Shout Out Saturday #17 – Writing it all down

A big welcome to Shout Out Saturday

What’s it all about I hear you ask?

Shout Out Saturday is where I invite you to join in by leaving a link or a comment to something that has had an impact on you recently:

You can leave a link to your own blog, or maybe something you’ve read on someone else’s blog, or tell us about your favourite blogger, or simply share some good news, or even just drop in to say hello….


  • no strings attached
  • simply leave a comment below
  • check out any other links if you want to
  • use the hashtag #ShoutoutSaturday on social media
  • no need to get caught up in too much compulsory sharing
  • keep it family friendly
  • Saturday can cover any day of the week

But first a quote ….

Happiness is a direction, not a place.

Sydney J Harris

My Shout Out(s) this week go to….

1. Furious Fiction

I was introduced to Furious Fiction through my MOJO November writing course and entered a story for the first time! I was one of 1100 other writers to submit a story and while I didn’t win I was very happy with my story! I’ll be sharing it with you next week.

Furious Fiction is run by the Australian Writers’ Centre, and is held on the first Friday of the month, it’s free to enter, has a prize of $500 and entries have to follow certain conditions – 500 words or less and include a variety of words, setting and props.

Congratulations to the winning story by Romany Rzechowicz for a great entry – you can read more and see which stories were shortlisted here: Furious Fiction

I’ll definitely join in again, just for the fun of writing 🙂

2. Denyse Whelan for #lifethisweek

Shout out to my blogging pal Denyse Whelan who runs a great linkup each Monday called #lifethisweek. She has optional prompts for each week and has become a good friend, although we’ve still to meet in person.

She has been writing her life story as well as her journey with neck and head cancer – she’s an amazing woman!

3. This short animation of The Rat Race made complete sense to me!

Chasing happiness….

Our MOJO writing course tasks this week have included writing about our happy place, what we CAN do and other creative bits and pieces – I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it all!

Shout out to all those involved in finding interesting snippets for us each day! Like the one below.

This link made me laugh – 61 cake decorators who took instructions too literally! As someone with a major birthday coming up, it made me think about what instructions to give for my cake, if I was asking to have one made for me!

Are you keen to share something or leave a shout out to someone? I hope so – all you have to do is leave a comment or a link!

Has someone done something nice for you, have you witnessed a random act of kindness, have you read something interesting or watched a good movie lately?

Anything really – it’s up to you!

As always, feel free to share and get the word out there #ShoutoutSaturday

Thanks again for all your support, it’s much appreciated.

Deb 🙂

All my Shout Out Saturday posts can be found here

Linking up to #lifethisweek

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

34 Replies to “Shout Out Saturday #17 – Writing it all down”

  1. Another vote for Denyse! Thanks for the cake decorating post, it had me laughing out loud. I’ve just finished watching all series of Schitt’s Creek which I loved so much, I’m going to have to watch it again. I highly recommend! That rat race film made me a little sad, it’s such an accurate representation of modern life, although now I’m a wannabe minimalist (dog clothes excluded) it’s not a representation of mine. The only place we really find happiness is within ourselves, don’t you think?!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The cake fails were hilarious Sammie! Yes I agree the only place we really find happiness is within ourselves. Schitts Creek has been my go-to during the pandemic, short, sharp, funny and spot on!


  2. Well done on completing the writing course Deb. That must feel so good! That animation on happiness is fantastic! Where do you find these things?! I can’t think of anything to share but will think on it for next time. Have a great week! x

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your idea of having Shout Out Saturday! Thanks for sharing the Rat Race video. I agree completely!

    My niece sent me a link to a song that really had an impact on me, so I will share that here. It’s called “Turntables” by Janelle Monae and addresses the issues of social justice and racial equity.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the rat animation Deb. I had heard of Furious Fiction but didn’t know what it was about. So that’s for exposing it. A few years ago my daughter was one of the writers who taught at the writers centre. She’s a beautiful writer #lifethisweek

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Well done on completing the writing course Deb and you should definitely keep writing – I’ve enjoyed the stories you have shared with me. Loved the video although for once I’m not feeling like I’m in the ratpack but more relaxed. The music on the video happens to be one of my favourites as well. Thanks for another shoutout and I agree Denyse is certainly a strong woman of courage. xx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The happiness video is smack-you-in-the-face kind of messaging. Wowza! Very well done.
    The cake messaging had me laughing out loud. One could just see how that might happen.
    As to shout outs, my blogging friend Liesbet has just published her travel memoir called Plunge. The story of her jumping into years of sailing with a new man and his two dogs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I agree Sue, the video really got me in too! Those cake fails were hilarious and yes I can see how it could happen too 🙂 I am reading Liesbet’s book now and enjoying it. Thanks for your visit and comments.

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  7. Hi Deb – lots of little shout out snippets here today. Well done on how you’re stretching yourself with your writing and for entering the competition. I’m afraid blogging is as far as my writing skills stretch for the foreseeable future anyway.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I have enjoyed seeing your updates about your writing. That is terrific news that you completed the course and we get to read what you have been writing soon.
    So chuffed to have the shout out from you about my blog and link up. It’s a very special place for me each Monday to come and see who’s joining in this week. I actually have all the prompts ready for 2021…but will release them over time! See you Monday. Denyse
    PS thank you for your blogging friendship…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you again…so much.

      Thank you so much for linking up this week for #lifethisweek. We are nearly at the end of 2020 and only a few optional prompts left! Next week is 49/51 Lucky 7.12.2020. Hope to see you there. Denyse.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi Deb, I love the Happiness cartoon. Very true! And I agree, Denyse’s Linkup is great.
    Shoutout to everyone working in retail this weekend and up until Christmas. My sons worked in retail for 10 years and they cop a lot of abuse from stressed out shoppers. Like nurses and other essential workers, they usually have to work on holidays. Spare a thought for them as this time of year is tough.
    Have a great weekend and thanks for Shoutout Saturday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Christina, it’s a great little animation isn’t it? I agree, huge shout outs to all those working hard in retail at the moment. Glad to have you join in 🙂


  10. I loved the clip on happiness, Deb. Why do we often chase things that we think will make us happy when in fact sublime joy can be found within us and in Nature all around us? Simplicity, I believe, is the precursor to realizing what’s truly important and ending the chase. Or at least it was for me! Have a great weekend! 🌞

    Liked by 1 person

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