On being made redundant…..

My thoughts on being made redundant Meaning: not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous. Synonyms:  Unnecessary, not required, inessential, unessential, needless, unneeded, uncalled for, dispensable, disposable, expendable. unwanted, useless  Back in 2016, I was sitting and talking with my sister at her hospital bed and it was therapeutic for both of us.   For …

Jailhouse Blues by Murray Cook

This article was written by Murray Cook, a fellow teacher at Long Bay Correctional Centre in Sydney and was published in the Sydney Morning Herald on Saturday 27/8/16.  He sums it up very well and adds a human element to our case. Jailhouse Blues: Premier's decision will rock may lives Pottering around the Blue Mountains …

Education beats crime every day

Education beats crime

The importance of Education in jails I know I've mentioned it before on my blog (Not a good week, Wednesday 11/5/16, and this BuzzFeed interview) but I thought I'd share my latest foray into speaking out about this very important issue.  I was interviewed by a local TV station during the week and I don't know about you but I …