Images by the Dozen but without using numbers

Images in the time of Coronavirus: Images by the Dozen

After the success of the family based photography challenge, the A-Z of Isolation, back in April, my sister and brother-in-law moved onto the next challenge – Images by the Dozen but with the added twist of not bering able to use any numbers in the photos.

This time there were 10 of us involved!

The rules were pretty simple:

  1. one photo for each number from 1-12
  2. no numbers to be used in the photos
  3. photos could be taken anywhere, not limited to the home area
  1. Fun Guy
  2. Cycling friends
  3. Pairs of feet
  4. Letters
  5. Leaves on the car
  6. Vintage tobacco tins
  7. Pieces of popcorn
  8. Candles
  9. Letters on a sign
  10. Redheads
  11. Eggs
  12. Scones


My sister and her husband are now compiling the photos into a magazine/book so we have something to look back on from this time.

I’ve also been sharing some of my shots on Instagram.

How it worked

Just like the Alphabet challenge, we had to decide what photos to take to represent each number. Some of us planned this step out much more than others!

Over a few Sunday nights, we all got together on Zoom and shared our photos from the week. It was a great way to stay connected, think outside the box and have some fun being creative. Everyone’s photos were fabulous and although different some were similar. For instance my sister and I both chose to photograph eggs for number 11!

It’s great to see how others think.

I always find these challenges just that, a challenge, which means I push myself to see the world a bit differently and to extend my thinking.

Thanks to my clever sister and brother-in-law for the idea and for inviting us into their challenge.

What’s next?

Our next project is photos of Ordinary Objects x 10 – more details to come!

How was your time in lockdown spent, did you get up to any challenges?

What did you think of my representations of numbers 1-12?

Hoping all is going well with you.

Deb 🙂

Linking up with Denyse for #lifethisweek

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

36 Replies to “Images by the Dozen but without using numbers”

    1. Thanks! The collage of photos is a ‘Tiled gallery’ in the WordPress editor. I like the way they are different sizes and glad to hear you like it too!


        1. That’s fabulous to know I’ve given you the push. I know I was hesitant to change over from the classic editor but am finding the new one very easy to use. I’m happy to have helped you out. 😊


  1. My good pictures are only accidental, but I shared this post on Facebook with my friend who did your Alphabet challenge. Hoping she reads the whole thing, pretty sure it will inspire her and others who read the post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much for sharing Michele, I hope your friend did it too! I just said the other day that being a good photographer calls for being patient and I’m not that patient :). I’m happy with my results though so that’s what counts the most.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Staying connected at this time is so important and this sure looks like a fun way to do so.

    Thank you for linking up for #LifeThisWeek#190…I hope to see you back next week with the optional prompt: 22/51 I Saw 1.6.2020. Take care, stay safe, Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is so much fun and I love your pictures! I haven’t done any challenges but I did complete a few jigsaw puzzles and have done half a TAFE course so I’m feeling like I’ve accomplished something at least!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Jigsaws are fun Sammie, my husband finally finished his 1000 piece Escher one that I gave him ages ago, he was cursing me at times! I enjoy the photo challenges and the connection to family members is a great incentive too.


    1. Thanks for your ongoing support Donna, it really is a fun thing to do and stretches my brain (a lot)! My sister has posted me the magazines so I can’t wait to see them soon 🙂


  4. I’m so pleased to hear you’re enjoying the photography projects. I get really worried that I’m somehow being bossy but Tim said that others won’t get involved if they weren’t interested. I have to admit it’s being tying me up in knots recently.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I loved both your photo challenges Deb – and the fact that you enjoy photography so much is an added bonus (it gives you a good “eye” for capturing a concept). Always a pleasure to pop over here and see what you’ve been taking pictures of.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Deb, What a fun photo challenge and a great idea that your sister and BIL are compiling the photos into a book. I like all of your 12 photos and their clever titles. #lifethisweek

    Liked by 1 person

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