Weekly Photo Challenge: Ephemeral – So quick I almost missed it


Cold crispy morning

Tucked up in bed as warm as toast

Chance peek out the window

A layer of fog over the vineyard

Beautiful sunlight streaming through the misty fog

Filtered sunlight

Lighting up the paddock, the vineyard the mountains

Misty fog and sunlight

With the special light of a new day.

Early monring light

Capture the images before they go

Sun up

To become just another memory.

My favourite

Ephemeral at its best!

This week’s photo challenge is Ephemeral – there are some great photos on this!

1. Lasting for a very short time.

As Krista says:

One thing I love about taking photos is that it forces me to be present — to consider and appreciate now, before now evaporates and becomes then.

This is exactly how I felt this morning when I saw the sunrise and the misty fog. The good news is that we get to do it all again another day.

Have a great weekend!

Deb 🙂

17 Replies to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Ephemeral – So quick I almost missed it”

  1. Gorgeous use of ephemeral. I love these photos, love the vista. There is something about the mist that calls to me in general, but this low-lying swath of mist in the morning sun is wonderful! Lucky you to have captured it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your comments sum up exactly how I felt when I saw the misty fog and the sunshine that morning. It was wonderful and I too am glad that I captured it. I am lucky to have this view every morning, but not usually so spectacular. Thanks!


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