Come join me for a Taking Stock post

Why do I like writing a Taking Stock post?

I like the idea of stopping for a few minutes and thinking about these one word prompts – it helps clear my head and reminds me of what a full life I’m lucky to lead.

So every few months (or so) I try to write a Taking Stock post, alternating between A-Z prompts (like I did in February 2023) and the original prompts (thanks to Denyse at Denyse Whelan Blogs, who got them from someone else!).

I like this quote attributed to Queen Elizabeth II, so it seems she was a fan of Taking Stock every now and again too:

We all need to get the balance right between action and reflection. With so many distractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock.

Queen Elizabeth II

To answer the prompts, I usually give myself a few moments to process the word and then write my first thoughts. I try not to spend too much time analysing my answers, it’s better when it just flows out of my head!

This is my second Taking Stock post for the year 🙂

I hope you also enjoy reading my responses.

Admiring: Nature in all her glory!

Becoming: An explorer.

Curious: About everything!

Delighted: We have visitors arriving for Easter, which will include an Easter Egg hunt of course!

Excited: Our next trip to see my daughter and granddaughter in the UK is getting closer by the day!

Feeling: Pretty comfortable in my own skin.

Going: To look after my granddaughter for a few days in the school holidays.

Helping: This made me think of the song by the Little River Band, Help Is On Its Way from back in the day – 1977 to be exact when I was just 17! I’ve just gone down a rabbit hole, and here’s some of the lyrics and a clip for you, if you’ve never heard this song before 🙂

Why are you in so much hurry?
Is it really worth the worry?
Look around, then slow down

What’s it like inside the bubble?
Does your head ever give you trouble?
It’s no sin, trade it in

Hang on, help is on its way
I’ll be there as fast as I can
“Hang on”, a tiny voice did say
From somewhere deep inside the inner man

Imploring: Don’t steal other people’s work!

Joking: Wondering how my eldest daughter can be turning 40 next month!

Knowing: I must be older than I feel if my daughter is about to turn 40.

Loving: Seeing my grandchildren’s happy faces on video calls.

Making: The most of warm autumn sunshine while it lasts.

Next: Looking forward to catching up with a friend for morning tea this week.

Observing: The autumn colours starting to appear as the days get shorter and cooler.

hello autumn
hello autumn downunder

Posting: My thoughts on my blog because I can 🙂

Questioning: How can it be April already??

Reading: A Gentleman in Moscow.

Staying: Active by riding my bike most days.

Debbie and her bike at the beach
Debbie and her bike at the beach

Trying: To get organised for my upcoming year as Club President of our Rotary Club.

Understanding: You can never rest on your laurels. I loved being President in 2011/12 but this time I’m not nearly as organised or as enthusiastic if I’m being honest!

Viewing: Alone Australia a new series just started on SBS TV – Ten Australians are dropped off alone in separate areas of the Tasmanian wilderness where they must deal with the forces of nature, hunger, and loneliness. The last one standing wins $250000.

Welcoming: The clocks have gone back so our family in Australia is now all on the same time-zone and it’s no longer pitch black when I get up of a morning.

X (our choice): Explore is such a great Word of the Year for me this year.

Yes: To Hot Cross Buns…and chocolate but only because it’s Easter!

Happy Easter
Happy Easter

Z – (our choice): Zany is one word that could describe me from time to time! amusingly unconventional and idiosyncratic

As I said before, I’ve decided to alternate between the A-Z lists and original lists in my Taking Stock posts. Next time it will be back to the original prompts.

I hope you’ve enjoyed my Taking Stock this month, it’s such a great way to get a few thoughts out of my head.

Do you have a favourite prompt from the list I’ve used?

Hope you have a great week ahead.

Deb xx

Joining Denyse for her weekly linkup Wednesday’s Words and Pics

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51 Replies to “Come join me for a Taking Stock post”

  1. What a joyful Taking Stock. Thanks for the shout out. I cannot believe it’s NEXT Month you are going back to the UK. And for the best reasons of all: the family. You’ve reminded me that I have not done a Taking Stock this year at all. You are the Epitome of A Curious Explorer, and you live life so very well. Thank you for sharing your post with the Wednesday’s Words and Pics community this week. I hope, if you are enjoying a long weekend for Easter, that it is going well. See you next week, I hope. Denyse.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My pleasure Denyse, I always like to give a shoutout whenever I can! I have been telling my family that after Easter we only have 4 (yes FOUR) full weekends before we go, I can’t believe that! I think it’s about time you did a Taking Stock post 🙂 I am trying hard to be a curious explorer and think I’m managing quite well so far, thanks for the encouragement. x


    1. Thanks Min, I have been playing a Little River Band playlist all weekend and loving the memories that come flooding back! I was so pleased when i found that quote by the Queen, and I am full of the belief that she wrote it and practised ‘taking stock’ in her life. Hope you’ve enjoyed your Easter x


  2. I love a good Taking Stock post and you’re so clever with all your alphabetical prompts! Congrats on your presidency and soon you will be able to enjoy our northern hemisphere spring and summer sunshine 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Not long until we head that way now Sammie and I can’t wait. As it starts to cool down here it’s warming up (a bit) over there!! I do enjoy a Taking Stock post as it can cover so much in one post, you are a queen at it too 🙂


  3. This is such a fun post and I’ve made myself a template so I can do this every couple of months. I’m not sure if I’ll ever make a public post about it but it’s a good way to look at what’s going on in the here & now 🙂 Thanks!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Deb, I really love your A to Z taking stock.
    I have just read ‘A Gentleman in Moscow” What an incredibly good book. It will stay with you for a long time.
    Definitely admiring nature here is S.A. Alway an explorer and curious about everything. When that stops – I guess I’ll be nearly dead!
    I love the Queen’s quote.
    Enjoy Easter and all the treats it brings. Healthy eating can begin again on Tuesday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much! A Gentleman in Moscow was a lovely story full of history and life angst. The Queen’s quote was a great find and she sums it up perfectly doesn’t she? I’m looking forward to a few hot cross buns over the long weekend. Enjoy your Easter time too.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Fantastic, a Taking Stock post! You have so much to look forward to Deb. I remember being shocked when my son turned 40. It just crept up on me and now he’s going to be 50 next year. I’ve been looking forward to Amone as I watched the American series. A big yes to hot cross buns from me. Happy Easter to you and your family Deb.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Jen, I am shocked too at my daughter turning 40, I can remember clearly my own 40th party and it doesn’t seem that long ago! Have a lovely Easter Jen x


  6. What a fun post! I smiled when I saw what you had put for K. Do you think we should ask our kids to start lying about their ages? They are making us seem old 😉
    Isn’t it lovely when the clocks change? Of course ours have just changed in the other direction, we went forward an hour – oh how I love longer, lighter days.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great idea Deb, let’s tell them to stop being so honest about their age!!! I’m happy for you having longer, lighter days as ours start to close in on us. I’m keeping a track of the weather over there for my packing will start soon 🙂


    1. Thanks Gail, I prioritise things and make lots of lists to help keep me on track. I love filling my days but also take time to just rest as that’s essential!


  7. Hi Deb. I really admire that you seem to have such a positive attitude all the time. Your attitude is contagious! I just need to unplug from the news, and social media, so I can get back to feeling good. I’m doing a little self-reflection as well, lately. I’m trying to decide where I want to go with blogging. I enjoyed the writing part, but I didn’t enjoy what is involved in keeping it up. I do want to do something where I connect with others, in my age group, from all over the world. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Deb.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Christina, I do try to stay positive most of the time and I’m so grateful for the lifestyle I have. I like to see the good in the world rather than the bad and sad. Wishing you well with your blogging and reflecting on how to move on, I know what you mean, upkeep is hard work!


  8. Hi Deb – congrats on another presidential year with Rotary – you’ll probably be more relaxed this time around and enjoy it even more. Glad daylight saving is over for you – I’m so glad it keeps getting tossed out in WA – I hate dark mornings! And I also can’t believe my children are older than I feel (most of the time) and so much more confident and on the ball than I was at their age!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I’ll be very relaxed this time around as President Leanne and will be using my powers of delegation to great effect! The dark mornings were really getting to me too so I’m much happier waking up to light again. It’s so weird knowing our children are now real bonafide grownups!


  9. I enjoyed reading your taking stock post. I especially loved the curious about everything. That certainly helps with becoming an explorer!

    Liked by 2 people

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