re all very excited to welcome a new baby into our family!

Luckily they hadn’t gone overboard with their nursery decorating, choosing soft neutrals with just a hint of colour, so there’s no real drama.

It’s now a case of getting used to the idea of a boy rather than a girl. This is a complete unknown to me after so many girl babies, but it’s something I’m looking forward to!

In the scheme of things it really doesn’t matter, a baby is a baby and will be loved whether it’s a boy or a girl, it’s just the change midway that’s caught me off guard.

I had been shopping up a storm in England, as Mothercare was closing down while I was there, and lots of bargains were to be had. I never buy too much in pink , favouring more colour and interesting items, but there were a few ‘frillier’ items that weren’t suitable, so Dottie was the benefactor of some new outfits courtesy of her yet-to-born baby boy cousin.

What’s next?

We have the Baby Shower to look forward to in just under three weeks time in Brisbane, Eliza finishes work and then the countdown will really be on! The Mathematician and I, just back from seeing one granddaughter in England and the other in Canberra, will make our way to Brisbane to stay for a while to help out.

Do you get the impression that I’m excited?? I can’t wait to meet my new little grandson and to be around to support my daughter and her husband. Just as well I don’t work anymore!

Eliza's pregnant bump approx 32 weeks
Eliza’s pregnant bump approx 32 weeks

Has this sort of thing ever happened to you or someone you know? Let me know of your experience and if there were any issues. I’m sure it is quite common but I won’t truly believe it until the baby arrives 🙂

Grand-baby on the way
Grand-baby on the way

Deb xx

PS. Yes I have been given permission to share this exciting new with you all 🙂

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