Is there a difference between ‘celebrating your achievements’ and ‘showing off’?

I seriously want to know what you think

I recently shared an achievement on social media, about riding my ebike, and was feeling pretty good.

I’m 61, reasonably fit and committed to keeping up my level of activity as I age – it’s got so many benefits. Riding my ebike keeps me feeling young, and young at heart, and helps my body stay in shape.

Have you ever flown down a hill on a bike at over 35kms an hour – it’s invigorating to say the least (and yes maybe a bit stupid) but I can’t stop grinning all the way down the hill and feel so alive!


Showing off?

After posting my little message and a few photos celebrating my achievement, I got a comment, to the effect that I’m now ‘showing off’. It was probably meant to be a ‘fun’ comment but it rankled at the time. Am I too sensitive perhaps?

Am I guilty of showing off or am I letting others know that I don’t see my age as a limiting factor in my quest to stay active into the future. Therefore it could be seen to be inspiring others to take the plunge of riding a bike or doing something similar as they age. I’m celebrating my achievements!

A few other friends have said similar things lately – they get negative comments about their life choices, their passions, or receive disparaging remarks when they share their achievements – like whether to run a marathon or take on something big – it might not be everyone’s cup of tea but good on them for being committed to taking on the rigorous training and following through.

I am always inspired by people who make these sorts of commitments and invariably tell them how excited I am and wish them well in their endeavours. That’s being supportive!

Is there a difference between celebrating your achievements and showing off?

Do you think there is a difference between ‘celebrating your achievements’ and ‘showing off’? Keen to hear your thoughts as I’m trying to write something along the lines of a woman over a certain age celebrating her wins without being seen as a bragger or show off.

I asked this question on my Facebook page and had many positive comments, which I’ve shared below:

  • Celebrate your wins. You deserve it. You don’t strike me as a person who brags.
  • Celebrate your achievements compared to the standard. Bragging occurs when you compare to others with the aim of highlighting your superiority! Maybe? Not well expressed!
  • I think over a certain age if we achieve something new we are proud of ourselves and I certainly do think it’s bragging just simply pride.
  • Crikey! It’s only the concern about “what others might think/say” & THAT is “their problem” not yours! Would you ever see a ahem, man write that? Go, write & share!
  • I think it helps all of us to look back on our life & realise just how much we have achieved.
  • At my age, wins are a personal triumph. Just enjoy every moment and love time with family and friends.
  • Time to celebrate and enjoy every minute of it.xx share the joy .
  • Celebrate your wins for sure. It isn’t bragging it’s acknowledging your achievements, so go you x
  • Go for it! You have a wonderful natural style.
  • No one else is going to celebrate them for you – I say go for it & be proud of all your achievements!!
  • Celebrate, brag, tell everyone, shout from treetops, we will all be reading, listening and celebrating with you.
  • Go for it Deb.
  • Celebrate away! I’ll cheer you on..
  • We all celebrate with you 😀 Love hearing about wonderful happenings.

I don’t have any big news to share at the moment, but if I did, I know it would be well received based on these comments.

In these days of social media, influencers, hype, some of the honesty and authenticity can get lost. I’m not into trying to be something I’m not, what you see or read is what you get!

My youngest daughter also said it depends on how it’s done, how you go about sharing news, and as long as you are humble and honest then it’s nor bragging. When did she become so wise??

The not so gentle art of humble bragging

Do you know what humble bragging is?

A statement in which you pretend to be modest but which you are really using as a way of telling people about your success or achievements. Source

There’s a fine line between being humble and bragging!

This New York Times article was a great find too – Etiquette Lessons for the Braggart

There are many reasons people feel the need to publicize their successes, ranging from sharing the joy to one-upping. But what research shows is that talking about ourselves just feels good.


So to brag (or celebrate) or not? Professor Whitbourne suggests stopping before you open your mouth or type something and asking: “What are you trying to accomplish? What is your goal? You have to ask yourself, ‘Why am I sharing my information?’ ”

It’s a good question.

Your thoughts?

What are your thoughts? I’m really interested to know what you think. Ageing is hard enough in many ways and celebrating your achievements is important in my opinion.

celebrate – I am affirmations

I know I will continue to celebrate my accomplishments, no matter how small!

Thanks for your visit and I’d love to hear from you.

Deb xx

Linking up with Natalie for #weekendcoffeeshare

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72 Replies to “Is there a difference between ‘celebrating your achievements’ and ‘showing off’?”

  1. As we age, we get fewer pats on the back, winks or glances; (we) the unseen. I believe we slip under the radar, not quite in the eye line. The beauty of a youthful bloom has dissapated, now our personslities, experiences and anacdotal memories are the most interesting (ear catching) pieces of us. Yes, we now have the essence of life to offer; the best bits. The parts I mention take a bit of work to be seen, a glance won’t reveal us/me. Others need to work at it a bit. They need to spend time, have conversations make our aquaintance to reveal us. So when It happens, that something new, the feeling we had learning or acheiving something for the first time, we shiuld celebrate. Add a new quivver to our bow, if we are proud or excited, we should celebrate the small stuff, it is what makes us, … us.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Everyone deserves to celebrate their achievements! I don’t think it’s bragging unless you are saying it in a way that implies you are better than others.

    Liked by 1 person

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