Composition – a family photo challenge

Images in the time of Coronavirus v.5

Welcome to Compositions, our latest family photo challenge including members throughout Australia and the UK.

Previous challenges

Since March this year we, as a family, have participated in photography challenges:

Iso photo challenge magazines
Iso photo challenge magazines

What was this composition challenge all about?

My sister again set the parameters and gave us guidance throughout the month on what to photograph, how to practice and being on the lookout for suitable compositions.

Six images were required, one each from the following categories:

1. Centre

2. Rule of thirds (1)

3. Rule of thirds (2) – can’t be the same third as the previous image

4. Fill the frame

5. Off the edge

6. Balance – can be symmetrical or asymmetric


The eye should learn to listen before it looks.

Robert Frank

How it worked

We were invited to join the group, (no pressure was applied), and we received the instructions and some examples of what composition was all about, plus the proposed time line of a month.

sunset views in Queensland
Right third – sunset views in Queensland

Over the next few Sunday nights, we all got together on Zoom and shared our thoughts from the week and we could discuss our photos to get some ideas from the group. It was a great way to stay connected, think outside the box and have some fun being creative.

fill the frame
fill the frame

I found it a bit harder in that I usually like to be spontaneous, but for this one I had to think about it and set it up in accordance with the composition – whether it worked best as centre shot, what filled the frame meant and how to get an off the edge shot.

It was a good learning experience and stretched me.

Off the edge - water's edge
Off the edge – It appealed to me as the name of the centre was Water’s Edge

Family Fun

A range of family members were involved again and covered a wide range of ages!

We helped each other out with ideas, encouragement and support – but I guess that’s what families do! It was a real challenge for everyone and we all approached it in different ways with regular reminders and advice from my sister and her husband.

Top third - teddy bears
Top third – teddy bears

As with the past challenges, my sister is now compiling the photos into a magazine, so we all have something to look back on from this tumultuous time.

Centre – Paddle boarder

What is your favourite photo from this challenge?

So what’s next?

Our next project is Seasons – stay tuned for more….

Hope all is going well with you during these tough times. I always enjoy hearing from you so leave me a comment below and join in the conversation.

Deb 🙂

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

29 Replies to “Composition – a family photo challenge”

  1. What a great activity to keep you all busy and connected during these fractured days. Challenges with specific requirements make you think a bit harder, don’t they. You’re always full of ideas.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Loved all of these Deb – especially the rich colours (and those teddies!) Your family is so creative and putting it all together into a photo book each time is such a special reminder for years to come.
    Thanks so much for being a part of #MLSTL

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love these photo challenges Deb, you get some amazing photos out of them don’t you? Looks like you have a pretty decent camera rather than a smartphone though. Like the teddy bears but the paddle boarder is fabulous.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is such an awesome family activity — with incredible results. I especially like the candy shot.
    I’ve never been one for the rule of thirds before – but your photo examples really show the power of this. I definitely need more practice in this area.
    See you soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I have to say that although I really like the teddy bear shot and the lollies filling the frame, I’m really drawn to the paddle boarder. I like the simplicity of the image – nothing draws the eye away from the subject – and so for that reason I find it compelling. A lone paddle boarder in an expanse of blue. It’s great.
    In saying that, I also like the way you’ve positioned the tree in the second image – on the right third line.
    Using the rules doesn’t mean you can’t be spontaneous, it might just mean your spontaneity is more deliberate 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sharon. The paddle boarder was a simple shot but I liked it for that very reason. The challenges was another great way of learning more about the art of photography, so many thanks again for keeping us learning.


  6. It’s too hard to pick a favorite. My favorite three are the birds (I’m a big fan of symmetry and balance), the gorgeous sunset, and the paddle boarder.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. As I’ve said before, Deb, I love your family photo challenges.its hard to pick a favourite of these boots, but I’ll choose the lollies. The photo is so colourful and makes me fell like I could easily pick one up and pop it in my mouth.

    Liked by 1 person

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