5 seconds on Friday – worlds away

My week from Friday to Friday in 50 words…

Weekend at the coast,
Fun times meeting Rotary exchange students
Walks along the beach at sunrise, warm sunny days
Long drive home, stop in Canberra for some essential shopping
Bought an orange suitcase!
Stressy sort of week, body trying to tell me something?
Melbourne, appendix rumbling, doctor visit…..?

Next week’s 5 seconds on Friday will tell you what my body was trying to tell me!!

Have orange suitcase will travel!
Have orange suitcase will travel!

Here’s a link to my page of 5 seconds on Friday where I attempt to wrap up my week between Fridays in 50 words or less – it should only take you 5 seconds to read it!!

I also clocked up 100 posts during the week. Read my 100th post here. 

100 posts under my belt this week
100 posts under my belt this week
Springtime blossoms
Springtime blossoms

Deb 🙂

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