Sharing some love for #WordlessWednesday

A month of photos during September

Days 1-8

I’m joining my friend Denyse (and others) in her photo word challenge for everyday throughout September.

Denyse has set the words in advance, and invites others to join her using #ShareSeptember2021 #oneword #onephoto #30days, on any social media platforms they use.

I’m mainly sharing mine on Instagram but sometimes on my blog’s Facebook page too.

It occurred to me today with the word #love that so far all the photos I’ve shared could fit into this category, so without further ado, I’ll share my photos so far!

Day 1 – Fun

I love this fun image which I used to represent spring has sprung on 1st September.

Orange slinky 1
Orange slinky

Day 2 – Fair

The word for Day 2 was Fair so I chose these two photos of my fair-headed daughter (left) and her fair-headed son (right) my darling grandson at a similar age – I love them both to bits!

Day 3. – Confidence

I chose this jigsaw puzzle in progress as I have every confidence that the Mathematician will finish it one day! He’s tried before but it’s beaten him but with lockdown currently in progress he’s determined this time he’ll finish it! I love his dedication to the cause – mainly because I have none of it!

Day 4 – Thoughtful

I loved this quote when I found it and used it in my recent Bold update for August post. I also love being Bold this year!

boldness quote
boldness quote

Day 5 – Quiet

It just happened to be Father’s Day here in Australia on Sunday 5 September, so I couldn’t miss the opportunity to share this great photo of the Mathematician, who I love for being a quiet achiever, never wanting the limelight and for being an ever-patient and caring husband, father and grandfather.

Day 6 – Appreciate

I absolutely loved this quirky book and I truly appreciated the opportunity to lose myself in very different worlds during our lockdown time. This book was one of them!

Quirky, over-the-top, fun and nothing at all like the Nancy Drew books I loved as a kid, it was a delight to lose myself in it. Now to read the second one.

The Nancys - a quirky read
The Nancys – a quirky read

Day 7 – Trust

I love orange, and as I said in this caption, trust me to buy a new car with orange trim – inside and on the outside too!

Day 8 – Love

Which brings us to today with Love as the word. I couldn’t go past my magnolia flower photo taken in the recent heavy rain. I just love magnolias!

I hope you can see the LOVE in each of these photos. This also made me smile today.

I appreciate that this isn’t actually a wordless post but who cares? Not me!

Happy Wednesday – lots of love coming your way.

Deb 🙂

All my Wordless Wednesday posts can be found by clicking this link

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Everyone has a story to tell!

Debbie - mother of a 40 year old

Deb is a young-at-heart & active 60+ blogger/retiree, after being made redundant from her 22-year career managing education programs in a men’s correctional centre (jail). She now spends her time reading, blogging, riding her ebike and travelling. Deb was awarded a Bravery Award from the Queen when she was 17 after a tragic accident – a definite life changing moment! She is married with 3 grown-up daughters & has 4 grandchildren. You can read more of Deb’s story here

Copyright © 2021 – All rights reserved

14 Replies to “Sharing some love for #WordlessWednesday”

    1. Copy away Jo! Some would call me lazy for doing it like this but it actually takes a lot of effort!! I’m happy with how it turns out and will continue it this way for the month.


  1. I love it, Debbie – your week in images! My favourite has to be the tribute to your Lovely Mathematician. I now have a face in my minds-eye when you next write of him.

    Thank you for filling this space with so much beauty & love.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What wonderful photos and a great catchup. Good luck to The Mathematician on the Puzzle. The Connolly-Wageman family just finished a 1000-piece (very dark, mono-coloured) jigsaw puzzle. It was definitely a challenge but it led to some great discussions and awesome (no-screen) family time! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

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