On the Spring Flower Festival Trail in Tumbarumba

A lovely day outside!

After all the heavy rain we’ve had lately it was fabulous to wake up to a sunshiny morning on Sunday.

The local Tumbarumba Spring Flower Festival is always on the last weekend in October and usually it’s a lovely time of year, with spring colour and new growth on display.

We’ve had so much rain lately and everything is green, but a fierce storm the night before the flower festival nearly ruined everyone’s great efforts in getting their gardens ready.

What more could you ask for – a scarecrow competition, a photo display, a flower show plus workshops and open gardens to explore – following Covid safe guidelines of course.

The local Garden Club run the Flower Festival and the volunteers do a magnificent job. Each garden costs $5 to enter but you can buy a wristband for $25 which allows you entry to all gardens and displays over the entire weekend – great value! As is the case in small communities there were lots of local businesses sponsoring the event and each Open Garden venue has their own charity for funds to be directed to.

The list of gardens and venues reads like this:

  • Berry Farm
  • Rhenhaven
  • Elm Cottage
  • Gone Barny Garden
  • Brumby’s Ridge
  • Rob-Lyn Lee
  • Owl Place
  • Flower Show
  • Art & Photography
  • Touch of Rust
  • Scarecrows
  • Burraleigh
  • Sculptures
  • Grassmere

My mum came to visit for the day and we had a lovely time wandering around gardens, chatting to friends and enjoying the spring sunshine after the rain. We couldn’t visit them all but we thoroughly enjoyed the ones we did get to see – the colours, the joy of the owners in sharing their gardens and stories with us and the spring sunshine with the cloudless blue sky above us.

Everyone was outside!

The best thing about visiting gardens? We were outside. Numbers were counted so there weren’t too many people mingling and we all signed in and used hand sanitiser regularly.

Everywhere we went, people were courteous and friendly.

And happy – did I mention everyone was smiling?

Mum, having just moved to this area, was able to get some ideas on what will grow well in this climate and the friendliness of everyone made her even more pleased at having made the big move south.

She is known for her love of a big cup of tea so when we found this teacup pot plant holder, we couldn’t help but have some fun with it!


I’m going to stand outside, so if anybody asks for me, I’m outstanding.

When things go pear shaped…..

pear sculpture
pear sculpture

Have a great week ahead and thanks to Denyse for another great #lifethisweek prompt -outside. Have you been outside enjoying spring weather lately? Let me know what you’ve been up to.

Oh and I must say I was inspired afterwards – I got out and weeded my garden for a few hours and if you know me at all, you know this is a HUGE achievement. I also planted sunflower seeds (which is a story for another day). Suffice to say, I’m definitely not the gardener in my family!!! So go me 🙂

Deb xx

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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

26 Replies to “On the Spring Flower Festival Trail in Tumbarumba”

  1. What a lovely local event and (in the end) you had the perfect weather. I love that it was Covid safe being outdoors so everyone could enjoy it – how good is the wheelchair scarecrow? I didn’t realise your mum had moved down, what a wonderful way to acquaint herself with her new home town!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Sammie, mum has moved to a nearby town and is now just an hour away, as opposed to many, many hours away!! She is enjoying the move and learning about the different climate as well as mixing with the locals. It was a very popular event and raised a lot of money, I think everyone was just desperate to get outside!


  2. Wow what a weekend. Big news about your Mum too. I hope she settles and loves being closer to you. I miss the spirit of country towns and cities. We both enjoyed our Tamworth trip so much we want to go back. Too bad to live there makes everyone too far away and our medical needs are met so well where we are and in Sydney.

    Thanks for linking up for Life This Week. Next week, the optional prompt is 45/51 Share Your Snaps #9 9.11.2020 and I would love to see you there! Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Denyse, it really was a lovely weekend and mum is fitting in very well. Small town communities are usually very friendly and welcoming and mum is enjoying that change in lifestyle. See you next week 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Deb, This looks like a beautiful event and how wonderful that you could enjoy it outside with your mum. The huge teacup that she’s holding is adorable. Good for you to do some gardening at home. I’m sure you’ll get gorgeous sunflowers. Have a great week! #lifethisweek

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day with your mom. I have to admit to just a teensy bit of jealousy for you folks in the Southern Hemisphere heading into spring. It’s cold and getting colder here!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Laurie, it was a great day out with mum. I know the jealousy is how I always feel as we are going into winter and everyone on the other side of the world is hitting spring! Stay well.


  5. What a great way to enjoy a day with your mum….not too taxing, lots of fun and outside to boot. Thanks for sharing – oh and did you make a gift of the teacup planter to your mum (or are you going to sneak back to the business and pick one up for a later date)
    We’re slowly working our way towards the time when Victorians are able to enjoy festivals of all sorts…. our turn will come 😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree Cathy, it was just lovely with a lunch stop along the way and lost of people to chat to (from a distance). Yes we bought the teacup planter for mum and she is looking forward to planting some succulents in it. I hope you can get out and about more very soon, you have done so well!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautiful gardens and flowers and whimsical garden art – what’s not to love Deb? I’m so glad the rains didn’t impact on it, and that your mum had such a great time with you – the move is definitely paying off.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love everything about this Flower Festival, Deb. Spring, fun, and a community event with volunteers, local businesses sponsoring the event and all of the visitors. You are right, how it always feels better and safer with everyone outside. Hilarious on the teacup pot plant holder. I will try to track one down for a Christmas gift for a favourite neighbour. Your Mom looks awesome! Thank you for sharing your Spring.xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Erica, we really enjoyed our day out and mum is a ‘good sport’! She is making up for not having family around her and it’s so good to be able to spend time with her like this. The teacup planter is so much fun isn’t it?? x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Donna, mum had a few choices but as her new house has lots of lavender I chose the lavender one for her. We both had a great day and it was very relaxing being out and about safely.


  8. What a lovely post Deb. I loved reading about your spring garden festival. I would have loved to spend the weekend wandering around those gardens. Love your mums cuppa. This lovely weekend would have been the perfect way for your mum to ease herself into the community. #lifethisweek

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jen, mum is learning about smaller communities and enjoyed the friendliness of everyone. I think we were all so happy just to be able to get out and walk around the gardens in sunshine, that we couldn’t help smiling all day!


  9. Sounds like an absolutely perfect day of sunshine and smiles. Your mum looks like the epitome of contentment sitting there Deb. How wonderful! Thanks for sharing your spring joys in your beautiful part of the world. 😊🌸 xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was just great fun Miriam. Mum is really enjoying being around family and making the most of every opportunity that comes her way. Small towns have a great community feel as you know! Thanks for your visit 🙂


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