Can a simple quiz tell someone what books you might enjoy?

Welcome Readers!

It’s great to have you back for another month of the What’s On Your Bookshelf Challenge, #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge, hosted by SueDonnaJo and of course, me.

Well it’s been another fabulous month of reading for me! How about you?

My reading challenge for 2022 is well under way and I must say I’ve enjoyed a wide range of books so far this year.

reading and cleaning quote
reading and cleaning quote

My mother saw this meme and said it reminded her of me and my reading habits 🙂 I think by now she knows what I’m like, and where my priorities lie, despite her best efforts at raising me differently!

Who are we?

Co-hosts – Sue, Donna, Jo and I are all different, leading very different lives, so it stands to reason all of our WOYBS posts are different too.

Bookclub baking January 2022
Bookclub baking January 2022

So what have I enjoyed reading recently?

  • Still Life by Sarah Winman – 5* absolutely loved this book! I mentioned it in my post last month as I’d just started it and although it was a long book I couldn’t stop reading it! (A paperback given as a gift)
  • The Nightingale by Kirstin Hannah – 5* this was highly recommended and it could have been a let down as I was expecting a lot – but I can assure you it more than delivered!! I’ve now passed it onto my husband to read. (A paperback given as a gift)
  • The Angel of Waterloo by Jackie French – 4* (Borrowed ebook from library BorrowBox app)
  • Anthony Horowitz’s The Word is Murder and The Sentence is Death – very cleverly done and I’ve still got another in the series yet A Line to Kill. (borrowed ebooks from library BorrowBox app)
  • The Shelly Bay Ladies Swimming Circle – by Sophie Green (borrowed from library) – this was delightful book about friendships and life in general. 4*
  • Midnight in Everwood by M.A. Kuzniar – 4* In the darkness of night, magic awaits…The Nutcracker for adults – it was fascinating! (Paperback given as a gift)
Midnight in Everwood
Midnight in Everwood

My review of Midnight in Everwood on Goodreads:

I actually enjoyed this book the more I got into it, although I have to agree with some reviewers that it did start off a bit slow and I wondered where it was going at times.

I will admit to not remembering the whole Nutcracker story from my childhood but it didn’t matter as I felt I had wandered into a fairytale for grownups. I loved the whimsical story, the friendships and the underlying sense of darkness and magic.

Maybe it was what I needed at the moment, an escape into a magical world. 

Currently I’m reading

What I’ve been watching

Just for something different I thought I’d list a few of the shows I’ve been watching as well.

  • Upload (Amazon Prime)
  • Australian Survivor – on Channel 10
  • 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown – the older episodes are still funny 🙂
  • Escape to the Country (UK show) – I don’t even mind if they’re old episodes!
  • Vera – on ABC or Iview
  • Mates on a Mission – TV series on Channel 7
  • Don’t look Up – Netflix movie

Before I go I thought I’d share a great idea

My daughter found a link last week which sounded so interesting! It’s all about Tanya Natalie, a bookshop owner in Sydney, who will put together a selection of second-hand books for you based on a personality quiz she gets you to do online.

So for $50 (including postage in Australia) Tanya Natalie will send you the 5-7 books she has chosen for you.

If you’d like to know what books she recommends for you but would prefer to buy them yourself, for $10 Tanya will send you the list of suggested titles so that you can source them at your local bookshop.

Then there’s The Bookplate’s ‘Book-quet Bundle’

A great gift idea is a book-quet, where you can do a little quiz about a friend or relative, and they will receive a gift wrapped selection of books based on your answers to the quiz, a bit different than just sending flowers!

How clever is that?

Yes I have signed up, done the quiz, paid my money and am now waiting to see what books she has chosen for me. I will write and tell you all about it next month!

Whichever way you look at it, reading is the winner

If you’re into reading feel free to join us, even if it’s just to leave a comment with what you’ve been reading lately. We’ve now added a linkup (at the end of my post) so you can add your posts directly there and see what others have posted for the month as well.

“A novel is a container for 80,000 to 90,000 words and you might see it as a jelly mould. You pour them all in and hope they’ll set.”

Anthony Horowitz, The Sentence is Death

Will you join us?

Sue, Donna, Jo and I hope that you will join us in this fun series!

Don’t forget to tell me about the book(s) you’re reading at the moment!

You can read more from my stunning co-hosts here:

Jo from And Anyways…

Sue from Women Living Well After 50

Donna from Retirement Reflections

We’re all in this together, sharing our love of reading 🙂

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter…

Happy reading to you.

Deb xx

Guidelines for WOYBS:

What: What’s On Your Bookshelf #whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge
When: Third Thursday PM (Northern Hemisphere)/ Third Friday AM (Southern Hemisphere).
Why: Share a love of reading.
Where: Linkup below, Blog, Blog Comments, Instagram or other Social Media.
Who: This linkup is open to everyone.
How: You can share in the comments, with a blog post, or on other social media of your choice. You can use the hashtag #Whatsonyourbookshelfchallenge

You can also find Deb’s World in lots of other places – stay in touch by clicking any of the buttons below.

Copyright © 2024 – All rights reserved

56 Replies to “Can a simple quiz tell someone what books you might enjoy?”

  1. Hi Deb, Great post. What a clever idea that woman has about choosing books for people. She’s the book Netflix. They always post % of how much you would like the film to help you choose. The movie Don’t Look Up is pretty disturbing but well done. You had to laugh at the end. Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I saw someone else mentioned the swimming…I’m being lazy and don’t want to scroll back up to see what it was again…lol. I love the idea of the WOYBS…maybe I’ll try and join sometime. I feel like I’ve been more consistent with my reading, of course, not reading nearly as many books as you ladies have been reading. I love that quiz idea! Too bad I don’t live in Australia.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well it looks like I’ve missed this month’s! How did that happen? I am still in the UK and monitoring my dad’s health also have been away for a dear friend’s funeral. All your books sound interesting and I see you’ve mentioned tv. I was thinking of a challenge like that but then thought sounds like too much work!
    I read The Swift and The Harrier by Minnete Walters, excellent book about The Civil War in England and am now reading The Willow Woman by Laurence Westwood a Chinese detective story. Apologies for long comment 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks for stopping by Alison and don’t apologise for a long comment, I love hearing from readers, what they think, how they reacted etc. You have so much going on in your life at the moment, so I appreciate you letting me know what you’re reading, sounds good!


    1. Isn’t it funny how reviews can differ so much, I try not to look at them but sometimes it’s a shock when seeing how others have felt about something I may have enjoyed. We’re all different!


  4. Debbie, It’s great to catch up on what you’ve been reading. I’ve read and enjoyed The Nightingale. I’m glad you also enjoyed it. You’ve got my vote for more reading and less housework. Thank you for linking up with #weekendcoffeeshare.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m definitely going to check Midnight in Everwood out.. It seems very interesting!
    Oo what a unique idea for a personality quiz!!

    I loved watching Upload.. I’m probably going to re-watch it again since s2 is coming out next month!!! How are you liking it?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The personality quiz book bundle is an interesting idea. Since I am in the U.S. I would just get a list. I was looking for other bookstores that did this in the U.S. and I found out there were none. I’ve been seeing people read “Midnight in Everwood” around the blogosphere, I’ll add that to my “to be read” pile.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was an idea that really appealed to me too Julie and very innovative given recent dire circumstances! Midnight in Everwood was completely different to what I thought at first, it definitely grew on me.


    1. Yes I’m keen to see the books she recommends too, I’ll be sure to post about it! It’s a cool idea given her business was suffering during the lockdowns, I think it’s clever diversification!


  7. I literally just grabbed A Still Life on the library app last night. Looking forward to some light reading as I am currently immersed in ADHD books x 4. Will try to link up in a timely fashion this go around!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you enjoy Still Life Bernie, let me know! It will be very different to your recent readings about ADHD, that’s for sure and far more enjoyable I’ll bet!


  8. Hi Deb great to catch up with what you’ve been reading. The only one of your books that I’ve read is The Nightingale. I loved it. The only TV show on your list that I’ve been watching is Vera. It’s a fabulous show, The quiz looks really interesting.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think Vera is a fabulous character Jen! I’m keen to see what books come back based on my responses to the quiz. Yes everyone, maybe even you, said The Nightingale was good and I’m so pleased I enjoyed it!


  9. I need to write a book review post. It has been a blue moon since I have shared anything on my bookshelf.
    Pinned the Nutcracker book and the swimming club book. Sound like very good reads.
    Cannot wait to read your review of the book-quet. What a fun idea!! I would like doing that myself. Putting books together for folks. Guess that is kind of what I did as a librarian.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Deb, My initial response to your title/question is, “no.” Yet, I am curious where you are going with this introduction.

    I love the Bookclub baking photo smiles!

    Ahh, I now ‘get it’ about the personality quiz. Both of your suggestions are clever. Overall, my tastes are diverse and eclectic and depends on my mood. The past few months I have been diving into all types of writing books and writing magazines. Fascinating philosophies, tips and gems.

    I look forward to reading about your results. Thank you for sharing a great post, Deb! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Erica, lovely to have you visit 🙂 Our baking photos are always fun! I’m sure your reading is diverse and interesting, just like you. Glad you enjoyed my post and saw what I was alluding to in my title.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. When I worked full time and had kids at home I only read during holidays. So maybe 6 books a year. Before kids and now in semi retirement lots more but I don’t use any kind of app so can’t give you a number at all. Love your rabbit hole research! Also that one peace booked looked like something I could use right now. Bernie

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Deb – I’m too frugal to risk $50 on a stranger’s book selections, but I must admit it sounds like a fun idea and I’ll be interested to see what she sends you. And BTW I love 8 out of 10 Cats – it always gives me a laugh (even the dodgy stuff that should make me blush!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I get what you mean Leanne, but I see it as a way of helping a struggling business out as well as a bit of fun, as I can always regift the books once I’ve finished with them.
      So many dodgy moments on 8 out of 10 Cats :), makes me laugh though!


  13. That quiz is a great idea. There’s a regular column in The Times now where Mariela Frostrup prescribes books based on readers problems. I’m really interested in what you think of Kate Ellis’ book as it’s one that appealed to me.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Hi, Debbie – “More reading and less housework,” we definitely need t-shirts that say this. I love this post and your brimming enthusiasm for reading…and for life in general. 😀 You’ve made me want to drop everything and read, read, read! I agree that The Nightingale is a fantastic book. I look forward to reading more from Kristin Hannah. And Book Quizes and Book Bouquets?! Yes, please!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes to tshirts with that quote on them Donna! I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed my post, we all come at these monthly posts with different things and learn from each other along the way! I just love it!

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi Deb what a great read and that quiz is a fabulous idea isn’t it? I’ve not read Midnight in Everwood but I adored Still Life and I want to go back to Florence (it brought back wonderful memories). I’ve also loved both of the Sophie Green books and have found another of hers about a book club! (right up our alley). Thanks for co-hosting What’s On Your Bookshelf? here’s to another month of happy reading and less housework! xx

    Liked by 2 people

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