20 Replies to “Blackberries growing wild in the forest”

    1. I know what you mean!! I wasted a bit of time playing around yesterday I can tell you 🤣 my biggest problem was the size of the photo on my phone had to be changed to fit the ‘story’ app. I’m not sure it worked quite right but I gave it a red hot go!! Good luck!

      Liked by 2 people

    1. It’s OK but I need to know what size the photos should be before uploading them. It is only available through the app on my phone at the moment. Yes maybe travelling will be a good sue for it!


    1. Thanks Deb, this was a practice run of the new WordPress stories and the blackberries are weeds here and usually sprayed, but these ones had been missed in the forest where I walk.


    1. It’s not that easy (yet) Sue as I’m not sure what size the photos should be and I can’t find that out anywhere. Not even sure it looks any good but it’s good to learn new things isn’t it?


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