5 seconds on Friday – Healing in the spring sunshine

Recovery, recuperation, restful, relaxing, reading, all remarkably enjoyable,
Despite no running or riding.
Gentle strolling replaces manic action,
Off the merry-go-round while my
body mends
More sad news during the week,
appreciating the quiet, my family, the garden, my friends
everything is easier with healing spring sunshine.

I have set myself the challenge of wrapping up the week between Fridays in 50 words or less, usually with a photo or two. Take a look at my previous entries on my 5 seconds on Friday page. It should only take 5 seconds to read!

Happy bright flowers to help recovery process
Happy bright flowers to help recovery process
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Deb 🙂

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2 Replies to “5 seconds on Friday – Healing in the spring sunshine”

  1. Thank you of keeping us informed as to your current health status. Play it cool and keep fit.

    We were in the foyer of the cinema one group was quite loud and the one word that came floating out amongst gabble, wasCROATIA. I felt like breaking into the conversation by saying…saying “my daughter is going to “Croatia”.- but I didn’t Noel

    Liked by 1 person

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