Taking Stock 1/2021 for #lifethisweek

It’s time for the first Taking Stock post for 2021 with Denyse’s #Lifethisweek

Taking Stock #1/2021

This year Denyse has changed the Taking Stock prompts, and I’m happy to join her in using the new version. Thanks Denyse for continuing these regular Taking Stock posts, I always enjoy them! You can read Denyse’s post here and the join the linkup if you’re so inclined.

For me, the idea of these posts is to write a response without giving it too much thought, so it’s usually the first thing that pops into my head.

Let’s get into the first Taking Stock for 2021!

Admiring: How resilient people are as Covid restrictions continue to affect friends and family around the world.

Becoming: Bold (and beautiful)

Angel Debbie at Eat St Northshore Brisbane
Angel Debbie at Eat St Northshore Brisbane

Curious: How do the other half live and who exactly are they?

Delighted: To be able to catch up with 2 of my favourite blogging buddies while visiting Qld

Excited: To be in Queensland for a few weeks with my daughter, SIL and grandson

family pic
family pic

Feeling: Happy 🙂

Going: Places on my ebike (with the Mathematician), around the beach

Helping: My grandson learn to walk on his own – so much fun!

stepping out with Patrick
stepping out with Patrick

Imploring: People to be kind to each other, it’s not that hard!

Joking: Laughter is the best medicine!

bike riding sign
bike riding sign

Keeping: A positive mindset

Loving: The daily chats I have with my daughters over messenger – sharing photos, news, videos and thoughts

Making: The most of our family time together

Next: A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month! How can it be March already?

Observing: People watching is a great pastime of mine and when you’re away on holidays it is even more interesting for some reason

Pleasing: Myself!

Reading: Agnes Gray by Anne Bronte, The Secrets we Kept by Lara Prescott, Penguin Bloom by Cam Bloom, Myrren’s Gift by Fiona McIntosh

Staying: In a villa near the beach at Scarborough in Qld – so different from home!

Trying: To be active every day

Understanding: Life isn’t always easy

Viewing: The beach instead of the hills

Welcoming: Cool sea breezes – it’s so humid up here

X (our choice) – An Xtra special Birthday Boy

Yes: Saying yes to taking new opportunities and trying new things. Life is too short to stay fixed on one way of doing things.

Z – Missing seeing my newest grandson Zach, his big sister Emilia and of course little Dottie too (over in England) but realise I can’t be in more than one place at a time. Messages and photos help keep me in the loop as a Globetrotting Granny 🙂

What about you?

What are you taking stock of?

How would you answer any one these prompts?

I always enjoy these fun posts! I hope you do too, I’d love to hear from you 🙂

Deb xx

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2021 debs-world.com – All rights reserved

42 Replies to “Taking Stock 1/2021 for #lifethisweek”

  1. How wonderful that you could be together. I admit that when I saw your photos on social media I had a bit of a pang. Seeing people together, without masks, leading what looks like a normal life in Australia. Sigh. We hope all one day to be at that stage.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Sue, we enjoyed out catchup and realise how lucky we are to be able to meet up. Hopefully things are on the improve for you over there. Sending hugs x


  2. Thanks for the shout out for new Taking Stock prompts and putting them to good use. It’s been fun looking at our two 27 Feb birthday pics of our ‘boys’. So glad you are getting time to be grandparents on tap so to speak. Best…

    Thanks for being a consistent, caring and contributing blogger to this community I call #lifethisweek. Next week we are sharing our snaps (photos) and that’s an optional prompt. See you next Monday, I hope, as always.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lovely positive words Deb, looks like you are making the most of life and looking on the bright side. We try and do the same even though the past month has been tough. No point in seeing everything as half empty is there. ‘Pinch Punch’.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I haven’t been well at all, Deb so thank you for brightening my day with you lovely and joyful post. So many things to love about what is happening in your life at the moment especially catching up with Patrick your #1 man (sorry Grant you have been usurped). I also love that photo of you at Eat Street.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do hope you’re feeling better Sue, it’s not nice feeling poorly when you’re usually so active. It’s lovely looking after Patrick and although he’s a bit unwell, he still in good spirits. The Eat St photo was fun 🙂

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    1. Thanks Sarah, they come around every few months on Denyse’s blog and I always get a lot out of doing them, fun to stop for a minute and ‘take stock.’


  5. How lovely to get to Brissy and what a pity I’m not still there with my mum – though of course I’m relieved she’s out of hospital. (And I hate being in the city now, but still….)

    It looks like you’re enjoying your family time there and we’re so lucky aren’t we that our travel hasn’t been as limited within Australia recently. My brother, SIL and niece recently had a 10 day driving holiday down to Dubbo, Mudgee etc and enjoyed it. Whereas normally they’d travel o/s.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Deb, it’s so good to finally be able to get back up here, I really wondered if it would happen for a while there! I’m glad to hear your mum is home and doing well and she’s lucky to have you be able to support her during this time.
      I’m enjoying being up here but the heat and humidity get to me! Staying near the beach at Scarborough is just great.

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  6. Grandchildren are the absolute best. I have two from my daughter who lives 30 minutes away, so am very lucky. Sounds like you’re making the most of life and what it brings

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are very lucky Alison to have them so close. I’m always a bit jealous of people who live so close to their grandchildren but I know I do what I can from a distance. Yes, I’m making the most of life and whatever is thrown at me 😂


  7. Patrick has inherited your big brown eyes. Pleased for you both that you got to be up there to see him turn 1. Love the sign regarding the walkers and cyclists as I am an avid walker and cyclist I try to keep both parties happy. After using my bell and passing then someone screams at me “I didn’t hear your bell”, no pleasing some people 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I think you’re right Suz, he has my eyes! It’s so nice being able to travel up here to be with them and help out. We’re on babysitting duty today and he’s currently asleep so I’m catching up on blog stuff.
      I hear you on the bell ringing, so many people have headphones in and don’t hear us coming on the bike but still get upset as if it’s our fault!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. I love a good taking stock post especially this alphabet version – you are very clever! How wonderful that you’re with the family in Queensland, hope we get to see our families in the UK in the not very distant future. I interviewed Sam Bloom a few years ago on the blog in the She’s so Inspiring series, what an amazing woman. I can’t wait to read the book!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love a good taking stock post too Sammie, i sometimes think they’re my favourite one that just roll off the top of my head and done! I remember your interview now and how inspiring is she?? The books are so good!


  9. Hi Deb – I can just hear your contentment and happiness flowing out of this post – a little bit of a lot of enjoyable things in your life and such a wonderful turnaround from all that last year brought with it. May the joy and boldness contine – and I really need to find some angel wings to have a photo in front of – I just love it every time I see someone doing this!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad my words show that Leanne, and you can get a feel for it. It is indeed a contrast to how last year panned out and I’m glad this year is sorting itself out and taking me along with it. I loved the angel wings photo, I wish I’d gone back when it got dark but am happy with my posing shot here.


  10. I loved your positive post Deb. Enjoy your holiday in Qld! It is the most humid time of the year unfortunately. I don’t think you ever get used to it either. Messenger is the best for keeping in touch with family. Dad even used to use it so we could keep in touch even though he lived in NZ. He would hold his iPad so that only his forehead was showing so it was quite amusing. Take care, Christina


    1. Thanks Donna, it’s been great getting up here and it’s like a different world – a hot and humid world. I’m happy to be Angel Debbie and will definitely keep you posted with photos of blogging catchups. xx


  11. You ARE becoming bold, Deb. good for you!!! (You are already beautiful!) What a great picture of your daughter and her family. Your grandson is just precious! Love that bike riding sign. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Many thanks Laurie, you made me smile 🙂 I love being with my family, it’s been too long between visits. Yes the bike riding sign is fabulous and makes me smile each time I see it. I have shared it before but just had to include it here too.


    1. Yes I know what you mean Lydia, it took me ages to actually book accommodation as I couldn’t actually envisage travelling up north. It’s been great to be here and help out. My ebike is the best thing and we take them everywhere with us when we travel.

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